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A bundle to manage feature flags & A/B tests

this bundle is not production-ready - some features have not been fully developed or tested


Feature flags

Features are defined in the application configuration. Features can be enabled/disabled :

  • using the provided admin controller (global level),
  • by your application (session level),
  • using the provided front-end controller (session level),
  • by adding a request parameter to the page url (page level).

A feature can have the following default state :

  • disabled-always : the feature is disabled and cannot be enabled,
  • disabled-hidden : the feature is disabled, and cannot be globally enabled. It can be enabled for development/testing purposes using the front-end session controller or the request parameter,
  • disabled : the feature is disabled and can be enabled,
  • enabled : the feature is enabled and can be disabled,
  • enabled-always : the feature is always enabled, and cannot de disabled.

A/B Testing

A feature can have multiple variations. The list of variations is defined in your configuration file, and it is your responsibility to modify your templates according to those variations.

Variations are automatically chosen by the bundle, but can be changed :

  • by your application (session level),
  • using the provided front-end controller (session level),
  • by adding a request parameter to the page url (page level).

The service provides a simple success/failure couting mechanism. You can also use your favorite external analytics service.


The basic configuration is :

            host: "host:port,host:port"
            state: [enabled|enabled-always|disabled|disabled-hidden|disabled-always]
            description: used for the admin page
            variations: list of variation names

Other options :

  • socloz_feature_flag.options.redis.prefix: prefix for redis keys (default : socloz_feature_flag)

Using feature flags

Testing if a feature is enabled for the current user :


if ($this->get('socloz_feature_flag.feature')->isEnabled('feature_name')) { [...] }


{% if feature_is_enabled('feature_name') %}...{% endif %}

Enabling/disabling a feature for the current user :



Using A/B Testing

Getting the feature variation for the current user :


if ($this->get('socloz_feature_flag.abtesting')->getFeatureVariation('feature_name') == 'A') { [...] }


{% if ab_variation('feature_name') == 'A' %}...{% endif %}

Couting transactions :



Analytics call :


{{ ab_tracking('feature_name') }}

Admin interface

The admin interface is located at /feature-flag/admin/features.

To use the admin interface, you must load the admin routes in routing.yml:

    resource: "@SoclozFeatureFlagBundle/Resources/config/routing/admin.xml"
    prefix:   /feature-flag/admin

The twig template use Twitter Bootstrap CSS classes, but does not include Twitter Bootstrap.

You can override the layout by creating a app/Resources/SoclozFeatureBundle/views/layout-admin.html.twig file, such as :

{% extends "AcmeAdminBundle::layout.html.twig" %}
{% block my_block %}
    {% block socloz_feature_flag %}
    {% endblock socloz_feature_flag %}
{% endblock %}

You have to secure the admin route in your security.yml file :

    - { path: ^/feature-flag/admin/, role: IS_AUTHENTICATED_FULLY }

Use whatever role is appropriate...

Front-end controllers

If you want to be able to switch features or variations for the current session, load the corresponding routes :

  resource: "@SoclozFeatureFlagBundle/Resources/config/routing/feature.xml"
  prefix:   /feature-flag
  resource: "@SoclozFeatureFlagBundle/Resources/config/routing/ab_testing.xml"
  prefix:   /feature-flag

You can toggle a service for the current session using /feature-flag/{feature name}/enable and /feature-flag/{feature name}/disable.

You can change variation for the current session using /feature-flag/{feature name}/change_variation/{variation}.

The controllers redirect to the route configured as socloz_feature_flag.options.base.redirect (use route names).

You can display the feature state or variation using /feature-flag/{feature name}/status or /feature-flag/{feature name}/ab_status

Page-level toggles

You can change variation or toggle features using query string parameters :

  • socloz_feature_flag_{feature name}_enabled (0 to disable, 1 to enable)
  • socloz_feature_flag_{feature name}_variation (add the variation name)

Google Analytics

The Google Analytics implementation expects that you use the async Google Analytics tag. If your tag looks like this :

var _gaq = _gaq || [];
_gaq.push(['_setAccount', 'UA-XXXXX-X']);

everything is fine. If it does not look like it, analytics won't work.

A single custom variable (session level) is used for all features. Therefore, you have to use the same variation set for all your features, and use the socloz_feature_flag.splitter.shared_random splitter (see below).

The custom variable can be configured using :

  • socloz_feature_flag.google_analytics.variable_id (id of the variable, default 1)
  • socloz_feature_flag.google_analytics.variable_name (name of the variable, default socloz_feature_flag_variation)

Advanced configuration

All internal services can be overloaded :

Splitter service

Configuration :

The splitter service chooses a variation for the current user. The available splitters are :

  • socloz_feature_flag.splitter.random (default) : chooses a random variation
  • socloz_feature_flag.splitter.shared_random : tries to use the same variation for feature having the same variation set (useful for Google Analytics)

A custom splitter can be written. It must implement Socloz\FeatureFlagBundle\ABTesting\Splitter\SplitterInterface.

Transaction service

Configuration :

The transaction service counts successful transactions.

There is only one transaction implemented : socloz_feature_flag.transaction.session.

A custom transaction service can be written. It must implement Socloz\FeatureFlagBundle\ABTesting\Transaction\TransactionInterface.

State services

Configuration :

The features states for the current user are stored/recalled from a list of state services. State is written to all services, and is read from the first one.

The default is : [socloz_feature_flag.state.request, socloz_feature_flag.state.session].

  • socloz_feature_flag.state.request reads the query string and does not write anywhere,
  • socloz_feature_flag.state.session reads/writes the session.

A custom state service can be written. It must implement Socloz\FeatureFlagBundle\State\StateInterface.

Storage service

Configuration :

The storage service stores global data (feature states, counts, ...)

The default is :

A custom storage service can be written. It must implement Socloz\FeatureFlagBundle\Storage\StorageInterface.

Analytics service

Configuration :

The storage service generates the HTML code used to call the external analytics service.

The default is :

A custom analytics service can be written. It must implement Socloz\FeatureFlagBundle\Analytics\AnalyticsInterface.


This bundle is released under the MIT license (see LICENSE).