First of all (this will install yarn)
nvm install 16.13.2
nvm use 16.13.2
npm i -g corepack
corepack enable
This repository contains the source code for the connector and top-up website for the TuBoleto app using your Polygon wallet through Wallet Connect v1.
The relevant code is in ./src/App.js
The additional packages required are:
Install dependencies with
Run the demo application with
yarn start
You can read more about using Wallet Connect v1 here.
This example was started with Create React App. Unnecessary files were deleted.
Don't forget to run yarn
to install dependencies first.
Then run:
yarn build && firebase deploy --only hosting && time /t
In case you dont have firebase installed:
npm install -g firebase-tools
firebase login
Add a package:
yarn add firebase
Setup hosting for the first time:
firebase init hosting
Showing the commits tree:
git log --oneline --graph --decorate --all