diff --git a/P5/Source/Guidelines/en/DI-PrintDictionaries.xml b/P5/Source/Guidelines/en/DI-PrintDictionaries.xml
index 22fb2907c6..0cbf7dba8c 100644
--- a/P5/Source/Guidelines/en/DI-PrintDictionaries.xml
+++ b/P5/Source/Guidelines/en/DI-PrintDictionaries.xml
@@ -2018,14 +2018,14 @@ the same elements as an
The following example from
One encoding for this entry would be: + main entry. The original entry resembles the following:abeja[a·bé·xa]f.bee;abejera[a·be·xé·ra]f.beehive;abejón[a·be·xóon]m.- drone; bumblebee;abejorro[a·be·xó·rro]m.bumble - bee.
One encoding for this entry would be:abeja[a·bé·xa]f.bee;abejera+ [a·be·xé·ra]f.beehive;abejón[a·be·xóon]m.drone; bumblebee;abejorro[a·be·xó·rro]m.bumble bee.
In the much larger Simon & Schuster Spanish-English
- dictionary (abeja,
- f. 1. (ento.) bee. 2. busy bee, hard worker. 3. (astron.) A.,
- Musca. — a. albanila, mason bee; a. carpintera, carpenter bee; a.
- reina or maestra, queen bee; a. neutra or obrera, worker bee.
- This entry may be encoded thus:
In the much larger Simon & Schuster Spanish-English dictionary (abeja, f. 1. (ento.) bee. 2. busy
+ bee, hard worker. 3. (astron.) A., Musca. — a. albanila, mason bee; a. carpintera, carpenter
+ bee; a. reina or maestra, queen bee; a. neutra or obrera, worker bee.
This entry may be
+ encoded thus:
Dans les sous-éléments, il est identique à un élément
辞書モジュールで定義されている他の要素と混合して、文字データをとる かもしれない。
@@ -365,4 +373,4 @@ $Id$