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Wintermute0110 edited this page Mar 25, 2017 · 24 revisions

Advanced Emulator Launcher wiki

Advanced Emulator Launcher (AEL) is a multi-emulator front-end for Kodi scalable to collections of thousands of ROMs. AEL features include,

  • AEL includes offline scrapers for MAME and No-Intro ROM sets and also supports scrapping ROM metadata, thumbs and fanarts online.

  • Audit your ROM using No-Intro parent-clone XML DATs.

  • Powerful Favourites management to create your own curated game list among those thousands of ROMs of many systems.

  • Browse all your ROMs by Title (first letter), Year, Genre and Studio.

  • Launching of general applications, games and standalone applications is also available.

  • Imports Advanced Launcher launchers.xml. Users of Advanced Launcher will get started instantly.

Getting started

  1. Installation
  2. Getting started
  3. ROM launchers
  4. Standalone launchers
  5. Favourites
  6. ROM Collections
  7. Virtual Launchers
  8. Screenshot gallery

Advanced topics

  1. Backup/restore configuration
  2. XML launcher configuration
  3. Scrapers
  4. ROM audit and launcher Parent/Clonet view
  5. ROM Database and assets storage format
  6. Migrating Advanced Launcher

Emulator configuration

Linux Android Windows
Console Linux Console Android Console Windows Console
Arcade Linux Arcade Android Arcade Windows Arcade
Computer Linux Computer Android Computer Windows Computer

AEL menu reference

  1. Category context menu
  2. Launcher context menu
  3. ROM context menu
  4. AEL addon settings

Kodibuntu emulation guide

  1. Introduction
  2. Basic Kodibuntu setup
  3. Joystick configuration: Logitech F710
  4. Linux: Mednafen
  5. Linux: Retroarch
  6. Linux: MAME


  1. FAQ and Troubleshooting