Releases: TED-inc/FabricQuarry
Releases · TED-inc/FabricQuarry
Quarry Upgrades Improvement - 0.5.1
- add upgrades tooltips
- fix upgrades drop on break of quarry
- fix filling of hole from tube
Quarry Upgrades - 0.5.0
- add quarry upgrades
- fortune upgrade (1-3 level)
- range extension upgrade (1-3 level) (default 7, with upgrades 12, 18 and 24 blocks sqr radius)
- silk touch upgrade - add replacing of excavated blocks feature (allow only stone tagged blocks)
- refactor GUI
Modpack compatibility - 0.4.4
- change ore find method for more general (now specific ores from other mods must be mined)
- change crafting recopies items to tags (allow use material not only from tech reborn, modern industrialization for example)
- quarry now can mine bellow zero if it possible (1.17)
Rare NullRef fix - 0.4.3
-fix tryDrillDownTube NullRef
Mine all bug fixes - 0.4.2
- fix mine all mode near liquids
- fix mine all mode double quarry tube consumption
- update to TR 5.0.8 (for 1.17)
Config Additional Blocks to Mine - 0.4.1
- add "Additional Blocks to Mine" parameter in config
- add ancient debris to it
Mine all mode - 0.4.0
- add mine all mode
- fix drill tube drop
Change required mods - 0.3.1
- removed the required reborn core
- downgraded the required tech reborn version to 5.0.4
Mine with Tube - 0.3.0
- add usage of quarry tube
- add sounds
- add errors display in GUI
Config Support - 0.2.1
- fix block animation while not enough energy
- add config support