Updates made to the Data Management User Guide
- Open external links in new window
- Fixed miscellaneous broken links
- Moved files from
- Added link to feedback form
Add anchors to section headings (anchor-sections = true)
Cleanup formatting in "acquire" directory
Cleanup formatting in "appendix" directory
Cleanup formatting in "background" directory
Cleanup formatting in "fundamental-activities" directory
Cleanup formatting in "planning" directory
Cleanup formatting in "storage-options" directory
Deleted empty "page-2.md"
Renamed images:
- "figure1.PNG" to "data-project-compare.png"
- "image (1) (1).png" to "data-project-compare-2.png"
- "image (2).png" to "rdr-tree-fes-ex.png"
- "image (3) (1).png" to "repo-plus-ex.png"
- "image (9) (1).png" to "prod-plus-ex.png"
- "image (2) (1).png" to "producer-plus-ex.png"
- "image (10) (1).png" to "contact-plus-ex.png"
- "image (13).png" to "file-type-icons.png"
- "image (14).png" to "rdr-path.png"
- "image (16).png" to "rdr-horiz.png"
Deleted duplicate images:
- "archive-layout.png" (= "rdr-structure.png")
- "contents.png" (= "contents-1200px.png")
- "image.png" (= "rdr-horiz.png"
- "image (14).png" (= "rdr-path.png")
- Add appendix to table of contents
- Updated workflow.md
- Cleanup formatting for files in "/alaska-data-management-101"
- alaska-regional-data-repository.md
- data-management-policy.md
- changelog-best-practices.md
- Renamed images:
-"image (10).png" to "ak-workflow.png"
- "image (8).png" to "rdr-path.png"
- "image (9).png" to "rdr-structure.png"
- "image (2) (2).png" to "contents-1200px.png"
- Manually ordered first level content entries to match original guide
- Renamed "four-fundamental-activities-of-data-management" to "fundamental-activities"
- Renamed "long-term-storage-options" to "storage-options"
- Renamed "sharing-1" to "share"
- Renamed "long-term-storage-options" to "storage-options"
- Changed "Edit this page" link to reference the USFWS dev branch
- Moved contents from /.gitbook/assets/ to /assets/
- Added CHANGELOG.md
- Moved all files to subdirectories
- Updated _quarto.yml
- Replaced all
{% hint style="info" %}
code blocks with::: {.callout-note}
code blocks - Replaced all
{% hint style="danger" %}
code blocks with::: {.callout-important}
code blocks - Replaced all
{% hint style="warning" %}
code blocks with::: {.callout-warning}
code blocks - Replaced all
{% hint style="success" %}
code blocks with::: {.callout-tip}
code blocks