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c3032c7 · Nov 8, 2024


115 lines (103 loc) · 4.36 KB

File metadata and controls

115 lines (103 loc) · 4.36 KB

Inbound broadcasts notifications when patrol helicopters, supply drops, hackable crates, cargo ships, Excavator, Bradley, or Chinook are active / inbound.


  "Notifications": {
    "Chat Notifications": true,
    "Popup Notifications": false
  "Discord Messages": {
    "Enabled": false,
    "Webhook URL": "",
    "Embedded Messages": true,
    "Embed Color": 3447003,
    "Embed Title": ":arrow_lower_right:  Inbound"
  "UI Notify": {
    "Enabled": false,
    "Notification Type": 0
  "Alerts": {
    "Patrol Helicopter Alerts": true,
    "Cargo Ship Alerts": true,
    "Cargo Ship Harbor Alerts": true,
    "Cargo Plane Alerts": true,
    "CH47 Chinook Alerts": true,
    "Bradley APC Alerts": true,
    "Travelling Vendor Alerts": true,
    "Excavator Activated Alerts": true,
    "Excavator Supply Request Alerts": true,
    "Hackable Crate Alerts": true,
    "Player Hacking Crate Alerts": true,
    "Supply Signal Alerts": true,
    "Supply Drop Alerts": true,
    "Supply Drop Landed Alerts": true
  "Location": {
    "Show Grid": true,
    "Show 'Oil Rig' Labels": true,
    "Show 'Cargo Ship' Label": true,
    "Show 'Excavator' Label": true,
    "Hide Unmarked Grids": true,
    "Show Coordinates": false,
    "Hide Y Coordinate": false,
    "Hide Coordinate Decimals": false
  "Misc": {
    "Chat Icon (SteamID64)": 0,
    "Hide Cargo Ship Crate Messages": false,
    "Hide Oil Rig Crate & Chinook Messages": false,
    "Show Supply Drop Player": false,
    "Hide Player-Called Supply Drop Messages": false,
    "Hide Random Supply Drop Messages": false
  "Logging": {
    "Log To Console": false,
    "Log To File": false,
    "Log All Events": false
  "Version (Do not modify)": {
    "Major": 0,
    "Minor": 6,
    "Patch": 9
  • Show Supply Drop Player will add the name of the player who called in a Cargo Plane / Supply Drop when those alerts are shown. This can be further tweaked in the language file.
  • Hide Player-Called Supply Drop Messages will hide alerts for Cargo Planes and Supply Drops that have been called in by a player, with a supply signal or at the Excavator signal computer. Hide Random Supply Drop Messages will hide alerts for those that have not.
  • For info on creating a Webhook for Discord Messages, check out Intro to Webhooks.


  "PatrolHeli": "Patrol Helicopter inbound{0}{1}",
  "CargoShip_": "Cargo Ship inbound{0}{1}",
  "CargoShipApproachHarbor": "Cargo Ship is approaching the harbor{0}",
  "CargoShipAtHarbor": "Cargo Ship has docked at the harbor{0}",
  "CargoShipLeaveHarbor": "Cargo Ship is leaving the harbor{0}",
  "CargoPlane_": "{0}Cargo Plane inbound{1}{2}",
  "CH47": "Chinook inbound{0}{1}",
  "BradleyAPC": "Bradley APC inbound{0}",
  "TravellingVendor": "Travelling Vendor inbound{0}",
  "Excavator_": "{0} has activated The Excavator{1}",
  "ExcavatorSupplyRequest": "{0} has requested a supply drop{1}",
  "HackableCrateSpawned": "Hackable Crate has spawned{0}",
  "HackingCrate": "{0} is hacking a locked crate{1}",
  "SupplySignal": "{0} has deployed a supply signal{1}",
  "SupplyDropDropped": "{0}Supply Drop has dropped{1}",
  "SupplyDropLanded_": "{0}Supply Drop has landed{1}",
  "SupplyDropPlayer": "{0}'s ",
  "Location": " at {0}",
  "Destination": " and headed to {0}",
  "DiscordMessage_": "{0}"
  • The {0} in "CargoPlane_", "SupplyDropDropped", and "SupplyDropLanded_" will show the player name, if enabled in the config.
    Example: "Substrata's Supply Drop has dropped at D3"

Known Issues

  • The Show Supply Drop Player, Hide Player-Called Supply Drop Messages, and Hide Random Supply Drop Messages options do not currently work with any plugins that kill & respawn the Cargo Plane or Supply Drop. These include Fancy Drop, Airdrop Precision, and possibly others. Compatibility for these can hopefully be added at some point.
  • Unmarked grids to the left of the map will not show, as there is currently no good way of labeling these.


  • PaiN and Splak, for originally fulfilling the heli notification request, but in the wrong place. ;)
  • Tori1157, for helping maintain the plugin
  • Wulf, the original author of this plugin

