Releases: Wolox/react-bootstrap
Releases · Wolox/react-bootstrap
First release
React Bootstrap first release. This module will serve as a bootstrap for your React Web App. In this initial version you will have some packages that are obligatory and other optional, being the latter ones:
- radium
- mobile-detect
- moment
- nuka-carousel
- numeral
- react-alert
- react-modal
- react-responsive
- react-scroll
- react-share
- react-virtualized
- recharts
- react-google-maps
And the obligatory:
- reselect
- apisauce
- history
- i18next
- lodash
- postcss
- prop-types
- react
- react-addons-perf
- react-dom
- react-redux
- react-router
- react-router-dom
- react-router-redux
- redux
- redux-beacon
- redux-form
- redux-thunk
- seamless-immutable
The features you found in this version are just experimental and will most likely change in future upgrades as well as the packages listed above