Magpie - A Theme for Playnite 
Heavily influenced by the the Metro for Steam Skin and Epic Launcher's clean design, with a focus on flexibility, customizability and the occasional addition of functions that I desire for personal use.
- Clear but Unobtrusive Style - Your interest is the games; Magpie will not distract you from them but help you parse your large and detailed library easily.
- Flexible Appearance - I have favorite colors and feelings about font families, transparancy, and border thickness. Sometimes they change hour-to-hour so I'm sure you do too. I've made Magpie to look good and respect your preferences from font sizes, to amount of information, to whether you want a focused darkroom effect or an edge-to-edge display for your games' media. For those that need more control, variables to adjust color, control corner roundness, or transparency are accessible from the main Constants.xaml or use of the ThemeModifier plugin.
- ThemeModifier by Lacro59 support. If you don't like my color scheme or want more or less transparency, you can do it yourself.
- Logo & Header Support without compromising existing metadata like icons. Thanks to a hack learned from joyrider3774, logos may optionally be added to your games.
- Rounded cover corners! I think they look nice.
- Extra Metadata Tools by DarkLinkPower - Implementing flexible support for additional metadata media was a shared goal and this extension will facilitate acquiring or adapting logos and other custom media for use in this and other themes.
- ThemeModifier - As mentioned above, many aspects of the theme have ben made available to be adjusted with this extension from the settings menu. Those who prefer can do the same by manually editing the contained Constants.xaml file, however.
- HowLongToBeat Plugin by Lacro59 - Useful and, if custom theme integration is enabled, time-to-beat will appear with playtime, the button is appropriately themed, and it is located with the edit button.
- SuccessStory Plugin by Lacro59 - Another excellent plugin. Integration with Magpie is limited but coherent like with HowLongToBeat. I don't care too much for achievements but it's good to have unified access to them.