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Installing as a Service



Need python-systemd package

  • sudo apt-get install python3-systemd

Need to create a config file /etc/mpp-solar/mpp-solar.conf

  • Use the example /etc/mpp-solar/mpp-solar.conf.example as a start

Config File Description

[SETUP]                 # Required section
pause=5                 # Number of seconds to pause at the end of each loop (0 is no pause)
mqtt_broker=mqtthost    # Hostname / IP address of the MQTT broker

# The following sections define each command execution
# example 1
[Inverter1]         # The section heading for information only - must be unique
model=standard      # Model of inverter, currently only standard and LV5048 defined
port=/dev/ttyUSB0   # Port that mpp-solar connects to the inverter
baud=2400           # Speed of the connection
command=QPGS0       # Command to send to the inverter
tag = Inverter1
format=influx2      # Format of MQTT message to post - valid (so far) influx2
                    # for MQTT to Grafana via telegraf (as documented)

# example 2
[Inverter1_L1]      # To combine 2 commands for Influx math define multiple sections with the same tag

[Inverter1_L2]      # To combine 2 commands for Influx math define multiple sections with the same tag

Add mpp-solar service

  • Check the service exists systemctl --user list-unit-files|grep mpp-solar
mpp-solar.service              disabled
  • Start the service systemctl --user start mpp-solar

  • Check service status systemctl --user status mpp-solar

mpp-solar.service - MPP Solar Service
   Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/user/mpp-solar.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
   Active: active (running) since Wed 2020-04-08 16:19:46 NZST; 10s ago
 Main PID: 21724 (python)
   CGroup: /user.slice/user-1000.slice/[email protected]/mpp-solar.service
           └─21724 /usr/bin/python /usr/local/bin/mpp-solar-service -c /etc/mpp-solar/mpp-solar.conf

Apr 08 16:19:46 batteryshed python[21724]: MPP-Solar-Service: Config file: /etc/mpp-solar/mpp-solar.conf
Apr 08 16:19:46 batteryshed python[21724]: MPP-Solar-Service: Config setting - pause: 1
Apr 08 16:19:46 batteryshed python[21724]: MPP-Solar-Service: Config setting - mqtt_broker: mqtthost
Apr 08 16:19:46 batteryshed python[21724]: MPP-Solar-Service: Config setting - command sections found: 2
  • Stopping the service systemctl --user stop mpp-solar

  • Restart the service - for example after a config file change systemctl --user restart mpp-solar

Logs and service output

  • The output should show up in systemd's logs, which by default are redirected to syslog: grep 'MPP-Solar-Service' /var/log/syslog
Apr  8 16:23:27 batteryshed python[21724]: MPP-Solar-Service: item {'tag': u'QPGS0', 'command': u'QPGS0', 'mp': <mppsolar.mpputils.mppUtils instance at 0x75d61c88>, 'format': u'influx2'}
Apr  8 16:23:30 batteryshed python[21724]: MPP-Solar-Service: item {'tag': u'QPGS1', 'command': u'QPGS1', 'mp': <mppsolar.mpputils.mppUtils instance at 0x75d61df0>, 'format': u'influx2'}
Apr  8 16:23:32 batteryshed python[21724]: MPP-Solar-Service: sleeping for 1sec
  • Another way to display the service's output is via journalctl --user-unit mpp-solar

Automatically Starting the Service during Boot

systemctl --user enable mpp-solar
sudo loginctl enable-linger $USER
  • To disable autostart, simply disable your service: systemctl --user disable mpp-solar

Note that simply enabling a service does not start it, but only activates autostart during boot-up. Similarly, disabling a service doesn't stop it, but only deactivates autostart during boot-up. If you want to start/stop the service immediately then you still need to do that manually

To check whether your service is enabled, use

systemctl --user list-unit-files | grep mpp-solar

mpp-solar.service              enabled