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161 lines (127 loc) · 11.9 KB

File metadata and controls

161 lines (127 loc) · 11.9 KB

migbirdHIP (dev version)

Major changes & new features

  • Edited write_hip() to include more checks before files are written out, including:
    • New type param conditionally checks record_type field and cranes, band_tailed_pigeon, and dove_bag fields depending on the user input
    • .xlsx and .xls file extensions are converted to .csv

Minor changes / bug fixes

  • Template dl_report.qmd
    • Sort errors by descending in "causes of errors by state" table
    • Eliminated breaking error in report rendering if there is no field exceeding the error threshold
  • Edited read_hip() to catch file names with incorrect MMDDYYYY or DDMMYYYY date format
  • Edited issueCheck() to return error for NA values in record_key field

migbirdHIP 1.3.0

Major changes & new features

  • Edited shiftCheck() to return a summary of shift errors rather than just a table of record id values.
  • Edited issueCheck(), issueAssign(), and issuePlot() to accommodate new rules in evaluating if a record is current. All records are now current unless their issue_date falls before issue_start or after the last day of migratory bird hunting in the record's state.
  • Edited proof() and errorPlot_fields() to no longer flag and/or plot youth hunters (hunters with birth year < 16 years ago).

Minor changes / bug fixes

  • Template dl_report.qmd
    • Excluded future data line from agenda tab
    • Minor adjustments for edge cases in which summary variables are NULL
    • Added clarification to table captions
    • Eliminated irrelevant error and warning message printouts from rendered report
    • Remove inconsequential "bad bags" from Agenda tab; do not report 1s received instead of 0s, or 0s received instead of 1s
    • Edited "bad bags" section of agenda tab to return a message in the edge case of 0% of a file containing bad bag values
    • Edited the Issuance tab to reflect new rules in evaluating if a record is current
  • Edited identicalBags() function to exclude matching coots_snipe and rails_gallinules from MI in output; this state uses the response from one question to populate both fields.
  • Edited read_hip() function to exclude "hold" subdirectories when reading season HIP data.
  • Updated R dependency to v4.4.0.
  • Added programmatic stopifnot() to all functions to safeguard against running with incorrect/invalid parameters.
  • Reduced variation in parameter names:
    • distinct changed to unique for pullErrors()
    • output changed to return for outOfStateHunters()
    • assigned_data changed to x for issuePlot()
    • data changed to x for glyphCheck(), glyphFinder(), issueAssign(), issueCheck(), and shiftCheck()

migbirdHIP 1.2.8

Major changes & new features

  • Added a file to track changes to the package.
  • Added package documentation page man/migbirdHIP-package.Rd
  • New fileCheck() function: checks if any files in the input folder have already been written to processed folder.
  • New shiftCheck() function: find and print any rows that have a line shift error with number of positions shifted.
  • New identicalBags() function: returns output if any columns are exactly the same in a file; does not return "no season" matches.
  • New glyphCheck() function: pull and view any non-UTF-8 characters in the raw data; helps guide manual fixes to read in the HIP files without line shifts.
    • glyphFinder() no longer exported, now used internally inside of glyphCheck()
  • Added 3 new internal package functions (errorLevel_errors_field(), errorLevel_errors_state(), and recordLevel_errors_state()), which are used inside redFlags(), errorPlot_fields(), and errorPlot_states(). They reduce code redundancy and ensure updates happen universally.
  • Added 2 new internal package functions (issueAssign() and issuePlot), which are used inside of issueCheck() and by the download report (dl_report.qmd).
  • Added internal function strataFix() to be used inside of clean() to resolve false permit labels. This function edits strata values for band_tailed_pigeon and crane from states that submit permit files for crane and band-tailed pigeons; values changed from "2" to "0".
  • Edited writeReport() to render quarto documents.
  • Edited issueCheck() to place more emphasis on issue_date to determine relevancy of a record. The function no longer exports future and past data as .csv files. Past data are still filtered out from the returned tibble. Output messages indicate if future data exist.
  • Edited clean() function:
    • Filter out any rows that contain a bag value other than a single digit
    • Eliminated address cleaning
    • Moved zip code checking and messaging to clean() from proof(); now checks on entire zip code, not just prefix. Remove ending 0 when zip value is 10 digits long.
    • Changed Oregon solo permit hunt_mig_birds field when it equals "0" to "2". For context, a solo permit contains a "2" in at least one of the band_tailed_pigeon, brant, or seaduck fields and contains "0" in all other bag fields.
  • Edited correct() to remove any records with value of "0" or NA value in every bag field; improved email field cleaning and repair.
  • Edited strataCheck() to return two additional fields in output; 1) number of bad strata and 2) proportion of bad strata. The function now checks for permit species coming during regular HIP and returns them as erroneous (e.g. NM band_tailed_pigeon = "2").
  • Edited write_hip() to set any state/species combinations without a season to have strata of "0"; bad bag values remain NA.
  • Edited sumLines() to improve speed and efficiency. In addition, the function now returns a data table with the sum of lines per file instead of a single number. No longer exported; set as internal function.
  • Edited read_hip() to eliminate encoding check and optionally use sumLines() function to ensure all lines were read in. Returns a message if any records contain a bag value other than a single digit. In addition, now converts blank strings to NA.
  • Edited validate() to return source_file field and filter out states and species with no season from function output.
  • Edited investigate() to no longer be exported; it works inside of validate() to return a more detailed output. This replaces the previous workflow of running investigate() separately.
  • Removed manualFix() function because it is no longer relevant to the package.
  • Removed shiftFix() because line shift errors cannot be fixed programmatically on a reliable basis.
  • Templates
    • New Quarto dl_report.qmd replaced RMarkdown dl_report.Rmd.
      • The new Quarto layout allows tabset panels which divides content into sections that can be more easily read and focused on by the user. Tabset panels were also incorporated for before and after plots to show proportion of errors that are corrected during pre-processing.
      • A new summary section distills the findings of the functions overall for the user to discern the most important issues from the HIP files that were processed. This is partly accomplished with the use of a catch_messages() function created only for use in the dl_report.qmd and is not exported or contained within the migbirdHIP package internally. The catch_messages() function wraps around pre-processing functions (such as read_hip(), clean(), issueCheck(), etc) and captures messages in a list so that they can be returned as readable bullet points.
      • A new map displays time lag of files received from 49 states in a hexagonal representation of the continental US.
      • Emojis are printed with output text to quickly indicate to readers whether issues ❌ need attention or ✔️ are not concerning.
      • Sections added as needed to report on new function output (see above for which new functions were added).
      • A new section lists any states that were excluded from the output when they submitted data for that download (e.g. all records were issued in the past and are not eligible for the current season; perhaps sent by mistake).
    • Eliminated season_report.Rmd template
  • Imports
    • Removed magrittr and rmarkdown
    • Added quarto and sf
  • Suggests
    • Added spelling
  • Internal package data (sysdata.rda)
    • Added vectors of abbreviated US territories and Canada provinces/territories, both updated to include missing abbreviations from previous versions and remove redundant abbreviations
    • Added vector of bag field names
    • Added vector of two-season states
    • Added vectors of seaduck and brant states, seaduck-only states, and two-season states
    • Added hexmap grid for download report
    • Added tibbles of permit file states/species and states/species of permits received inline
    • Updated zip code reference table, bag reference table, license window reference table, and MS reference dates

Minor changes / bug fixes

  • License changed to CC0 (previously Public Domain), which was causing a warning in devtools::check()
  • Refactored write_hip() to eliminate redundancy; replaced repeated left_join() with for loop
  • Refactored findDuplicates() by throwing an error message for a bad string supplied to the return parameter at the start, which reduces wait time for failure.
    • Investigated replacing findDuplicates() redundancy of searching for duplicate fields using a for loop or purrr::map(), but this change added 20+ seconds of processing time so left the redundancy as-is.
  • Refactored all functions that take a path parameter to add a forward slash to the end each supplied path if not included by the user.
  • Replaced superseded tidyr::separate() with tidyr::separate_wider_delim() or tidyr::separate_wider_position()
  • Replaced dplyr::summarize() with dplyr::reframe() since returning more than 1 row per group was deprecated in dplyr 1.1.0
  • Replaced ggplot::stat() with ggplot::after_stat(), since the former was deprecated in ggplot2 3.4.0
  • Replaced tidy pipes %>% and %<>% with base R pipe |> for increased speed and reduced dependency on tidyverse packages.
  • Edited DESCRIPTION file:
    • Changed package description
    • Set language to en-US
    • Added a URL to the Harvest Information Program website
  • Incorporated usethis::use_spell_check() to package checking workflow, which added an inst/WORDLIST file (whitelisted words) to the package.

migbirdHIP 1.2.7

  • Updated strata reference table in sysdata.rda
  • Added kable summary tables to horizontal repetition checks in the download report template
  • Due to new kables, updated DESCRIPTION to include kableExtra as a Suggests (and added other packages used in the dl_template.Rmd not previously included)
  • Updated .Rbuildignore to reduce R CMD check notes

migbirdHIP 1.2.6

  • Added glyphFinder() function
  • Revisions to issueCheck() and proof()
  • Revisions to dl_report.Rmd template

migbirdHIP 1.2.5

  • Operational for 2022-2023 season

migbirdHIP 1.2.4

  • Final version compatible with 2021-2022 season data

migbirdHIP 1.2.3

  • Updated fixDuplicates() and validate()

migbirdHIP 1.2.2

  • Updated vignette
  • Updated readme
  • Updated description

migbirdHIP 1.2.1

  • Updated package name to migbirdHIP in function documentation

migbirdHIP 1.2.0

  • Package renamed migbirdHIP

migbirdHarvestData 1.1.0

  • All functions complete for end of 2021-2022 season
  • Fully functional season_report template

migbirdHarvestData 1.0.0

  • First fully functional version