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parallel coordinates

XING Yun edited this page Jan 29, 2018 · 11 revisions

Parallel Coordinates

#1589F0 This version of parallel coordinates adds hideAxis, evenScale options and follows vizart's color definitions, compared to syntagmatic's parallel coordinates 💡 You can pass syntagmatic's parallel coordinates's config into options'plots.

Quick Reference

import { ParallelCoordinate } from 'vizart-path';
import 'vizart-path/dist/vizart-path.css';

const options = {
	chart: {
		margin: { left: 30, right: 30, top: 10, bottom: 30 }
	plots: {
		hideAxis: ['name'],

const _data = ...
const _chart = new ParallelCoordinate('#chart', options);


Default options:

    chart: {
        type: 'parallel_coordinates',
        margin: NoMargin
    color: DefaultCategoricalColor,
    plots: {
        flipAxes: [],
        alpha: 0.25,
        bundlingStrength: 0.5,
        bundleDimension: null,
        composite: 'darken',
        smoothness: 0.0,
        showControlPoints: false,
        animationTime: 1100, // How long it takes to flip the axis when you double click
        brushMode: '1D-axes',
        brushPredicate: 'AND',
        colorDimension: null,
        mode: 'queue',
        dimensions: null,
        autoSortDimensions: 'asc',
        evenScale: null


hide axes. must be an array. Axes that have more than 3000 distinct values will be hidden by default


make every axis take the same scale. e.g. every numerical scale takes scale [0, 100]


dimension that color scale is made upon on.


flip axes


Change the opacity of the polylines, also the foreground context's globalAlpha.


bundling density, must be between [0, 1]. 0.5 by default.


bundling a dimension


from original doc Toggle the rendering mode. Currently there are two options:

"default" renders instantaneously, but is less responsive with more than ~2000 rows of data "queue" puts the data in a queue, and renders progressively. This way the user can interact with the chart during rendering.


from original doc If dimensions is specified, sets the quantitative dimensions to be visualized and custom formatting. The format is an object of dimension objects. This will update the xscale domain, but will not trigger re-rendering of lines or axes.

var dimensions = {
			orient: 'right',
			type: 'string',
			tickPadding: 0,
			innerTickSize: 8
	"protein": {type:"number"},
	"calcium": {type:"number"}};

If no dimensions are specified, then it returns the currently set dimensions.

Dimension attributes include:

  • "title": String label for dimension
  • "type": Possible values include: string, date and number. Detected types are automatically populated by detectDimensions using d3.parcoords.detectDimensionTypes.
  • "ticks": Number of horizontal ticks to include on y axis
  • "tickValues": Array of values to display for tick labels
  • "orient": Orientation of ticks and tickValues(left or right of axis)
  • "innerTickSize": Length of the horizontal ticks in between the top and bottom
  • "outerTickSize": Length of the horizontal ticks at the top and bottom
  • "tickPadding": Pixels to pad the tick title from the innerTickSize
  • "yscale": Type of scale to use for the axis(log, linear, ordinal). Reference D3 Scales "index": Integer position for ordering dimensions on the x axis


from original doc If double exists, polylines will be rendered with specified amount of curvature. NOTE: sylvester.js is a necessary dependency for this feature.



from original doc Change foreground context's globalCompositeOperation

  • source-over
  • source-in
  • source-out
  • source-atop
  • destination-over
  • destination-in
  • destination-out
  • destination-atop
  • lighter
  • darker
  • xor
  • copy


How long it takes to flip the axis when you double click. 1000 by default

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