These names are used by various Set Actions to identify which property to modify. Some items may not have handled the automated collection of this data properly.
- [[NET.worlds.console.AddHandler]]
- Handlers to Add
- Name
- Source URL
- [[NET.worlds.console.CameraConveyor]]
- Velocity
- Name
- Source URL
- Unable to handle: [[NET.worlds.console.Console]]
- Unable to handle: [[NET.worlds.console.Conveyor]]
- [[NET.worlds.console.Cursor]]
- File
- Name
- Source URL
- Unable to handle: [[NET.worlds.console.DefaultConsole]]
- [[NET.worlds.console.RemoveHandler]]
- Handlers to Remove
- Name
- Source URL
- [[NET.worlds.console.Stair]]
- Length
- Rise
- Direction
- Environment
- Infinite Background
- Sky Color
- Ground Color
- Default Position
- Default Orientation Axis
- Default Orientation Angle
- VIP only
- Visible to VIP only
- Light Source Direction
- Light Color
- Time To Auto-Teleport (seconds, -1 = never)
- Auto-Teleport destination
- Allow Teleporting
- Contents
- Event Handlers
- Actions
- Bumpable
- Visible
- Sharing Mode (100 for help)
- Shared Attributes
- Tool Tip Text
- Mouse Change
- Transform
- Name
- Source URL
- [[NET.worlds.console.Staircase]]
- Environment
- Infinite Background
- Sky Color
- Ground Color
- Default Position
- Default Orientation Axis
- Default Orientation Angle
- VIP only
- Visible to VIP only
- Light Source Direction
- Light Color
- Time To Auto-Teleport (seconds, -1 = never)
- Auto-Teleport destination
- Allow Teleporting
- Contents
- Event Handlers
- Actions
- Bumpable
- Visible
- Sharing Mode (100 for help)
- Shared Attributes
- Tool Tip Text
- Mouse Change
- Transform
- Name
- Source URL
- Unable to handle: [[NET.worlds.scape.Action]]
- [[NET.worlds.scape.Action_Animation]]
- Trigger Now
- Right Menu Label
- Name
- Source URL
- [[NET.worlds.scape.Action_Motion]]
- Trigger Now
- Right Menu Label
- Name
- Source URL
- [[NET.worlds.scape.Action_Toggle]]
- Trigger Now
- Right Menu Label
- Name
- Source URL
- [[NET.worlds.scape.AddObjectAction]]
- [[NET.worlds.scape.AdvancingAction]]
- Components
- Prevent overlapping actions
- Trigger Now
- Right Menu Label
- Name
- Source URL
- [[NET.worlds.scape.AnimateAction]]
- Cycle Time
- Cycles
- Infinite Loop
- Frame List
- Trigger Now
- Right Menu Label
- Name
- Source URL
- [[NET.worlds.scape.AnimatingDoor]]
- Frame List
- Start
- End
- Time Per Frame
- Open Sound URL
- Close Sound URL
- Destination World URL (null means this world)
- Destination Room Name
- Connect to a portal
- Download if world not present
- Destination Portal Name
- Destination position
- Destination orientation (degrees, clockwise from North)
- Mirrored
- Tile Size
- Tile Origin
- From
- To
- Extent
- Flip Alternate U
- Flip Alternate V
- Unused
- Material
- Contents
- Event Handlers
- Actions
- Bumpable
- Visible
- Sharing Mode (100 for help)
- Shared Attributes
- Tool Tip Text
- Mouse Change
- Transform
- Name
- Source URL
- [[NET.worlds.scape.Animation]]
- Class Animation (obsolete; for backwards compatibility)
- Cycle Time
- Cycles
- Trigger
- External Trigger Tag
- Frame List
- Enabled
- Name
- Source URL
- Unable to handle: [[NET.worlds.scape.Attribute]]
- [[NET.worlds.scape.Billboard]]
- Target URL
- Texture URL
- X Overlay % or Width
- Y Overlay % or Height
- Has Toolbar
- Fixed size
- Texture Width
- Texture Height
- Texture Refresh Rate
- Pass clicks
- Is Ad Banner
- Attribute ID
- Fingerable
- Auto Update
- Store in Database
- Shorthand version
- Forwarder attrID
- Load Now
- Targets
- Name
- Source URL
- [[NET.worlds.scape.BizCard]]
- Line 0
- Line 1
- Line 2
- Line 3
- Line 4
- Attribute ID
- Fingerable
- Auto Update
- Store in Database
- Shorthand version
- Forwarder attrID
- Load Now
- Targets
- Name
- Source URL
- [[NET.worlds.scape.BoxBumpCalc]]
- Name
- Source URL
- [[NET.worlds.scape.BuildRamp]]
- Class BuildRamp (obsolete; for backwards compatibility)
- Build now?
- Staircase Name
- Portal-to-portal Distance
- Stairwell Width
- Portal Width
- Portal Height
- Total Rise
- Lintel Height
- Floor Tile Size
- Ceiling Tile Size
- Left Wall Tile Size
- Right Wall Tile Size
- Floor Material
- Left Wall Material
- Right Wall Material
- Doorpost Material
- Lintel Material
- Ceiling Material
- Enabled
- Name
- Source URL
- [[NET.worlds.scape.BuildStairs]]
- Class BuildStairs (obsolete; for backwards compatibility)
- Build now?
- Staircase Name
- Number of Steps
- Portal-to-portal Distance
- Stairwell Width
- Portal Width
- Portal Height
- Total Rise
- Lintel Height
- Riser Material
- Tread Material
- Left Wall Material
- Right Wall Material
- Doorpost Material
- Lintel Material
- Ceiling Material
- Enabled
- Name
- Source URL
- [[NET.worlds.scape.BumpAttribute]]
- Attribute ID
- Fingerable
- Auto Update
- Store in Database
- Shorthand version
- Forwarder attrID
- Load Now
- Targets
- Name
- Source URL
- Unable to handle: [[NET.worlds.scape.BumpCalc]]
- [[NET.worlds.scape.BumpSensor]]
- Targets
- Name
- Source URL
- [[NET.worlds.scape.Camera]]
- Contents
- Event Handlers
- Actions
- Bumpable
- Visible
- Sharing Mode (100 for help)
- Shared Attributes
- Tool Tip Text
- Mouse Change
- Transform
- Name
- Source URL
- [[NET.worlds.scape.CameraHeightAction]]
- New Eye Height
- Trigger Now
- Right Menu Label
- Name
- Source URL
- [[NET.worlds.scape.CDPlayerAction]]
- Artist
- Title
- Disk ID (Edit or Delete to read CD)
- Start (75ths of a second)
- Stop (75ths of a second)
- Stop identical CDPlayerAction
- Trigger Now
- Right Menu Label
- Name
- Source URL
- [[NET.worlds.scape.ClickSensor]]
- Left Button
- Right Button
- Center Button
- Wait for up-click
- Config File
- Targets
- Name
- Source URL
- [[NET.worlds.scape.ColorAttribute]]
- value
- Attribute ID
- Fingerable
- Auto Update
- Store in Database
- Shorthand version
- Forwarder attrID
- Load Now
- Targets
- Name
- Source URL
- [[NET.worlds.scape.CrashAction]]
- Message
- Trigger Now
- Right Menu Label
- Name
- Source URL
- Unable to handle: [[NET.worlds.scape.DialogAction]]
- [[NET.worlds.scape.DiffRoomSensor]]
- Targets
- Name
- Source URL
- Unable to handle: [[NET.worlds.scape.DiskShadow]]
- [[NET.worlds.scape.DispenserAction]]
- wob File Name
- Center Position For Drop
- Drop-position Radius
- Trigger Now
- Right Menu Label
- Name
- Source URL
- [[NET.worlds.scape.DPAction]]
- Load Distance
- Unload Distance
- Cell State
- Trigger Now
- Right Menu Label
- Name
- Source URL
- [[NET.worlds.scape.DPLoadTracker]]
- Contents
- Event Handlers
- Actions
- Bumpable
- Visible
- Sharing Mode (100 for help)
- Shared Attributes
- Tool Tip Text
- Mouse Change
- Transform
- Name
- Source URL
- [[NET.worlds.scape.DPState]]
- Current Distance
- Connections
- Name
- Source URL
- Unable to handle: [[NET.worlds.scape.Drone]]
- Unable to handle: [[NET.worlds.scape.DynamicForwardAttribute]]
- [[NET.worlds.scape.EquipAction]]
- Trigger Now
- Right Menu Label
- Name
- Source URL
- [[NET.worlds.scape.Facer]]
- Enabled
- Name
- Source URL
- Unable to handle: [[NET.worlds.scape.ForwardAttribute]]
- [[NET.worlds.scape.FrameSensor]]
- Targets
- Name
- Source URL
- [[NET.worlds.scape.GravityAction]]
- Force
- Trigger Now
- Right Menu Label
- Name
- Source URL
- [[NET.worlds.scape.HandsOffDriver]]
- Enabled
- Name
- Source URL
- [[NET.worlds.scape.HoloDrone]]
- Contents
- Event Handlers
- Actions
- Bumpable
- Visible
- Sharing Mode (100 for help)
- Shared Attributes
- Tool Tip Text
- Mouse Change
- Transform
- Name
- Source URL
- [[NET.worlds.scape.Hologram]]
- File
- Viewplane Aligned
- Rough Cut Alignment
- Scale Distance
- Extent
- Autosize
- Material
- Contents
- Event Handlers
- Actions
- Bumpable
- Visible
- Sharing Mode (100 for help)
- Shared Attributes
- Tool Tip Text
- Mouse Change
- Transform
- Name
- Source URL
- [[NET.worlds.scape.HoloPilot]]
- Bump Box Start
- Bump Box End
- Step Height
- Console
- Contents
- Event Handlers
- Actions
- Bumpable
- Visible
- Sharing Mode (100 for help)
- Shared Attributes
- Tool Tip Text
- Mouse Change
- Transform
- Name
- Source URL
- [[NET.worlds.scape.HorizontalRect]]
- Material
- Contents
- Event Handlers
- Actions
- Bumpable
- Visible
- Sharing Mode (100 for help)
- Shared Attributes
- Tool Tip Text
- Mouse Change
- Transform
- Name
- Source URL
- [[NET.worlds.scape.InterpolatedDrone]]
- Contents
- Event Handlers
- Actions
- Bumpable
- Visible
- Sharing Mode (100 for help)
- Shared Attributes
- Tool Tip Text
- Mouse Change
- Transform
- Name
- Source URL
- [[NET.worlds.scape.LibrariesTile]]
- Contents
- [[NET.worlds.scape.Library]]
- Contents
- Property Name
- Name
- Source URL
- [[NET.worlds.scape.LibraryEntry]]
- Icon
- Content URL
- Property Name
- Name
- Source URL
- [[NET.worlds.scape.Light]]
- Contents
- Event Handlers
- Actions
- Bumpable
- Visible
- Sharing Mode (100 for help)
- Shared Attributes
- Tool Tip Text
- Mouse Change
- Transform
- Name
- Source URL
- [[NET.worlds.scape.Material]]
- Texture
- Color
- Ambient Reflection Coefficient
- Diffuse Reflection Coefficient
- Specular Reflection Coefficient
- Opacity
- Smooth
- Filter
- Name
- Source URL
- Unable to handle: [[NET.worlds.scape.MaterialTexture]]
- [[NET.worlds.scape.Mirror]]
- Destination World URL (null means this world)
- Destination Room Name
- Connect to a portal
- Download if world not present
- Destination Portal Name
- Destination position
- Destination orientation (degrees, clockwise from North)
- Mirrored
- Tile Size
- Tile Origin
- From
- To
- Extent
- Flip Alternate U
- Flip Alternate V
- Unused
- Material
- Contents
- Event Handlers
- Actions
- Bumpable
- Visible
- Sharing Mode (100 for help)
- Shared Attributes
- Tool Tip Text
- Mouse Change
- Transform
- Name
- Source URL
- [[NET.worlds.scape.MontyDoor]]
- Avatar type
- URL (used only for non-avatar)
- Description
- Display URL
- Display Name
- Destination World URL (null means this world)
- Destination Room Name
- Connect to a portal
- Download if world not present
- Destination Portal Name
- Destination position
- Destination orientation (degrees, clockwise from North)
- Mirrored
- Tile Size
- Tile Origin
- From
- To
- Extent
- Flip Alternate U
- Flip Alternate V
- Unused
- Material
- Contents
- Event Handlers
- Actions
- Bumpable
- Visible
- Sharing Mode (100 for help)
- Shared Attributes
- Tool Tip Text
- Mouse Change
- Transform
- Name
- Source URL
- [[NET.worlds.scape.Motion]]
- Class Motion (obsolete; for backwards compatibility)
- Cycle Time
- Cycles
- Trigger
- External Trigger Tag
- End Point
- Start Point
- End Scale
- Start Scale
- End Spin (Relative)
- Start Spin
- End Rotation (Relative)
- Start Rotation
- Enabled
- Name
- Source URL
- [[NET.worlds.scape.MoveAction]]
- Cycle Time (in seconds)
- Cycles
- Copy Start/End 1/2:Action->Owner 3/4:Owner->Action
- Translation Extent
- Scale Extent
- Spin Axis For Extent
- Extent Rotation Amount
- Start Point
- Start Scale
- Start Spin
- Start Rotation
- Kill Other Move Actions
- Loop Infinite
- Trigger Now
- Right Menu Label
- Name
- Source URL
- [[NET.worlds.scape.MoveCameraAction]]
- Cycle Time (in seconds)
- Cycles
- Copy Start/End 1/2:Action->Owner 3/4:Owner->Action
- Translation Extent
- Scale Extent
- Spin Axis For Extent
- Extent Rotation Amount
- Start Point
- Start Scale
- Start Spin
- Start Rotation
- Kill Other Move Actions
- Loop Infinite
- Trigger Now
- Right Menu Label
- Name
- Source URL
- [[NET.worlds.scape.MultiManifestAction]]
- Directory
- Trigger Now
- Right Menu Label
- Name
- Source URL
- [[NET.worlds.scape.MultiMotion]]
- Class MultiMotion (obsolete; for backwards compatibility)
- Number of Motions
- Cycles
- Trigger
- External Trigger Tag
- Cycle Time
- End Point
- Start Point
- End Scale
- Start Scale
- End Spin (Relative)
- Start Spin
- End Rotation (Relative)
- Start Rotation
- Enabled
- Name
- Source URL
- [[NET.worlds.scape.MutedDrone]]
- Contents
- Event Handlers
- Actions
- Bumpable
- Visible
- Sharing Mode (100 for help)
- Shared Attributes
- Tool Tip Text
- Mouse Change
- Transform
- Name
- Source URL
- [[NET.worlds.scape.NametagDrone]]
- Contents
- Event Handlers
- Actions
- Bumpable
- Visible
- Sharing Mode (100 for help)
- Shared Attributes
- Tool Tip Text
- Mouse Change
- Transform
- Name
- Source URL
- [[NET.worlds.scape.NotifyScriptAction]]
- Message
- Trigger Now
- Right Menu Label
- Name
- Source URL
- [[NET.worlds.scape.NumberAttribute]]
- value
- Attribute ID
- Fingerable
- Auto Update
- Store in Database
- Shorthand version
- Forwarder attrID
- Load Now
- Targets
- Name
- Source URL
- [[NET.worlds.scape.OpenURLAction]]
- Target URL
- X Overlay % or Width
- Y Overlay % or Height
- Has Toolbar
- Fixed size
- Right Menu Label
- Name
- Source URL
- [[NET.worlds.scape.ParallelAction]]
- Components
- Wait for
- Trigger Now
- Right Menu Label
- Name
- Source URL
- [[NET.worlds.scape.PassthroughBumpCalc]]
- Name
- Source URL
- [[NET.worlds.scape.PathMoveAction]]
- Trigger Now
- Right Menu Label
- Name
- Source URL
- [[NET.worlds.scape.PeriodicTimeSensor]]
- Time Interval (s)
- Targets
- Name
- Source URL
- [[NET.worlds.scape.PickUpAction]]
- Trigger Now
- Right Menu Label
- Name
- Source URL
- Unable to handle: [[NET.worlds.scape.Pilot]]
- [[NET.worlds.scape.PitchDriver]]
- Pitch max acceleration
- Pitch rate damping
- Pitch min rate
- Pitch rate increment for up/down arrow keys
- [[NET.worlds.scape.PlaneBumpCalc]]
- Name
- Source URL
- [[NET.worlds.scape.PlaybackRecordingAction]]
- Filename
- Trigger Now
- Right Menu Label
- Name
- Source URL
- [[NET.worlds.scape.Polygon]]
- Material
- Contents
- Event Handlers
- Actions
- Bumpable
- Visible
- Sharing Mode (100 for help)
- Shared Attributes
- Tool Tip Text
- Mouse Change
- Transform
- Name
- Source URL
- [[NET.worlds.scape.Portal]]
- Destination World URL (null means this world)
- Destination Room Name
- Connect to a portal
- Download if world not present
- Destination Portal Name
- Destination position
- Destination orientation (degrees, clockwise from North)
- Mirrored
- Tile Size
- Tile Origin
- From
- To
- Extent
- Flip Alternate U
- Flip Alternate V
- Unused
- Material
- Contents
- Event Handlers
- Actions
- Bumpable
- Visible
- Sharing Mode (100 for help)
- Shared Attributes
- Tool Tip Text
- Mouse Change
- Transform
- Name
- Source URL
- [[NET.worlds.scape.PosableAction]]
- Action Name
- Trigger Now
- Right Menu Label
- Name
- Source URL
- [[NET.worlds.scape.PosableDrone]]
- Contents
- Event Handlers
- Actions
- Bumpable
- Visible
- Sharing Mode (100 for help)
- Shared Attributes
- Tool Tip Text
- Mouse Change
- Transform
- Name
- Source URL
- [[NET.worlds.scape.PosableShape]]
- Center of Gravity
- File
- PrepareRoom
- Contents
- Event Handlers
- Actions
- Bumpable
- Visible
- Sharing Mode (100 for help)
- Shared Attributes
- Tool Tip Text
- Mouse Change
- Transform
- Name
- Source URL
- [[NET.worlds.scape.PostspinBehavior]]
- Center
- Cycle Time
- Axis
- Enabled
- Name
- Source URL
- [[NET.worlds.scape.PrintAction]]
- Text Out
- Trigger Now
- Right Menu Label
- Name
- Source URL
- Unable to handle: [[NET.worlds.scape.Properties]]
- [[NET.worlds.scape.ProximitySensor]]
- Start
- End
- Trigger on entry
- Trigger on exit
- Teleport trigger
- Targets
- Name
- Source URL
- [[NET.worlds.scape.Rect]]
- Tile Size
- Tile Origin
- From
- To
- Extent
- Flip Alternate U
- Flip Alternate V
- Unused
- Material
- Contents
- Event Handlers
- Actions
- Bumpable
- Visible
- Sharing Mode (100 for help)
- Shared Attributes
- Tool Tip Text
- Mouse Change
- Transform
- Name
- Source URL
- [[NET.worlds.scape.RectPatch]]
- Length (y)
- Width (x)
- 0,0 corner
- 0,y corner
- x,y corner
- x,0 corner
- # Tiles (x)
- # Tiles (y)
- Tile Offset (x)
- Tile Offset (y)
- Material
- Contents
- Event Handlers
- Actions
- Bumpable
- Visible
- Sharing Mode (100 for help)
- Shared Attributes
- Tool Tip Text
- Mouse Change
- Transform
- Name
- Source URL
- [[NET.worlds.scape.RelativeMoveAction]]
- Cycle Time (in seconds)
- Cycles
- Loop Infinite
- Translation Extent
- Scale Extent
- Spin Axis For Extent
- Extent Rotation Amount
- Trigger Now
- Right Menu Label
- Name
- Source URL
- [[NET.worlds.scape.RemotePortal]]
- Contents
- Event Handlers
- Actions
- Bumpable
- Visible
- Sharing Mode (100 for help)
- Shared Attributes
- Tool Tip Text
- Mouse Change
- Transform
- Name
- Source URL
- [[NET.worlds.scape.RemoveObjectAction]]
- Object to Remove
- Target
- Target Room
- Target Name
- Property Name
- Use parameter
- Parameter Name
- Trigger Now
- Right Menu Label
- Name
- Source URL
- [[NET.worlds.scape.RollBehavior]]
- Roll Factor
- Linear Velocity
- Linear Damping
- Direction
- Angular Velocity
- Angular Damping
- Axis
- Enabled
- Name
- Source URL
- [[NET.worlds.scape.RollingAttribute]]
- Roll Factor
- Initial Kick Velocity
- Attribute ID
- Fingerable
- Auto Update
- Store in Database
- Shorthand version
- Forwarder attrID
- Load Now
- Targets
- Name
- Source URL
- [[NET.worlds.scape.Room]]
- Environment
- Infinite Background
- Sky Color
- Ground Color
- Default Position
- Default Orientation Axis
- Default Orientation Angle
- VIP only
- Visible to VIP only
- Light Source Direction
- Light Color
- Time To Auto-Teleport (seconds, -1 = never)
- Auto-Teleport destination
- Allow Teleporting
- Contents
- Event Handlers
- Actions
- Bumpable
- Visible
- Sharing Mode (100 for help)
- Shared Attributes
- Tool Tip Text
- Mouse Change
- Transform
- Name
- Source URL
- [[NET.worlds.scape.RoomEnvironment]]
- Contents
- Event Handlers
- Actions
- Bumpable
- Visible
- Sharing Mode (100 for help)
- Shared Attributes
- Tool Tip Text
- Mouse Change
- Transform
- Name
- Source URL
- [[NET.worlds.scape.RPAction]]
- Trigger Now
- Right Menu Label
- Name
- Source URL
- [[NET.worlds.scape.RunningActionHandler]]
- Action
- Sequence ID Object
- Name
- Source URL
- [[NET.worlds.scape.SameRoomSensor]]
- Targets
- Name
- Source URL
- [[NET.worlds.scape.SelectAvatarAction]]
- Avatar URL
- Display Dialog Box
- Cancel only
- Trigger Now
- Right Menu Label
- Name
- Source URL
- [[NET.worlds.scape.sendURL]]
- Trigger
- External Trigger Tag
- Silent URL
- Destination
- Enabled
- Name
- Source URL
- [[NET.worlds.scape.SendURLAction]]
- Destination
- Description
- Destination Override
- Override World
- Send User Info (auto-login)
- POST data
- Display Dialog Box
- Cancel only
- Trigger Now
- Right Menu Label
- Name
- Source URL
- [[NET.worlds.scape.Sensor]]
- Targets
- Name
- Source URL
- [[NET.worlds.scape.SensorFrameHandler]]
- Name
- Source URL
- [[NET.worlds.scape.SequenceAction]]
- Components
- Loop Count
- Loop Infinite
- Trigger Now
- Right Menu Label
- Name
- Source URL
- [[NET.worlds.scape.SetBooleanAction]]
- Set To
- Target
- Target Room
- Target Name
- Property Name
- Use parameter
- Parameter Name
- Trigger Now
- Right Menu Label
- Name
- Source URL
- [[NET.worlds.scape.SetColorAction]]
- Set To
- Duration
- Target
- Target Room
- Target Name
- Property Name
- Use parameter
- Parameter Name
- Trigger Now
- Right Menu Label
- Name
- Source URL
- [[NET.worlds.scape.SetFloatAction]]
- Set To
- Duration
- Target
- Target Room
- Target Name
- Property Name
- Use parameter
- Parameter Name
- Trigger Now
- Right Menu Label
- Name
- Source URL
- [[NET.worlds.scape.SetIntegerAction]]
- Set To
- Duration
- Target
- Target Room
- Target Name
- Property Name
- Use parameter
- Parameter Name
- Trigger Now
- Right Menu Label
- Name
- Source URL
- [[NET.worlds.scape.SetPoint2Action]]
- Set To
- Duration
- Target
- Target Room
- Target Name
- Property Name
- Use parameter
- Parameter Name
- Trigger Now
- Right Menu Label
- Name
- Source URL
- [[NET.worlds.scape.SetPoint3Action]]
- Set To
- Duration
- Target
- Target Room
- Target Name
- Property Name
- Use parameter
- Parameter Name
- Trigger Now
- Right Menu Label
- Name
- Source URL
- Unable to handle: [[NET.worlds.scape.SetPropertyAction]]
- [[NET.worlds.scape.SetStringAction]]
- Set To
- Target
- Target Room
- Target Name
- Property Name
- Use parameter
- Parameter Name
- Trigger Now
- Right Menu Label
- Name
- Source URL
- [[NET.worlds.scape.SetURLAction]]
- Set To
- Target
- Target Room
- Target Name
- Property Name
- Use parameter
- Parameter Name
- Trigger Now
- Right Menu Label
- Name
- Source URL
- [[NET.worlds.scape.SetVisibleBumpableAction]]
- Target Bumpable
- Target Visible
- Trigger Now
- Right Menu Label
- Name
- Source URL
- [[NET.worlds.scape.SetZoomMode]]
- Trigger Now
- Right Menu Label
- Name
- Source URL
- [[NET.worlds.scape.Shape]]
- File
- PrepareRoom
- Contents
- Event Handlers
- Actions
- Bumpable
- Visible
- Sharing Mode (100 for help)
- Shared Attributes
- Tool Tip Text
- Mouse Change
- Transform
- Name
- Source URL
- [[NET.worlds.scape.Sharer]]
- Unable to handle: [[NET.worlds.scape.SlidePropertyAction]]
- [[NET.worlds.scape.SmoothDriver]]
- Eye Height
- Fore/aft max acceleration
- Fore/aft velocity damping
- Fore/aft min velocity
- Fore/aft velocity threshold for pixel doubling
- Yaw max acceleration
- Yaw rate damping
- Yaw min rate
- Yaw rate threshold for pixel doubling
- Fore/aft velocity increment for up/down arrow keys
- Yaw rate increment for up/down arrow keys
- Enabled
- Name
- Source URL
- [[NET.worlds.scape.Sound]]
- Sound File URL
- Max Volume
- Stop Distance
- Times to Repeat
- Attenuate With Distance
- Do panning
- Room hops till sound dies
- Door based audibility
- Play after loading
- Loop Infinite
- Trigger Now
- Right Menu Label
- Name
- Source URL
- [[NET.worlds.scape.SpinBehavior]]
- Cycle Time
- Axis
- Enabled
- Name
- Source URL
- [[NET.worlds.scape.StartupSensor]]
- Targets
- Name
- Source URL
- [[NET.worlds.scape.StdoutAction]]
- Text Out
- Dump Event
- Trigger Now
- Right Menu Label
- Name
- Source URL
- [[NET.worlds.scape.StopRecordingAction]]
- Trigger Now
- Right Menu Label
- Name
- Source URL
- [[NET.worlds.scape.StringAttribute]]
- value
- Attribute ID
- Fingerable
- Auto Update
- Store in Database
- Shorthand version
- Forwarder attrID
- Load Now
- Targets
- Name
- Source URL
- [[NET.worlds.scape.SubclumpShape]]
- File
- PrepareRoom
- Contents
- Event Handlers
- Actions
- Bumpable
- Visible
- Sharing Mode (100 for help)
- Shared Attributes
- Tool Tip Text
- Mouse Change
- Transform
- Name
- Source URL
- [[NET.worlds.scape.SuperRoot]]
- Name
- Source URL
- [[NET.worlds.scape.Surface]]
- Material
- Contents
- Event Handlers
- Actions
- Bumpable
- Visible
- Sharing Mode (100 for help)
- Shared Attributes
- Tool Tip Text
- Mouse Change
- Transform
- Name
- Source URL
- [[NET.worlds.scape.SwitchableBehavior]]
- Enabled
- Name
- Source URL
- [[NET.worlds.scape.TalkAction]]
- Message
- Trigger Now
- Right Menu Label
- Name
- Source URL
- [[NET.worlds.scape.Teleport]]
- Trigger
- External Trigger Tag
- World Name
- Enabled
- Name
- Source URL
- [[NET.worlds.scape.TeleportAction]]
- X, Y, Z
- Dir
- Room Name
- World URL
- Use default coordinates
- Dimension Name
- Show dialog
- Trigger Now
- Right Menu Label
- Name
- Source URL
- [[NET.worlds.scape.Toggle]]
- Trigger
- External Trigger Tag
- Toggle Bumpable
- Toggle Visible
- Enabled
- Name
- Source URL
- [[NET.worlds.scape.ToggleZoomMode]]
- Trigger Now
- Right Menu Label
- Name
- Source URL
- [[NET.worlds.scape.TradeAction]]
- User Item Type
- Number of User Items
- Merchant Item Type
- Number of Merchant Items
- Display Dialog Box
- Cancel only
- Trigger Now
- Right Menu Label
- Name
- Source URL
- [[NET.worlds.scape.TrajectoryBehavior]]
- Linear Velocity
- Linear Damping
- Direction
- Angular Velocity
- Angular Damping
- Axis
- Gravitational Acceleration
- Bounce Damping (1 = superball, 0 = beanbag)
- Enabled
- Name
- Source URL
- [[NET.worlds.scape.TransAttribute]]
- Share Position
- Share Rotation
- Share Scale
- Attribute ID
- Fingerable
- Auto Update
- Store in Database
- Shorthand version
- Forwarder attrID
- Load Now
- Targets
- Name
- Source URL
- [[NET.worlds.scape.Transform]]
- Transform
- Name
- Source URL
- [[NET.worlds.scape.Trigger]]
- Trigger
- Target Trigger Tag
- Enabled
- Name
- Source URL
- Unable to handle: [[NET.worlds.scape.TriggeredSwitchableBehavior]]
- [[NET.worlds.scape.TwoWayPortal]]
- Destination World URL (null means this world)
- Destination Room Name
- Connect to a portal
- Download if world not present
- Destination Portal Name
- Destination position
- Destination orientation (degrees, clockwise from North)
- Mirrored
- Tile Size
- Tile Origin
- From
- To
- Extent
- Flip Alternate U
- Flip Alternate V
- Unused
- Material
- Contents
- Event Handlers
- Actions
- Bumpable
- Visible
- Sharing Mode (100 for help)
- Shared Attributes
- Tool Tip Text
- Mouse Change
- Transform
- Name
- Source URL
- Unable to handle: [[NET.worlds.scape.VehicleDriver]]
- [[NET.worlds.scape.VehicleShape]]
- Prompt String
- Rear End Ratio
- Frontal Area (sq.ft.)
- Wheel Diameter (ft.)
- Coefficient of Kinetic Friction
- Coefficient of Static Friction
- Mass (slugs)
- 1st Gear Ratio
- 2nd Gear Ratio
- 3rd Gear Ratio
- 4th Gear Ratio
- 5th Gear Ratio
- Max. Engine Torque (ft-lbs)
- Tire Adhesive Limit
- Shocks Damping Coefficient
- Shock Length (ft)
- Torque Peak (RPM)
- Idle RPM
- Transmission Type
- Gas (Gall., -1 for infinite)
- Center of gravity X adjust
- Center of gravity Y adjust
- Center of gravity Z adjust
- Use fixed camera
- Camera X offset
- Camera Y offset
- Camera Z offset
- Camera Roll
- Camera Pitch
- Camera Yaw
- Camera Aim X
- Camera Aim Y
- Camera Aim Z
- Camera Eye Height
- Center of Gravity
- File
- PrepareRoom
- Contents
- Event Handlers
- Actions
- Bumpable
- Visible
- Sharing Mode (100 for help)
- Shared Attributes
- Tool Tip Text
- Mouse Change
- Transform
- Name
- Source URL
- [[NET.worlds.scape.VelocityBehavior]]
- Linear Velocity
- Linear Damping
- Direction
- Angular Velocity
- Angular Damping
- Axis
- Enabled
- Name
- Source URL
- [[NET.worlds.scape.VideoControlAction]]
- 1=Play, 2=Stop
- Repeat count (-1 for infinite)
- Trigger Now
- Right Menu Label
- Name
- Source URL
- [[NET.worlds.scape.VideoTexture]]
- Texture URL
- Texture Width
- Texture Height
- Auto-play?
- Attribute ID
- Fingerable
- Auto Update
- Store in Database
- Shorthand version
- Forwarder attrID
- Load Now
- Targets
- Name
- Source URL
- [[NET.worlds.scape.VideoWall]]
- Video URL
- Video Width (pixels)
- Video Height (pixels)
- Auto-play?
- Repeats for Autoplay (-1 = infinite)
- Tile Size
- Tile Origin
- From
- To
- Extent
- Flip Alternate U
- Flip Alternate V
- Unused
- Material
- Contents
- Event Handlers
- Actions
- Bumpable
- Visible
- Sharing Mode (100 for help)
- Shared Attributes
- Tool Tip Text
- Mouse Change
- Transform
- Name
- Source URL
- [[NET.worlds.scape.VisiAttribute]]
- Attribute ID
- Fingerable
- Auto Update
- Store in Database
- Shorthand version
- Forwarder attrID
- Load Now
- Targets
- Name
- Source URL
- [[NET.worlds.scape.WaitAction]]
- Duration (s)
- Trigger Now
- Right Menu Label
- Name
- Source URL
- [[NET.worlds.scape.WearAction]]
- Limb
- Value
- Trigger Now
- Right Menu Label
- Name
- Source URL
- [[NET.worlds.scape.WearWall]]
- Limb
- Tile List
- Tile Size
- Tile Origin
- From
- To
- Extent
- Flip Alternate U
- Flip Alternate V
- Unused
- Material
- Contents
- Event Handlers
- Actions
- Bumpable
- Visible
- Sharing Mode (100 for help)
- Shared Attributes
- Tool Tip Text
- Mouse Change
- Transform
- Name
- Source URL
- [[NET.worlds.scape.WebPageWall]]
- Wall's URL
- Wall's POST data
- Wall Page Width (pixels)
- Wall Page Height (pixels)
- Wall Refresh Rate (frames)
- Use Scrollbars
- Pass clicks
- Target URL for click
- Target's POST data
- Target Page Size Units
- Target X Overlay % or Width
- Target Y Overlay % or Height
- Target Page Has Toolbar
- Tile Size
- Tile Origin
- From
- To
- Extent
- Flip Alternate U
- Flip Alternate V
- Unused
- Material
- Contents
- Event Handlers
- Actions
- Bumpable
- Visible
- Sharing Mode (100 for help)
- Shared Attributes
- Tool Tip Text
- Mouse Change
- Transform
- Name
- Source URL
- [[NET.worlds.scape.WebWallControlAction]]
- 1=Reload, 2=SetURL, 3=Refresh, 4=Back, 5=Fwd, 6=Stop, 7=Home
- URL for mode 2
- POST data for mode 2
- Trigger Now
- Right Menu Label
- Name
- Source URL
- [[NET.worlds.scape.Whiteboard]]
- Whiteboard text
- Attribute ID
- Fingerable
- Auto Update
- Store in Database
- Shorthand version
- Forwarder attrID
- Load Now
- Targets
- Name
- Source URL
- [[NET.worlds.scape.WObject]]
- Contents
- Event Handlers
- Actions
- Bumpable
- Visible
- Sharing Mode (100 for help)
- Shared Attributes
- Tool Tip Text
- Mouse Change
- Transform
- Name
- Source URL
- [[NET.worlds.scape.World]]
- Default Room Name
- Multiuser
- Console
- Rooms
- Time-out Age (seconds)
- Running Actions (delete to stop)
- Server URL
- Courtesy VIP
- Force Human
- Has Ad Banner
- Banner Width
- Banner Height
- Ad Banner URL
- Has Clickable Ad Cube
- Ad Cube image format
- Ad cube base URL
- Ad cube default click URL
- Name
- Source URL
- [[NET.worlds.scape.WrRamp]]
- Environment
- Infinite Background
- Sky Color
- Ground Color
- Default Position
- Default Orientation Axis
- Default Orientation Angle
- VIP only
- Visible to VIP only
- Light Source Direction
- Light Color
- Time To Auto-Teleport (seconds, -1 = never)
- Auto-Teleport destination
- Allow Teleporting
- Contents
- Event Handlers
- Actions
- Bumpable
- Visible
- Sharing Mode (100 for help)
- Shared Attributes
- Tool Tip Text
- Mouse Change
- Transform
- Name
- Source URL
- [[NET.worlds.scape.WrRectPatch]]
- Length (y)
- Width (x)
- 0,0 corner
- 0,y corner
- x,y corner
- x,0 corner
- # Tiles (x)
- # Tiles (y)
- Tile Offset (x)
- Tile Offset (y)
- Material
- Contents
- Event Handlers
- Actions
- Bumpable
- Visible
- Sharing Mode (100 for help)
- Shared Attributes
- Tool Tip Text
- Mouse Change
- Transform
- Name
- Source URL
- [[NET.worlds.scape.WrStaircase]]
- Environment
- Infinite Background
- Sky Color
- Ground Color
- Default Position
- Default Orientation Axis
- Default Orientation Angle
- VIP only
- Visible to VIP only
- Light Source Direction
- Light Color
- Time To Auto-Teleport (seconds, -1 = never)
- Auto-Teleport destination
- Allow Teleporting
- Contents
- Event Handlers
- Actions
- Bumpable
- Visible
- Sharing Mode (100 for help)
- Shared Attributes
- Tool Tip Text
- Mouse Change
- Transform
- Name
- Source URL
- [[NET.worlds.scape.WrVisiRectPatch]]
- Length (y)
- Width (x)
- 0,0 corner
- 0,y corner
- x,y corner
- x,0 corner
- # Tiles (x)
- # Tiles (y)
- Tile Offset (x)
- Tile Offset (y)
- Material
- Contents
- Event Handlers
- Actions
- Bumpable
- Visible
- Sharing Mode (100 for help)
- Shared Attributes
- Tool Tip Text
- Mouse Change
- Transform
- Name
- Source URL