12 avenue de la cible [email protected] 13100 Aix-en-Provence LinkedIn France +33 (0)6
Passionate about hacking and Do It Yourself philosophy, I enjoy reverse engineering all I have on hand and developing tool to automate my research.
Aix en provence
(2011-2014) : Bachelor, Real Time and Embedded Systems*Project Manager for TVOS and Litchi Project and in charge of laboratory*
(2014-) : Pre-sales and support of MatrixSSE and MatrixHCE sofware**[MatrixSSE](http://www.insidesecure.com/Markets-solutions/Payment-and-Mobile-Banking/MatrixSSE2)** Secure Element in Software **[MatrixHCE](http://www.insidesecure.com/Products-Technologies/Mobile-Payment-and-Banking/Matrix-HCE)** HCE based Mobile Payment Application Platform
(2011-2014) : Development of a debugger and a smartcard reader for QEMU**NeoGDB** Based on GDB and OpenOCD **SmartCard Reader** I wrote specifications of the proprietary usb protocol the company would use then search for appropriate electronical components, read datasheets then Hardware design the smartcard reader. Based on AVR32 chip, I wrote code so as to make the bootloader, the USB communication and firmware update.
TVOS : Development of an open-source TV based on Linux and Litchi Project. I was in charge of low level development and packaging firmware image.
Litchi Project : Hardware and software development of a low cost video game console allowing you to use it as a media center.
Multi-voltage JTAG/Serial dongle : Hardware design of a JTAG/Serial dongle able to works on different voltage (1,8v - 3,3v - 5v) or can use any voltage between 1,8v to 5,0v. Based on FT4232H chip you can, at the same time, control your CPU using JTAG and received debug information via Serial port.
Brutas : I wrote tool to automate my research in security flaws on embedded products. Thanks to it I was able to find various breaches in surveillance cameras.
: French (native speaker) : English (TOEIC 760) : Chinese, Japanese and Hungarian concepts
: Roller hockey : Guitar player : Reverse engineering