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Stefan Piatek edited this page Sep 27, 2019 · 26 revisions


This guide is for a completely fresh set up of everything required to start working with the TLO project. Whilst we currently only have mac setup, windows and linux steps will be similar.

Shared steps

Sign up for a free license for PyCharm (and other IntelliJ products)

  • Navigate to and sign in or create an account, making sure to click the verify email link
  • Once logged in, navigate to to get a staff/student license, scrolling down the page to the Apply Now button. Most likely using your university email and a picture of your university ID card. The process should take a couple of days. In the meantime you can use the professional version of pycharm as a trial evaluation.

Mac installation

1. Install Anaconda

2. Install and set up PyCharm

  • Navigate to
  • Click the Download button underneath the Professional version Pycharm download
  • Open the image and drag PyCharm into your Applications Folder Pycharm install
  • Open from your Applications folder, accepting the user agreement and clicking Skip Remaining and Set Defaults Pycharm defaults
  • A License Activation window will open, if you already have a license then enter in your login details that you created your IntelliJ/PyCharm account with, otherwise click evaluate for free (You can activate PyCharm later by going to the Menu bar Help > Register) PyCharm activate

3. Set up the TLOmodel in PyCharm

  • From the PyCharm welcome page, click Check out from Versino control and select git pycharm vc
  • Select Log in to Github... and enter in your GitHub login information github
  • The TLOmodel repository should now be available from the dropdown URL input, select it and then click on the clone button TLO repo
  • Click Yes on the dialogue box asking if you want to open the TLOmodel directory
  • Click the Menu bar PyCharm > Preferences...
  • In the dialogue box navigate to Project: TLOmodel > Project Interpreter interpreter
  • Click on the settings cog on the right and select Add...
  • Select Conda environment from the left hand panel, and set the Python Version to 3.6, then click OK. Add conda env
  • In the Preferences window there will be a green circle button that is highlighted, click it to remove the highlighting and then click Apply (this will now install packages using pip, not conda). remove conda package manager
  • Still in the Preferences window, navigate to Tools > Python Integrated Tools
    • Set the Package requirements file to be TLOmodel/ by clicking on the folder icon and browsing for the file.
    • Change the Default test runner to pytest and click OK to close the Preferences window Integrated tool setup
  • On the Navigation pane to the left, open the file, there will be a banner at the top of the file saying that Project requirements are not met, click on Install requirements from the banner
  • In the pop-up window, click on the Install button , at the bottom of the PyCharm window you can see the progress of installing all packages, wait for this to be complete before moving onto the next section. installing package

4. Confirm that the setup is correct using the tests

  • At the top of your PyCharm window, click on Add Configuration... Add configuration

  • Click the plus icon to the top left of the Configuration window and select Python tests > pytest New pytest configuration

  • A new configuration will appear Empty Pytest config

  • Set the Target input by clicking on the folder icon, and select TLOmodel > tests, click the Open button Test Directory

  • The configuration window should now look something like this, click OK Configured pytest

  • At the top of the screen, there will now be a configuration, you can click on the green arrow to run the tests Run pytest

  • A new run pane will open up and pytest will run for a fair while, after it completes it will say that all of the tests have passed pytest running

  • You can scroll down the window and the final lines should look something like this pytest complete

  • Click on the Terminal button at the bottom of the pycharm window and enter in the following text, hitting the enter key afterwards

    pip install -e .

5. If you have not set up git before

  • You can skip this section if you've set up your details in git

  • Click on the Terminal button as before and enter in the following commands, replacing your Name and Email but keeping the quotes. Hit enter after each line

    git config --global "Stefan Piatek"
    git config --global "[email protected]"
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