These instructions may be out of date!!!
If you use eclipse, please update this document
- Buildship Gradle Integration
- Checkstyle
- Install Plugin
- Follow:!/project-setup
- After step 3 "Activate Checkstyle for your project", select the TripleA configuration file instead of "Sun Checks". Checkstyle file: triplea/config/checkstyle/checkstyle.xml
- Lombok
- Download jar file and execute it:
java -jar lombok.jar
- manual install if that does not work
- Version to use: Same version as Gradle (see
configuration in the top-level Gradle buildscript)
- Enable annotation processing: how-to-configure-java-annotation-processors-in-eclipse
- Download jar file and execute it:
- Install Google Java Format Plugin
- Important Use the unofficial 1.7 version available here:
- Download the 1.7 version, unzip it, and move the extracted 'jar' file to the eclipse 'dropins' folder.
- Project > Java Code Style > Formatter
- Import profile, select the Triplea formatter file: triplea/.ide-eclipse/format/triplea-eclipse-java-google-style.xml
- Change Formatter implementation to 'google-java-format'
- Project > Java Code Style > Cleanup
- Select the Triplea cleanup file: triplea/.ide-eclipse/format/triplea_java_eclipse_format_style.xml
- Project > Java Code Style > Organize Imports
- Click 'Import' and select the import file: triplea/.ide-eclipse/format/triplea.importorder
Should look like this when configured:
- EGit in Eclipse - with tutorial
- Run Configurations are checked in
- Run
./gradlew downloadAssets
one time to get images downloaded