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RoboArch Tool

roboarch2chart-epsilon <--

This is repository contains the RoboArch rule implementation for generating RoboChart models.

Environment Setup

  1. Download eclipse modelling tools (version 2020-09)

  2. Extract the downloaded archive to a convenient location to work from.

  3. Open eclipse from ./eclipse/eclipse executable file. You will need to have a suitable Java runtime installed. Open JDK 11 was used during development.

  4. Install eclipse plugins via: Help > Install New Software; make sure to uncheck the “Show only the latest versions of available software” checkbox.

During installation of the following plugins, restart eclipse whenever prompted and accept any prompts to proceed with unsigned plugins.

Eclipse Plugin Installation

  1. From the default update site that should be available in the drop-down list install:

    • Eclipse PDE Plug-in Developer Resources (version 3.14)
  2. From update site install:

    • m2e - Maven Integration for Eclipse (includes Incubating components)
  3. From update site install:

    • Xtext complete SDK (version 2.25)
  4. From update site

    • Epsilon Core (version 2.3)
    • "" Core Development Tools “”
    • "" Development Tools for EMF “”
    • "" Model Comparison for EUnit “”
    • "" EMF Integration “”
    • "" Validation Language EMF Integration “”
    • "" Wizard Language EMF Integration “”
  5. From update site install:

    • RoboChart Metamodel
    • RoboChart Metamodel Developer Resources
  6. From update site install:

    • RoboChart Textual Editor Developer Resources
  7. From update site install:

    • RoboChart Graphical Editor
    • RoboChart Graphical Editor Developer Resources
  8. From update site install:

    • RoboSim Metamodel
    • RoboSim Metamodel Developer Resources
  9. From update site install:

    • RoboSim Textual Editor
    • RoboSim Textual Editor Developer Resources
  10. From update site install:

    • RoboChart2Sim Metamodel
    • RoboChart2Sim Metamodel Developer Resources

Repository setup

  1. Clone the RoboArch repositories, roboarch-metamodel and roboarch-textual, to a convenient working location.

  2. Open eclipse that was configured in the previous section.

  3. Import the RoboArch projects from the repositories into the eclipse workspace by repeating the following for each repository.

    1. File > Import. In the dialog under the General folder select Existing Projects into Workspace and then click next.
    2. Click browse and navigate to the directory of the repository. Check the Search for nested project checkbox.
    3. Click Finish.


  1. Open the eclipse java perspective

  2. In the package explorer in the circus.robocalc.roboarch project locate the roboarch.genmodel file in the model subdirectory and right click it and select Open With > EMF Generator from the menu that appears.

  3. In the generator pane that opens right click the RoboArch entry and click Generate All. This will create a emf-gen folder and there should be no errors indicated by the circus.robocalc.roboach project icon in the package explorer.

  4. In the package explorer in the circus.robocalc.roboarch project locate the roboarch.mwe2 file in the src subdirectory.

  5. Right click on the roboarch.mwe2 and select Run As and click on the MWE2 Workflow from the pop-out menu. If there is a prompt regarding project errors click proceed to continue. The console pane will output progress and it should complete after about 2 minutes. There should be no errors listed in the console window on Done being reported.

  6. Under the circus.robocalc.roboarch.textual project folder in the package explorer in the src subdirectory, locate the GenerateRoboArch.mwe2 file.

  7. Right click on the GenerateRoboArch.mwe2 and select Run As and click on the MWE2 Workflow from the pop-out menu. If there is a prompt regarding project errors click proceed to continue. The console pane will output progress and it should complete after about 2 minutes. There should be no errors listed in the console window on Done being reported.

  8. Under the circus.robocalc.roboarch.textual.ui project locate and delete the file which can be found in src > circus.robocalc.roboarch.textual.ui.contentassist subdirectories.

  9. Under Run > Run Configurations… in the the Run Configurations dialog box.

    1. Select the Launch Runtime Eclipse under Eclipse Application from tge left-hand pane.

    2. In The Plug-ins tab, from the drop down menu select plug-ins selected below only.

    3. Click the Select All button along the right hand side of the dialog box. All of the plugins in the list of plugins should be selected.

    4. Under Target Platform from the list on plugins un-check the following so that they are not enabled in the runtime eclipse instance.

      • circus.robocalc.robosim
      • ccircus.robocalc.robosim.editor
      • ccircus.robocalc.robosim.textual
      • ccircus.robocalc.robosim.ide
      • ccircus.robocalc.robosim.ui


  1. Once there are no errors displayed for the projects in the package explorer, the RoboArch tool can be launched by right clicking on circus.robocalc.roboarch.textual and selecting Run As and from the pop-out menu click Eclipse Application.

  2. In the dialog that appears select Launch Runtime Eclipse and click Ok.


Any new project created with files ending in *.rac within the runtime eclipse will be opened in a RoboArch editor and will parsed and validated.

However, to generate RoboChart models for verification the epsilon projects need to be configured as detailed in the remaining sections of this document.

RoboChart Model Generation

This section covers the set up of the environment for generating RoboChart models from RoboArch descriptions.


Model to text generation for RoboChart models.

Prerequisites: Environment Setup


  1. Clone the robochart2text-epsilon git repository to a convenient working location.

  2. Launch a runtime eclipse instance of the tool as indicated in the launch section of this document.

  3. Switch to the eclipse Epsilon perspective.

  4. Import the eclipse projects including nested projects from the directory of the robochart2text-epsilon repository using File > Import, which results in two added projects in the eclipse Project Explorer: circus.robocalc.robochart2text.gen and RoboChart_Test_Input

The model to text generator is the robochart2text.egx, file this is invoked through ant scripts to pass in the input models and manage the output locations. The unit tests in the next section are an example of ant scripts that make use of the generator.

Unit Tests

The robochart2text unit test file eunit.xml in the scripts directory is an example of an ant script. It can be executed by:

  1. Right clicking robochart2text-eunit.launch selecting Run As and clicking robochart2text-eunit from the pop-out menu.

The unit test will run with debug trace printed to the console, on completion results will be visible in the EUnit pane.


The implementation of the RoboArch transformation rules to RoboChart.

Prerequisites: Environment Setup and RoboChart2Text


  1. Clone the RoboArch2Chart-epsilon git repository to a convenient working location.

  2. Launch a runtime eclipse instance of the tool as indicated in the launch section of this document.

  3. Switch to the eclipse Epsilon perspective.

  4. Import the eclipse projects including nested projects from the parent directory of the robochart2text-epsilon repository via File > Import, which results in 14 projects being added.

  5. Check the Project Explorer’s Projects Presentation is set to Flat if they are not all visible.

The roboarch2chart transformation primary rule is the RA2RC.etl file located in the circus.robocalc.roboarch2chart.erules project in the erules directory.

The transformation of model is coordinated using ant scripts the primary one being run-ra2rc.xml located in the circus.robocalc.roboarch2chart.erules project in the scripts directory.

Unit tests

The unit tests and models are found in the separate project circus.robocalc.roboarch2chart.test.

The tests can be executed by:

  1. Locating roboarch2chart.tests-runall.launch.

  2. Right-click roboarch2chart.tests-runall.launch file, select Run As and click roboarch2chart.tests-runall from the pop-out menu.

The unit tests will run and the debug trace will be printed to the Console pane, on completion results will be visible in the EUnit pane.

The generated models and RoboChart text will appear in the circus.robocalc.roboarch2chart.tests project in directories generated-robochart-models and generated-robochart-text, respectively.

The source input RoboArch descriptions used for the unit tests can be found in the projects roboarch-test-text and RoboChart_Test_Models