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Thor Brigsted edited this page Feb 27, 2018 · 23 revisions

Any class deriving from Node is automatically registered as a node in the graph editor, and can be added via the right-click menu. A simple node with a single input and a single output can look like this:

public class SimpleNode : Node {
    [Input] public float value;
    [Output] public float result;

When another node asks for the output of this node, the method object GetValue(NodePort port); is called. You need to override it in order to have your node return something sensible. In this example, we will just return the input value.

// Returns value + 1
public class SimpleNode : Node {
    [Input] public float value;
    [Output] public float result;

    public override object GetValue(NodePort port) {
        // Check which output is being requested. 
        // In this node, there aren't any other outputs than "result".
        if (port.fieldName == "result") {
            // Return input value + 1
            return GetInputValue<float>("value", this.value) + 1;

Context menu

By default, the context menu path will be based upon namespace and class name. If you wish to change this, you can use the [CreateNodeMenu] class attribute. Simply add it to your class and supply it with your desired path.

  • [CreateNodeMenu("MyMathNodes/Subtraction")]


Nodes types can be tinted for easier grouping and overview. To do this, simply add a [NodeTint] attribute to your node class, and supply it with either a hex color string, or 3 floats representing rgb.

  • [NodeTint("#ffaaaa")]
  • [NodeTint(1.0f, 0.8f, 0.8f)]
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