This document is intended for persons who want to use the or the check_commit_*.sh scripts.
Installation is covered in the tools/ file.
Environment variables can be set with:
. <git repository>/tools/
The check_commit_ial script compiles, executes IAL test cases and compare the results against a reference simulations.
Script options can be displayed with the -h option.
Before being usable, the AROME model must be installed following the tools/ file.
The script compiles, runs a test case of the Meso-NH model and compares the results against a reference simulation.
Script options can be displayed with the -h option.
Before being usable, the mesonh model must be installed following the tools/ file.
For the following environment variables can be set:
- MNHPACK: directory in which MNH pack will be created (default is $HOME/MesoNH/PHYEX)
- REFDIR: directory in which reference pack can be found (default is the pack directory near the file)
- TARGZDIR: directory in which the tar.gz file can be found (default is the pack directory near the file)
The script runs offline simulations in the directory given by the environment variable TESTPROGSDIR ($HOME/TESTPROGS will be used if the variable is not set). This directory must exist.
Script options can be displayed with the -h option.
To be usable the script needs input data. The generation and installation of these data are described in the tools/ file.
The goal of the script is to compare outputs between two simulations (to check if bit-reproducibility is achieved or not). A reference simulation must be performed and save. This reference simulation is run the same way as the test experiment but cannot be compared to something else: -c -r <reference_commit>
If this reference simulation must become the 'absolute' reference (used when invoking the script with the 'REF' argument), the reference simulation directory (under $TESTPROGSDIR) must be renamed 'ref'.
This script is used by the different check_commit_* scripts and can be used directly to pre-process the source code.
This script is designed to be run periodically by cron. It searches for the last commit on a github repository, use the different check_commit_* scripts to run the test cases and add a comments attached to the gihub commit to report success or unsecess of these tests. In case of an error, the script can also send an email.
Other scripts are:
- compare DDH outputs (used by
- compare MESO-NH outputs (used by
- diffNODE.001_01: compare NODE.0001_01 output files
- to generate a standalone doc from the different md files