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File metadata and controls

79 lines (71 loc) · 5.3 KB

Written by Gota7 for NitroStudio2

Edited just to fix formatting and to fix a typo in Sweep Pitch.

Sequences (.sseq)

SSEQs or Sound Sequences are like MIDI files, except for the NDS. They execute instructions for instruments to play.

The Main File

The main file contains of a File Header and a Data Block.

Type Description
SoundFileHeader Sound File Header (Magic: SSEQ. Always contains 1 block)
Block Data Block

Data Block Body (Magic: DATA)

Contains sequence commands to execute.

Offset Type Description
0x00 a32 Absolute offset from the start of the SSEQ file to the sequence data
0x08 u8[BlockSize - 0xC - PaddingSize] Sequence commands. Remember that all blocks are padded to 0x4 bytes, so remove 0s from the end until you hit 0xFF to get an accurate list of data

Sequence Commands

Here is a table of sequence commands. Each sequence command has a u8 identifier and can be followed by parameters. P1 is parameter one, where P2 is parameter two, etc. In the event that the parameter is a sequence command, the last primary data type for it is not to be read. For example, a variable command that contains a note parameter will not have the variable length parameter (the note length) read, but after that note command is read the variable number for the variable command will be. All offsets are relative to the start of the sequence data.

Identifier Parameters Read Last Parameter In Sequence Command? Command Name Description
0x00 - 0x7F u8, VL NA Note Command Plays the specified key with a velocity of P1 for P2 ticks
0x80 VL NA Wait Wait for P1 ticks before continuing
0x93 u8, VL NA Open Track Open track P1 whose data starts at offset P2
0x94 u24 NA Jump Jump to offset P1
0x95 u24 NA Call Jump to offset P1 to execute the instructions there, then resume playback after the return command is encountered
0xA0 Sequence Command, s16, s16 No Random Replaces the last parameter of P1 with a random number between P2 and P3
0xA1 Sequence Command, u8 No Variable Replaces the last parameter of P1 with the value of variable P2
0xA2 Sequence Command Yes If Executes P1 if the track's conditional flag is set
0xB0 u8, s16 NA Set Variable Sets variable P1 to have the value P2
0xB1 u8, s16 NA Add Variable Adds P2 to the variable P1
0xB2 u8, s16 NA Subtract Variable Subtracts P2 from the variable P1
0xB3 u8, s16 NA Multiply Variable Multiplies variable P1 by P2
0xB4 u8, s16 NA Divide Variable Divides variable P1 by P2
0xB5 u8, s16 NA Shift Variable Sets variable P1 to have the value P2
0xB6 u8, s16 NA Random Variable Sets variable P1 to have a random value between and including 0 and P2
0xB8 u8, s16 NA Compare Equal If variable P1 equals P2, set the track conditional flag, else reset the flag
0xB9 u8, s16 NA Compare Greater Than Or Equal If variable P1 is greater than or equal to P2, set the track conditional flag, else reset the flag
0xBA u8, s16 NA Compare Greater Than If variable P1 is greater than P2, set the track conditional flag, else reset the flag
0xBB u8, s16 NA Compare Less Than Or Equal If variable P1 is less than or equal to P2, set the track conditional flag, else reset the flag
0xBC u8, s16 NA Compare Less Than If variable P1 is less than P2, set the track conditional flag, else reset the flag
0xBD u8, s16 NA Compare Not Equal If variable P1 doesn't equal P2, set the track conditional flag, else reset the flag
0xC0 u8 NA Pan Sets the track panning to P1 where 0x40 is the center
0xC1 u8 NA Volume Sets the track volume to P1
0xC2 u8 NA Main Volume Sets the player volume to P1
0xC3 s8 NA Transpose Sets the track transpose to P1
0xC4 s8 NA Pitchbend Sets the track pitch bend to P1
0xC5 u8 NA Bend Range Sets the track bend range to P1
0xC6 u8 NA Priority Sets the track priority to P1
0xC7 bool NA Note Wait Is off by default, but if on waits for a note to finish before continuing
0xC8 bool NA Tie If on, notes don't end and new notes just change the pitch and velocity of the playing note
0xC9 u8 NA Portamento Sets track portamento to P1
0xCA u8 NA Mod Depth Sets the track mod depth to P1
0xCB u8 NA Mod Speed Sets the track mod speed to P1
0xCC u8 NA Mod Type Sets the track mod type to P1
0xCD u8 NA Mod Range Sets the track mod range to P1
0xCE bool NA Portamento Switch Enters or cancels portamento mode
0xCF u8 NA Portamento Time Sets the portamento time to P1
0xD0 u8 NA Attack Sets the envelope attack to P1
0xD1 u8 NA Decay Sets the envelope decay to P1
0xD2 u8 NA Sustain Sets the envelope sustain to P1
0xD3 u8 NA Release Sets the envelope release to P1
0xD4 u8 NA Loop Start Sets the track loop start point, and loop P1 times. It is infinite if P1 is 0
0xD5 u8 NA Volume 2 Sets track volume 2 to P1
0xD6 u8 NA Print Variable Print variable P1 to a debugger
0xE0 s16 NA Mod Delay Sets the track mod delay to P1
0xE1 s16 NA Tempo Sets the tempo to P1
0xE3 s16 NA Sweep Pitch Sets the track sweep pitch to P1
0xFC None NA Loop End End the track loop
0xFD None NA Return Return from a call
0xFE u16 NA Allocate Tracks Bitflag P1 for how to allocate tracks
0xFF None NA Fin End the track or sequence