- cases: different conditioned patterns / different visual intensity ratios
- groups: fish groups trained with different experiment protocols (self-control group, experiment group, unpaired-control group)
- classes: learners, non-learners, (all fish) which classified by the learning metrics (currently the significance test of the positional indices)
loadMats(byKeywords): append fishStack to an existing ABLITZER obj
- ABLITZER method
- arg1: keywords to filter files
- arg2: append data / rewrite Data
loadYamls(byKeywords): import yaml files to matlab
- ABLITZER method
- arg1: keywords to filter files
- arg2: append data / rewrite Data
- arg3: old-flag to deal with old yaml files
saveData(by keywords/size): save fishStack in ABLITZER obj into multiples files
- ABLITZER method
- arg0: savingPath
- arg1: which keywords to be classified
- arg2: size to be divided
saveTrialsMat: save trial-by-trial mat in files
- global function
- structure needs to be defined
classifyFish: classify fish in groups by keys (e.g., ages, strains)
- ABLITZER method
findFish: find specific fish by key-value pair or keywords
- ABLITZER method
removeInvalidData: remove FISHDATA (in pair) whose data quality lower than the threshold
- ABLITZER method
outputFeatures: output as print-out message/variable (struct)
- ABLITZER method
- arg1: indices to output (all/selective)
- evaluateDataQuality:
- calcPItime(PositionalIndex):
- FISHDATA method
- phaseByPhase
- add trials' values for each phase
- add increments in RESDATA
- calcPIturn(TurningIndex):
- FISHDATA method
- phaseByPhase
- add trials' values for each phase
- add increments in RESDATA
- calcPIshock(ShockIndex):
- FISHDATA method
- phaseByPhase
- add trials' values for each phase
- [ifLearned, MemLen] = sayIfLearned
- FISHDATA method
- add "MemoryLength" in seconds
- "ExtinctTime" should be converted to the idxFrame / seconds from the experiment beginning.
plotPIs: plot performance index (positional/turning/shock) of different groups (1. exp only; 2. with self-control; 3. with unpaired control)
- ABLITZER method
- arg1: metric type (positional/turning/shock)
- arg2: (number of arguments) which groups to plot (1. exp only; 2. with self-control; 3. with unpaired control)
- (FishData method)
- arg1: the entire process / test-phase only / baseline-phase / training-phase
- arg2: pixelSize
- arg3: w/o extinction point (blue triangle)
- arg4: w/o shocking events (red filled-circles)
- arg5: w/o shadows to demarcate consecutive phases
plotLearningCurves: plot performance index (positional/turning/shock) of different classes (1. learners only; 2. with non-learners; 3. with all)
- ABLITZER method
- arg1: metric type (positional/turning/shock)
- arg2: which classes to plot (1. learners only; 2. with non-learners; 3. with all)
- we can also design a global function to deal with saved trialBytrialPImat.
histPlotMemLen: plot the histograms of memory lengths of different cases
- ABLITZER method
- arg1: which case(s) to plot. (white-black checkerboard, red-black checkerboard, pure-black patterns)
- arg2: binEdges/width
plotOntogeny: plot different metrics (memory length, positional index increments, turning index increments) versus ages.
- ABLITZER method
- arg1: ages
- plot Figures 1-4
- basic usages
- arg2: corresponding indices to ages
- arg3: metrics (memory length, positional index increments, turning index increments)