Releases: Tisawesomeness/Minecord
Releases · Tisawesomeness/Minecord
Minecord 0.17.6
- Removed the "Icon data not on one line, will not work on 1.13 or later" warning from
since latest vanilla client does handle the icon correctly - (Self-hosting change) Updated dependencies
Minecord 0.17.5
- Fixed an exception when using
to ping a server with sample player UUID in array format
Minecord 0.17.4
- Added all 1.20.3 items and recipes.
- Added release version to previously experimental items in
, and/ingredient
- Improved searching in
, and/ingredient
- Re-ordered smithing recipes so the most recently added recipe is first
- Optimized images
- Fixed
/item stone slab
showing a cobblestone slab - Fixed a bug in
where a stonecutting ingredient could be selected even when no recipes can make that ingredient - Fixed broken links in
Self-hosting changes:
- Moved bot ready message from status log to bot log
@Minecord usage
now combines uses from slash and legacy commands- Slash and legacy commands now share cooldowns
- Updated dependencies
Minecord 0.17.2
- Updated dependencies to fix CVE-2023-5072
Minecord 0.17.3
- Fixed an exception when running
/random uniform
with a minimum >= maximum
Minecord 0.17.1
- Updated Minecraft Wiki links to new domain
Minecord 0.17.0
- Added
, a new command for generating random numbers/random value
- generate a random integer/random uniform
- generate a random decimal/random choice
- choose randomly from a list/random dice
- roll dice using DND dice notation
- Added
, a new command for converting "1 chest, 2 stacks, 7 items" to "1863 items" and vice-versa - Added
, a new command for converting Overworld to Nether coordinates, finding chunk coordinates, and more - Updated player lookup commands with 1.20.2's new skin/name bans
- Added skin/name ban info to
- Added skin ban info to
- Added skin/name ban info to
now shows if a server enforces chat reports or has chat preview enabled (note that not all servers that enforce chat reports will announce it when pinged)/server
now shows more details about invalid server icons- Updated developer names in
- Fixed custom skin detection not working with the new 1.19.3+ default skins
- Fixed player commands showing a Mojang API error when player does not exist, due to an internal API change
- Fixed an exception when running
without message history permissions - (Self-hosting change) Updated dependencies
From 0.16.2:
- Added a few "suspicious" item search names
- (Self-hosting change) Fixed
not being accessible - (Self-hosting change) Updated dependencies
Minecord 0.16.11
- Added all 1.20 items and recipes. This brings the total to 1,621 items and 1,572 recipes!
- Reverted the image embedding workaround from 0.16.10 since the Discord API bug is now fixed
- Added more detail to error messages when using
with an item with no recipes or an invalid page number - Fixed ping in
not showing "ms" - Fixed a bug where some recipes showed the incorrect removal version
- Fixed
showing the 🔄 More... button when a recipe does not have more ingredients to cycle to
Minecord 0.16.10
- Created a workaround for the Discord API bug where images wouldn't embed properly. Commands such as
are now fixed. - Added support for the new Discord username system
no longer show the page count if there is only one page- (Self-hosting change) Edit
in the config to supply your own Crafatar API instance - (Self-hosting change) Updated dependencies
This release is marked as a pre-release because the bot downloads image URLs and re-uploads them to Discord as a workaround for the Discord API bug. As soon as the bug is fixed, this behavior will be reverted.
Minecord 0.16.9
- Fixed a bug where "There was an error contacting the Mojang API" would display when a different API was actually at fault