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Enabling Discord Rich Presence

Sid edited this page Mar 25, 2021 · 2 revisions

Enabling Discord RPC for games under Wine/Proton

Since Wine and Proton both don't offer a "native" interface for games running under them to connect to the Discord RPC listener on Linux, here's a short guide on how to make RPC work.

I used this method on Manjaro 20.2.1 'Nibia,' though it should work the same on all other distros too.


  • An internet connection
  • Wine/Proton already set up with winetricks/protontricks installed
  • This tarball by Marc3842h
  • A Terminal


  • Download the tarball and extract it to a folder. You can extract it anywhere, but I'll be using /opt/discord-rpc
  • Make sure you have the bin64 and the bin32 folders in /opt/discord-rpc
  • Open a terminal and append the locations of the bin64 and bin32 folders to the WINEDLLPATH environment variable using the following command export WINEDLLPATH=$WINEDLLPATH:/opt/discord-rpc/bin64:/opt/discord-rpc/bin32
  • Run winetricks/protontricks, select your wine prefix (default prefix if using protontricks), and run winecfg
  • Head to the libraries tab, and add a new override for library by typing in discord-rpc and clicking add. Hit Apply, and then OK
  • Run your game the way you usually would, and RPC should be working now

Note: This has to be done for each game individually. There might be a way to set it up for all wineprefixes at once, but I'm not aware of how to do that.

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