First you need to root your phone. Simple search via google how to do this. Now you have several things to do:
- Install the application "com.icecoldapps.sshserver.apk" on your phone
- Add a new ssh-server: --> Username: bigsense (or whatever you want, you have to change it also in the of the server) --> Password: password (or whatever you want, you have to change it also in the of the server) --> Port: 33822 --> This server starts together with the app itself
Method 1:
- Copy file "lpm" on to your phone in the folder /sytem/bin/
- Do the following per ssh (or terminal on phone) --> su --> mount -o remount,rw /system --> mv /system/bin/lpm /system/bin/lpm.orig --> cp /sdcard/Downloads/lpm /system/bin/lpm --> chmod 755 /system/bin/lpm --> chown /system/bin/lpm --> mount -o ro,remount /system
Method 2: Connect the phone via USB Debug and run the following command via console: fastboot oem off-mode-charge 0
- Set high GPS accuracy
- Install GPlayServices (these are used to retrieve sensor data)
- Deactivate Sim-Pin request
- Deactivate any security to get access to phone (pin, pattern, etc.)