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Thor Brigsted edited this page Sep 5, 2019 · 30 revisions

Welcome to the xNode wiki! This wiki, although under heavy development, will serve as documentation for the plugin.

If you are a new xNode user, head over to getting started.

For certain reasons, I have chosen not to maintain an API documentation on this wiki. Instead I recommend looking through the source code, or exploring classes through IntelliSense, as most code is thoroughly commented.

Quick overview

  • xNode is a framework for node-based behaviour trees

  • xNode is not a visual scripting tool

  • Node.cs is a base class which all node types must derive from.

  • NodeEditor.cs is a base class which all custom node editors must derive from.

  • NodeGraph.cs is a base class which all graph types must derive from.

  • NodeGraphEditor.cs is a base class which all custom graph editors must derive from.

xNode in games

xNode in plugins & other projects

User snippets

Feel free to submit your own user snippets here

What users say about xNode

I just downloaded xNode. Only spent like 20 minutes on it, and I already have something I think I will replace Adventure Creator's node scripting editor with, for our next project.

Absolutely love xNode so far

HaraldOst 16 May, 2019

Been using the xNode for few hours now, and must say it is pretty good Tried some "Visual Scripting" solutions out there and they were all so heavily oriented towards people who can't code and I just wanted a barebone state machine where I can make custom nodes, to use for players progress through the game so this fits that purpose perfectly!

May 9, 2019

Working on moving from NEF to xNode and so far everything seems to be rather painless, just thought i'd join here in case I had any questions or comments, but so far, loving xNode! Great work

Dec 12, 2018

Just here to say hi and thanks for xNode smiley It is very well documented and easy to implement

Dec 5, 2018

Ok perfect, it's working great and very usable for this use case. I only wish I knew about this sooner. Could have made the whole project like this

Nov 30, 2018

awesome library! Thanks for sharing it

Nov 14, 2018

i wanna say thank you for making xNode i loved it ,it mean a lot to me because of xNode make it too easy to build my own tools, and i will used in my graduate project,and in my games ,now i have a lot of ideas to make with xNode ,i think is xNode will be my friend at least for 6 months mybe more ..... thank you thank you and thank you to making xNode .... i still have a lot questions put I will keep it for the next days...

Seb 23, 2018

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