The SDK's expose an interface that has to be extended inorder to build a connector. A sample is shown below
{% tabs %} {% tab title="Java" %}
package org.sunbird.obsrv.connector;
import com.typesafe.config.Config;
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.datastream.SingleOutputStreamOperator;
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.environment.StreamExecutionEnvironment;
import org.sunbird.obsrv.connector.model.Models;
import org.sunbird.obsrv.connector.source.IConnectorSource;
import org.sunbird.obsrv.connector.source.SourceConnectorFunction;
import org.sunbird.obsrv.job.exception.UnsupportedDataFormatException;
import java.util.List;
public class ExampleSourceFunction extends SourceConnectorFunction {
public ExampleSourceFunction(List<Models.ConnectorContext> connectorContexts) {
public void processEvent(
String event,
Function1<String, BoxedUnit> onSuccess,
Function2<String, org.sunbird.obsrv.job.model.Models.ErrorData, BoxedUnit> onFailure,
Function2<String, Object, BoxedUnit> incMetric
// TODO: Implement this method to process the event
// Call onSuccess.apply(event) if the event is processed successfully
// Call onFailure.apply(event, errorData) if the event processing fails
// Call incMetric.apply(event, metricData) to increment the metric
public List<String> getMetrics() {
// TODO: Return the list of metrics
return List.empty();
public class ExampleSourceConnector extends IConnectorSource {
public SingleOutputStreamOperator<String> getSourceStream(
StreamExecutionEnvironment env, Config config
) throws UnsupportedDataFormatException {
// TODO: Implement this method to return the source stream
// env.fromSource(...)
public SourceConnectorFunction getSourceFunction(
List<Models.ConnectorContext> contexts, Config config)
return ExampleSourceFunction(contexts)
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{% tab title="Scala" %}
package org.sunbird.obsrv.connector
import com.typesafe.config.Config
import org.apache.flink.api.common.serialization.SimpleStringSchema
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.datastream.SingleOutputStreamOperator
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.environment.StreamExecutionEnvironment
import org.json.{JSONException, JSONObject}
import org.sunbird.obsrv.connector.model.Models
import org.sunbird.obsrv.connector.source.{IConnectorSource, SourceConnector, SourceConnectorFunction}
import org.sunbird.obsrv.job.exception.UnsupportedDataFormatException
import org.sunbird.obsrv.job.model.Models.ErrorData
class ExampleSourceConnectorFunction(connectorContexts: List[ConnectorContext]) extends SourceConnectorFunction(connectorContexts) {
* This method processes the incoming event.
* @param event The event to be processed.
* @param onSuccess Callback function to be called on successful processing of the event.
* @param onFailure Callback function to be called on failure in processing the event.
* @param incMetric Function to increment the metric counter.
override def processEvent(event: String,
onSuccess: String => Unit,
onFailure: (String, ErrorData) => Unit,
incMetric: (String, Long) => Unit): Unit = {
// Implement your event processing logic here.
// TODO: Returns a list of custom metrics if any
override def getMetrics(): List[String] = List[String]()
class ExampleConnectorSource extends IConnectorSource {
override def getSourceStream(env: StreamExecutionEnvironment, config: Config): SingleOutputStreamOperator[String] = {
// Implement the logic to create and return the source stream
// Example:
// env.fromElements("event1", "event2", "event3")
override def getSourceFunction(contexts: List[ConnectorContext], config: Config): SourceConnectorFunction = {
new ExampleSourceConnectorFunction(contexts)
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