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File metadata and controls

191 lines (152 loc) · 6.17 KB

Instruction for SparkifyDB

Create table

In the first step in order to create the table we need to check is there any table with the same name already existed or not

  • FIRST DROP the database (if exist) and then CREATE the database
  • After that create all tables
$ python3


$ python

Test/CHECKING all tables in Database


So it should be:

postgresql://student:***@ 0 rows affected. songplay_id start_time user_id level song_id artist_id session_id location user_agent

For successfully create table

ETL python notebook and python files

  1. ETL.ipynb is for development process and understand how it work
  2. is the main python file to process data

ER Diagram

Here is to illustrated the table idea ER Diagram

Build ETL.PY

First it start connection to the sql server to be able to fetch and push data to the server. Then, it start process the data from song_data by iterative run through all the files in song_data folder. Here we will get the SONGS and ARTISTS tables into DB.

Parameters df: extract API data into DataFrame format(by pandas library) song_data: all the songs data from API file ready to be INSERT INTO SONGS TABLE artist_data: all the artists data from API file ready to be INSERT INTO ARTISTS TABLE

Open the json file from filepath and save into df

 df = pd.read_json(filepath, lines=True)

INSERT DATA to SONGS table and execute to DB PUSH data into song_data list contain all of the data then execute the insert query from with song_data values

df.values[0].tolist()=> making it to list

and for execute to DB is using cur.execute(insert_queries, data) insert_queries = query import from for SONGS table the query for do insert is song_table_insert

 song_data = df[['song_id','title','artist_id','year','duration']].values[0].tolist()
 cur.execute(song_table_insert, song_data)

INSERT DATA to ARTISTS table and execute to DB in df.get it will return 2 array values which is value and data type so we need only value therefore we need to specify index = 0 similar to SONGS table and here is artist_data and ARTISTS table

 artist_data = df[['artist_id','artist_name','artist_location','artist_latitude', 'artist_longitude']].values[0].tolist()
 cur.execute(artist_table_insert, artist_data)

After that it process the data inside log_data in this step we will get USERS, TIME, and SONGPLAYS table into DB

Parameters and Variables df: extract API data into DataFrame format(by pandas library) t: convert timestamp from df to datetime (in milisecond) time_data: covert datetime into timestamp(in milisecond), hour, day, week of year, month, year, weekday column_labels: label in the column for time_data time_df: combination of time_data and column_labels ready to be INSERT INTO TIME TABLE user_df: all the users data from API file ready to be INSERT INTO USERS TABLE results: After checking that the data we want to put in SONGPLAYS table is not already exists in DB songid: song data from iterative through data artistid: artist data from iterative through data songplay_data: all data ready for INSERT INTO SONGPLAYS TABLE

Filter by 'NextSong' in PAGE column in this section we need to filter column page that NOT 'NextSong' out of process

 df = df[df.get('page') == 'NextSong']

Convert timestamp(ts) to DATETIME

 t = pd.to_datetime(df.get('ts'))

INSERT time data

convert time from DATETIME into hour, day, week of year, month, year, weekday with syntex of dt.hour,,dt.weekofyear

 time_data = ([df.get('ts'),t.dt.hour,, t.dt.weekofyear, t.dt.month, t.dt.year, t.dt.weekday])

MAKE column labels

 column_labels = ('timestamp', 'hour','day','week of year','month','year','weekday')

COMBINE with dict then convert to dataframe to show a proper table combile time and column using zip function, zip(key, values) which key = column name and value is time_data. zip => use for create object that come from iterative list

 time_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(dict(zip(column_labels, time_data)))

INSERT data into USERS table and execute

convert dict to DataFram with DataFrame.from_dict() inside pd library

 user_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(

 cur.execute(user_table_insert, row)

SONGPLAYS table in

Create SELECT query for checking the duplication of data WHERE is condition statement and %s mean input from the python file in

cur.execute(song_select, (, row.artist, row.length)) -> is first input, row.artist and row.length accordingly if title =, name = row.artist, and duration = row.length is exist then return data else return 'None'

    SELECT song_id, songs.artist_id FROM songs JOIN artists ON songs.artist_id = artists.artist_id WHERE title = %s AND name = %s AND duration = %s

%s is input

Get the data from table SONGS and ARTISTS row is the value from for loop df.iterrows()


 cur.execute(song_select, (, row.artist, row.length))

IF ELSE: Check statement if the result = exist then songid and artistid = results else songid = None, artistid = None

  if results:
       songid, artistid = results
       songid, artistid = None, None

INSERT and EXECUTE to SONGPLAYS table insert index to songplay_id start_time = ts from data in row parameter come from iterative run level, sessionId, location, userAgent they are all come from data from API songid, artistid = come from the previous statement above

  songplay_data = (index, row.ts,row.userId,row.level, songid, artistid, row.sessionId,row.location, row.userAgent)
  cur.execute(songplay_table_insert, songplay_data)

LAST close the connection with connection.close()



$ python3


$ python