Actors | Actions | Avatar |

Learner (students, farmers, healthcare professionals, youth, and adults) | - Discover content for your learning
- Consume content for your learning
- Evaluate your learning by Enrolling to collections (courses and many more)
- Earn learning credentials such as certificates
- Monitor your learning progress
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Guardian/Parent (any caregiver) | - Discover content for your learning
- Consume content for your learning
- Monitor your child's learning progress
| |

Teacher/Mentor/Guru (anyone providing formal/Informal teaching) | - Discover content for your learning
- Consume content for your learning
- Evaluate your learning by Enrolling to collections (courses and many more)
- Earn learning credentials such as certificates
- Monitor your learning progress
| |

Administrator (anyone who can help manage the learning and capacity building processes) | - Discover content for your learning
- Consume content for your learning
- Evaluate your learning by Enrolling to collections (courses and many more)
- Earn learning credentials such as certificates
- Conduct Surveys, Observations among stakeholders like schools.
- Support Roles like District, Block, Cluster Level Administration to create their workflows.
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Community Member (anyone from society, Including market players) | - Discover content for your learning.
- Consume content for learning.
- Evaluate your learning by enrolling into collections (Courses and many more).
- Earn learning credentials such as certificates.
- Monitor your learning progress.
| |
Note - Definition of Asset, collections can be found out in Learn ->Terminology section ahead