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Documentation creation

Skurydin Alexey edited this page Jun 4, 2015 · 4 revisions

Documenting code

The fullest comment block for our wiki looks like this one

* \brief Brief description
* \param[out] dest arg description
* \param[in] src arg description
* \return what sub return
* \author[s] YourNickname in github [email]
* \date
* \version
* \bug
* \warning
* \copyright
* \example
* \todo
* Full description

void method_or_function_name () {

To create block this automaticaly:

  • Preferences->C/C++->Editor->Documentation tool comments->Workspace default: select Doxygen
  • Type /** above target function
  • Press Enter


This block should be before function/method code. To group files or classes use tags

\defgroup [groupnick] [froup description] 

to define group and

\addtogroup [groupnick] 

to add to group

Note that group should be defined only once per project. If some module is submodule for another one use

\addtogroup [groupnick] 
    \ingoup [parent_gtoupnick]

There is lots of other tags and methods, but I hope above tags should be enough

Doxygen generation and Github wiki page

Now we need to generate html pages and put to wiki. First we create wiki on github

  1. Go to[yournick]/Sming/settings -> Automatic page generator -> Launch automatic page generator.
  2. Select template whatever you want.
  3. Install doxygen from here
  4. Go to Sming repo dir. Put this file to dir

Now create repo with wiki site. Thic command help you

git clone -b gh-pages[yournick]/Sming.git ./../Sming-wiki

And finally do


Generated html where in Sming-wiki dir. Now you can push changes from dir Sming-wiki and Whola - you have site http://[yournick]

More details: