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Henk van Cann edited this page Mar 13, 2025 · 12 revisions

Welcome to the WebofTrust terms wiki!


Edits of the wiki will have no effect anymore on the KERI Suite term definitions nor the educational resources of the KERI Suite.

Head over to:

  • Docusaurus-based educational glossary of the KERI Suite:

KERI Suite educational sources and glossary

  • Spec-Up-T-based glossaries:

ToIP main glossary

ToIP general IT-terms glossary

KERI Suite main glossary

vLEI glossary: planned for April 2025

=== Below is legacy ===

The wiki also serves the glossary terms for the underlying and related techniques to ACDC, like KERI, CESR and OOBI.

There are a few practical rules from the originator ToIP to get these wiki terms through their equivalent github actions script, please:

  1. beware all new wiki items you create, lead to new .md files. We'd like to know
  2. introduce lowercase names with spaces (they will convert into lower case names with dashes between the words)
  3. start with ## Definition header; example
  4. start with uppercase abbreviations with only the "## See" header; example
  5. don't delete items (i.e. .md files) but make clear they are depreciated and / or link to the new concept / term
  6. don't change or update the name of an item single handed, for it might change the concept / meaning for other people and create dead links for those who read - or link to the term. Please open an issue or a PR to discuss first.
  7. any other immediate updates and amendments welcome, the revisions are available for us to be able to (partially) revert if something unwanted or unexpected happens.

KERISSE reads this wiki

The weboftrust wiki glossary is currently our input tool for our KERI Suite glossary. However, we regularly scrape the wiki into KERISSE, we add features and metadata, we connect relevant matching terms from related glossaries and finally we index it for the KERI Suite Search Engine (KERISSE).

Have fun CRU-ing!
'* CRU=Create Read Update

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