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Migrating from Sming v3.8.x to v4

Mike edited this page Apr 30, 2019 · 7 revisions

Migrating from Sming v3.8.x to v4


With the new Sming version 3.9.0 there will be a lot of backwards incompatible changes. This page is provided to help with migrating your applications.

Header files

The folder structure has been revised to provide support for additional architectures, such as the ESP32.


Please change

#include <SmingCore/SmingCore.h>


#include <SmingCore.h>


This file is generally #included ahead of everything else so that common architecture-specific definitions are available. Unless you've made changes to the file, it is not required and you should delete it: Sming provides a default which will be used.

If you have made customisations, please amend the file as follows:

#pragma once
#include_next <user_config.h>

<< User Customisations here >>

uart driver

If you use the uart.h directly in your application, you will need to change

#include "espinc/uart.h"


#include <driver/uart.h>

Application Makefile


`include $(SMING_HOME)/`


`include $(SMING_HOME)/`


With Sming 3.9.0, ArduinoJson has been updated to Version 6 from version 5. See the Version 6 Migration Guide for details.