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feature: notifications
feature: notifications
Push-Notifications and In-App-Notifications.
feature: onboarding
feature: onboarding
The steps (setting username, courses, etc.) after creating a new account.
feature: qr code scanner
feature: qr code scanner
Includes everything that is related to our qr code scanner package.
feature: report
feature: report
Users can report content inside Sharezone (e.g. if an info sheet contains hate speech).
feature request
feature request
An idea for a new feature. It's open if we are going to implement this or not.
feature: sharezone plus
feature: sharezone plus
Includes everything that is related to the Sharezone Plus subscription
feature: substitutions
feature: substitutions
Mark lessons as being substituted (e.g. location changes or lesson is canceled)
feature: timetable / calendar
feature: timetable / calendar
Includes anything regarding lessons (timetable) and events (calendar).
feature: universal file features
feature: universal file features
File features (downloading, preview, etc.) that are used by multiple Sharezone features.
feature: video conference
feature: video conference
A course has a video-conferencing room which can be used for e.g. remote teaching.
Pull requests that update GitHub Actions code
good first issue
good first issue
This issue is good for new contributors. Easy to fix.
help wanted
help wanted
Extra attention is needed
This doesn't seem right
Regarding Licenses, Policy updates, Warnings to users (that might cause trouble if not there) etc.
performance / efficiency
performance / efficiency
Can include how fast something is processed but also how much data / battery is used.
platform: android
platform: android
platform: ios
platform: ios
platform: macos
platform: macos
platform: web
platform: web
Further information is requested
Restructuring and cleaning up existing code without changing its existing behaviour.
safe to test
safe to test
Used for fork PRs when the code is safe to test to trigger our CI.
sharezone cli
sharezone cli
technical debt
technical debt
ui: dark-mode
ui: dark-mode
ui: large screen
ui: large screen