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<?php/** * ECSHOP 购物流程 * ============================================================================ * 版权所有 2005-2010 上海商派网络科技有限公司,并保留所有权利。 * 网站地址: http://www.ecshop.com; * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * 这不是一个自由软件!您只能在不用于商业目的的前提下对程序代码进行修改和 * 使用;不允许对程序代码以任何形式任何目的的再发布。 * ============================================================================ * $Author: douqinghua $ * $Id: flow.php 17218 2011-01-24 04:10:41Z douqinghua $ */define('IN_ECS', true);require(dirname(__FILE__) . '/includes/init.php');require(ROOT_PATH . 'includes/lib_order.php');/* 载入语言文件 */require_once(ROOT_PATH . 'languages/' .$_CFG['lang']. '/user.php');require_once(ROOT_PATH . 'languages/' .$_CFG['lang']. '/shopping_flow.php');if($_REQUEST['act'] == 'edit_user_mobile'){ include('includes/cls_json.php'); $json = new JSON; $sql = "UPDATE ".$GLOBALS['ecs']->table('users')." set mobile_phone = '".$_REQUEST['mobile_phone']."' where user_id =".$_SESSION['user_id']; $res = $GLOBALS['db'] ->query($sql); if($res){ die($json->encode(Array('state'=>1,'value'=>$_REQUEST['mobile_phone']))); }else{ die($json->encode(Array('state'=>0,'value'=>''))); }}/* 代码增加_start BY www.68ecshop.com */if (!empty($_REQUEST['act']) && $_REQUEST['act'] == 'selcart'){ include('includes/cls_json.php'); $json = new JSON; $res = array('err_msg' => '', 'result' => ''); if ($_GET['sel_goods']) { $id_ext = " AND rec_id in (". $_GET['sel_goods'] .") "; $_SESSION['sel_cartgoods'] = $_GET['sel_goods']; $cart_goods = get_cart_goods($id_ext); $shopping_money = sprintf($_LANG['shopping_money'], $cart_goods['total']['goods_price']); $market_price_desc= sprintf($_LANG['than_market_price'], $cart_goods['total']['market_price'], $cart_goods['total']['saving'], $cart_goods['total']['save_rate']); $res['result'] = $shopping_money; if ($_CFG['show_marketprice']) { $res['result'] .= ",".$market_price_desc ; } //折扣活动 $res['suppid'] = intval($_GET['suppid']); $res['your_discount'] = ''; $discount = compute_discount($res['suppid']); if(is_array($discount)){ $favour_name = empty($discount['name']) ? '' : join(',', $discount['name']); $res['your_discount'] = sprintf($_LANG['your_discount'], $favour_name, price_format($discount['discount'])); } } else { $res['result'] = '您一个商品都没选,这怎么行捏!!真的不行哦!'; } die($json->encode($res));}/* 代码增加_end BY www.68ecshop.com *//* 代码增加_start By www.68ecshop.com */$_CFG['anonymous_buy']='0';$smarty->assign('lang', $_LANG);if ($_REQUEST['act']=='EditAddress'){ include_once('includes/cls_json.php'); include_once('includes/lib_transaction.php'); $result = array('error' => 0, 'message' => '', 'content' => ''); $json = new JSON; $address_id = intval($_GET['address_id']); if ($address_id) { $sql="select * from ". $ecs->table('user_address') ." where address_id='$address_id' "; $address_info = $db->getRow($sql); if ($address_info) { $address_info['tel_array'] = explode("-", $address_info['tel']); } $smarty->assign('address', $address_info); $province_list = get_regions(1, $address_info['country']); $city_list = get_regions(2, $address_info['province']); $district_list = get_regions(3, $address_info['city']); $smarty->assign('province_list', $province_list); $smarty->assign('city_list', $city_list); $smarty->assign('district_list', $district_list); } else { $smarty->assign('province_list', get_regions(1, $_CFG['shop_country'])); } $result['content'] = $smarty->fetch("library/address_edit.lbi"); die($json->encode($result));}elseif ($_REQUEST['act']=='selAddress'){ include_once('includes/cls_json.php'); $order = flow_order_info(); $result = array('error' => 0, 'message' => '', 'content' => ''); $json = new JSON; $address_id = intval($_GET['address_id']); $sql = "update ". $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('users') ." set address_id='". $_REQUEST['address_id'] ."' where user_id='".$_SESSION['user_id']."' "; $db->query($sql); $sql = "SELECT * ". " FROM " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('user_address') . " WHERE address_id = '".$_REQUEST['address_id']."' "; $consignee = $GLOBALS['db']->getRow($sql); $_SESSION['flow_consignee'] = $consignee; $flow_type = isset($_SESSION['flow_type']) ? intval($_SESSION['flow_type']) : CART_GENERAL_GOODS; $region = array($consignee['country'], $consignee['province'], $consignee['city'], $consignee['district']); $shipping_list = available_shipping_list($region); $cart_weight_price = cart_weight_price($flow_type); $insure_disabled = true; $cod_disabled = true; // 查看购物车中是否全为免运费商品,若是则把运费赋为零 $sql = 'SELECT count(*) FROM ' . $ecs->table('cart') . " WHERE `session_id` = '" . SESS_ID. "' AND `extension_code` != 'package_buy' AND `is_shipping` = 0"; $shipping_count = $db->getOne($sql); foreach ($shipping_list AS $key => $val) { $shipping_cfg = unserialize_config($val['configure']); $shipping_fee = ($shipping_count == 0 AND $cart_weight_price['free_shipping'] == 1) ? 0 : shipping_fee($val['shipping_code'], unserialize($val['configure']), $cart_weight_price['weight'], $cart_weight_price['amount'], $cart_weight_price['number']); $shipping_list[$key]['format_shipping_fee'] = price_format($shipping_fee, false); $shipping_list[$key]['shipping_fee'] = $shipping_fee; $shipping_list[$key]['free_money'] = price_format($shipping_cfg['free_money'], false); $shipping_list[$key]['insure_formated'] = strpos($val['insure'], '%') === false ? price_format($val['insure'], false) : $val['insure']; /* 当前的配送方式是否支持保价 */ if ($val['shipping_id'] == $order['shipping_id']) { $insure_disabled = ($val['insure'] == 0); $cod_disabled = ($val['support_cod'] == 0); } } $smarty->assign('shipping_list', $shipping_list); $smarty->assign('insure_disabled', $insure_disabled); $smarty->assign('cod_disabled', $cod_disabled); $result['content'] = $smarty->fetch('library/shipping_box.lbi'); die($json->encode($result));}elseif ($_REQUEST['act']=='delAddress'){ include_once('includes/cls_json.php'); include_once('includes/lib_transaction.php'); $order = flow_order_info(); $result = array('error' => 0, 'message' => '', 'content' => '', 'content2'=>''); $json = new JSON; $address_id = intval($_GET['address_id']); drop_consignee($address_id); $consignee_list = get_consignee_list_ecshop68(); if($_SESSION['flow_consignee']['address_id']==$address_id) { if ($consignee_list) { $_SESSION['flow_consignee'] = $consignee_list[0]; $region = array($consignee_list[0]['country'], $consignee_list[0]['province'], $consignee_list[0]['city'], $consignee_list[0]['district']); } else { $_SESSION['flow_consignee']=""; $region = array(1, 0, 0, 0); } $shipping_bian=1; } else { if ($consignee_list) { $shipping_bian=0; } } $smarty->assign('consignee_list', $consignee_list); $smarty->assign('name_of_region', array($_CFG['name_of_region_1'], $_CFG['name_of_region_2'], $_CFG['name_of_region_3'], $_CFG['name_of_region_4'])); $smarty->assign('shop_province_list', get_regions(1, $_CFG['shop_country'])); $result['content'] = $smarty->fetch("library/address_list.lbi"); if($shipping_bian) { $flow_type = isset($_SESSION['flow_type']) ? intval($_SESSION['flow_type']) : CART_GENERAL_GOODS; $shipping_list = available_shipping_list($region); $cart_weight_price = cart_weight_price($flow_type); $insure_disabled = true; $cod_disabled = true; // 查看购物车中是否全为免运费商品,若是则把运费赋为零 $sql = 'SELECT count(*) FROM ' . $ecs->table('cart') . " WHERE `session_id` = '" . SESS_ID. "' AND `extension_code` != 'package_buy' AND `is_shipping` = 0"; $shipping_count = $db->getOne($sql); foreach ($shipping_list AS $key => $val) { $shipping_cfg = unserialize_config($val['configure']); $shipping_fee = ($shipping_count == 0 AND $cart_weight_price['free_shipping'] == 1) ? 0 : shipping_fee($val['shipping_code'], unserialize($val['configure']), $cart_weight_price['weight'], $cart_weight_price['amount'], $cart_weight_price['number']); $shipping_list[$key]['format_shipping_fee'] = price_format($shipping_fee, false); $shipping_list[$key]['shipping_fee'] = $shipping_fee; $shipping_list[$key]['free_money'] = price_format($shipping_cfg['free_money'], false); $shipping_list[$key]['insure_formated'] = strpos($val['insure'], '%') === false ? price_format($val['insure'], false) : $val['insure']; /* 当前的配送方式是否支持保价 */ if ($val['shipping_id'] == $order['shipping_id']) { $insure_disabled = ($val['insure'] == 0); $cod_disabled = ($val['support_cod'] == 0); } } $smarty->assign('shipping_list', $shipping_list); $smarty->assign('insure_disabled', $insure_disabled); $smarty->assign('cod_disabled', $cod_disabled); $result['content2'] = $smarty->fetch('library/shipping_box.lbi'); } if ($consignee_list) { $result['have_consignee'] = '1'; } else { $result['have_consignee'] = '0'; } die($json->encode($result));}elseif ($_REQUEST['act']=='saveAddress'){ include_once('includes/cls_json.php'); include_once('includes/lib_transaction.php'); $json = new JSON; /* 保存收货地址信息_start */ $_POST['address']=strip_tags(urldecode($_POST['address'])); $_POST['address'] = json_str_iconv($_POST['address']); $address_ecshop68 = $json->decode($_POST['address']); $consignee = array( 'address_id' => empty($address_ecshop68->address_id) ? '0' : intval($address_ecshop68->address_id), 'consignee' => empty($address_ecshop68->consignee) ? '' : compile_str(trim($address_ecshop68->consignee)), 'country' => empty($address_ecshop68->country) ? '1' : intval($address_ecshop68->country), 'province' => empty($address_ecshop68->province) ? '' : intval($address_ecshop68->province), 'city' => empty($address_ecshop68->city) ? '' : intval($address_ecshop68->city), 'district' => empty($address_ecshop68->district) ? '' : intval($address_ecshop68->district), 'email' => empty($address_ecshop68->email) ? '' : compile_str($address_ecshop68->email), 'address' => empty($address_ecshop68->address) ? '' : compile_str($address_ecshop68->address), 'zipcode' => empty($address_ecshop68->zipcode) ? '' : compile_str(make_semiangle(trim($address_ecshop68->zipcode))), 'tel' => empty($address_ecshop68->tel) ? '' : compile_str(make_semiangle(trim($address_ecshop68->tel))), 'mobile' => empty($address_ecshop68->mobile) ? '' : compile_str(make_semiangle(trim($address_ecshop68->mobile))), ); if ($_SESSION['user_id'] > 0) { /* 如果用户已经登录,则保存收货人信息 */ $consignee['user_id'] = $_SESSION['user_id']; save_consignee($consignee, true); } /* 保存收货地址信息_end */ $result = array('error' => 0, 'message' => '', 'content' => '', 'closediv'=>$address_ecshop68->closediv); $consignee_list = get_consignee_list_ecshop68(); $smarty->assign('consignee_list', $consignee_list); $result['content'] = $smarty->fetch("library/address_list.lbi"); if($consignee_list && count($consignee_list)==1) { $_SESSION['flow_consignee'] = $consignee_list[0]; } if ($address_ecshop68->shipping_bian=='0' && $address_ecshop68->address_id>0 && $address_ecshop68->address_id==$_SESSION['flow_consignee']['address_id']) { $sql = "SELECT * ". " FROM " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('user_address') . " WHERE address_id = '".$address_ecshop68->address_id."' "; $consignee = $GLOBALS['db']->getRow($sql); $_SESSION['flow_consignee'] = $consignee; } if ($address_ecshop68->shipping_bian=='1' || ($address_ecshop68->shipping_bian=='0' && $address_ecshop68->address_id>0 && $address_ecshop68->address_id==$_SESSION['flow_consignee']['address_id'])) { $order = flow_order_info(); $flow_type = isset($_SESSION['flow_type']) ? intval($_SESSION['flow_type']) : CART_GENERAL_GOODS; $region = array($consignee['country'], $consignee['province'], $consignee['city'], $consignee['district']); $shipping_list = available_shipping_list($region); $cart_weight_price = cart_weight_price($flow_type); $insure_disabled = true; $cod_disabled = true; // 查看购物车中是否全为免运费商品,若是则把运费赋为零 $sql = 'SELECT count(*) FROM ' . $ecs->table('cart') . " WHERE `session_id` = '" . SESS_ID. "' AND `extension_code` != 'package_buy' AND `is_shipping` = 0"; $shipping_count = $db->getOne($sql); foreach ($shipping_list AS $key => $val) { $shipping_cfg = unserialize_config($val['configure']); $shipping_fee = ($shipping_count == 0 AND $cart_weight_price['free_shipping'] == 1) ? 0 : shipping_fee($val['shipping_code'], unserialize($val['configure']), $cart_weight_price['weight'], $cart_weight_price['amount'], $cart_weight_price['number']); $shipping_list[$key]['format_shipping_fee'] = price_format($shipping_fee, false); $shipping_list[$key]['shipping_fee'] = $shipping_fee; $shipping_list[$key]['free_money'] = price_format($shipping_cfg['free_money'], false); $shipping_list[$key]['insure_formated'] = strpos($val['insure'], '%') === false ? price_format($val['insure'], false) : $val['insure']; /* 当前的配送方式是否支持保价 */ if ($val['shipping_id'] == $order['shipping_id']) { $insure_disabled = ($val['insure'] == 0); $cod_disabled = ($val['support_cod'] == 0); } } $smarty->assign('shipping_list', $shipping_list); $smarty->assign('insure_disabled', $insure_disabled); $smarty->assign('cod_disabled', $cod_disabled); $result['content2'] = $smarty->fetch('library/shipping_box.lbi'); } die($json->encode($result));}function get_consignee_list_ecshop68(){ $consignee = get_consignee($_SESSION['user_id']); $sql="SELECT * FROM " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('user_address') . " WHERE user_id = '". $_SESSION['user_id'] ."' order by address_id "; $consignee_list_ecshop68 = $GLOBALS['db']->getAll($sql); foreach ($consignee_list_ecshop68 as $cons_key => $cons_val) { $consignee_list_ecshop68[$cons_key]['address_short_name'] = $cons_val['consignee']."<br>"; $consignee_list_ecshop68[$cons_key]['address_short_name'] .= get_region_info($cons_val['province'])."-"; $consignee_list_ecshop68[$cons_key]['address_short_name'] .= get_region_info($cons_val['city'])."-"; $consignee_list_ecshop68[$cons_key]['address_short_name'] .= get_region_info($cons_val['district'])." "; $consignee_list_ecshop68[$cons_key]['address_short_name'] .= sub_str($cons_val['address'],16); $consignee_list_ecshop68[$cons_key]['address_short_name'] .= $cons_val['zipcode'] ? (",".$cons_val['zipcode']) : ""; $consignee_list_ecshop68[$cons_key]['address_short_name'] .= "<br>".($cons_val['tel'] != '--' ? $cons_val['tel'] : $cons_val['mobile']); if ($consignee['address_id'] == $cons_val['address_id']) { $consignee_list_ecshop68[$cons_key]['def_addr'] =1; $have_def_addr=1; } } if ( count($consignee_list_ecshop68) && !$have_def_addr){ $consignee_list_ecshop68[0]['def_addr'] =1; } return $consignee_list_ecshop68; }/* 代码增加_end By www.68ecshop.com *//*------------------------------------------------------ *///-- INPUT/*------------------------------------------------------ */if (!isset($_REQUEST['step'])){ $_REQUEST['step'] = "cart";}/*------------------------------------------------------ *///-- PROCESSOR/*------------------------------------------------------ */assign_template();assign_dynamic('flow');$position = assign_ur_here(0, $_LANG['shopping_flow']);$smarty->assign('page_title', $position['title']); // 页面标题$smarty->assign('ur_here', $position['ur_here']); // 当前位置$smarty->assign('categories', get_categories_tree()); // 分类树$smarty->assign('helps', get_shop_help()); // 网店帮助$smarty->assign('lang', $_LANG);$smarty->assign('show_marketprice', $_CFG['show_marketprice']);$smarty->assign('data_dir', DATA_DIR); // 数据目录/*------------------------------------------------------ *///-- 添加商品到购物车/*------------------------------------------------------ */if ($_REQUEST['step'] == 'add_to_cart'){ include_once('includes/cls_json.php'); $_POST['goods']=strip_tags(urldecode($_POST['goods'])); $_POST['goods'] = json_str_iconv($_POST['goods']); if (!empty($_REQUEST['goods_id']) && empty($_POST['goods'])) { if (!is_numeric($_REQUEST['goods_id']) || intval($_REQUEST['goods_id']) <= 0) { ecs_header("Location:./\n"); } $goods_id = intval($_REQUEST['goods_id']); exit; } $result = array('error' => 0, 'message' => '', 'content' => '', 'goods_id' => ''); $json = new JSON; if (empty($_POST['goods'])) { $result['error'] = 1; die($json->encode($result)); } $goods = $json->decode($_POST['goods']); //www.68ecshop.com start add 2015-3-26 $time_xg_now=gmtime(); $row_xg= $GLOBALS['db']->getRow("select is_buy,buymax, buymax_start_date, buymax_end_date from ". $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('goods') ." where goods_id='".$goods->goods_id."' " ); if ( $row_xg['is_buy'] == 1 && $row_xg['buymax'] >0 && $row_xg['buymax_start_date'] < $time_xg_now && $row_xg['buymax_end_date'] > $time_xg_now ) { if ($_SESSION['user_id'] == 0 ) { $result['error'] = 999; $result['message'] = "此商品为限购商品,需要登录后才能继续购买!"; die($json->encode($result)); } else { $sql_where = $_SESSION['user_id']>0 ? "user_id='". $_SESSION['user_id'] ."' " : "session_id = '" . SESS_ID . "' AND user_id=0 "; $num_cart_old_1=$GLOBALS['db']->getOne("select sum(goods_number) from ". $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('cart') ." where " . $sql_where . " and goods_id= " . $goods->goods_id ); $num_cart_old_2=$GLOBALS['db']->getOne("select sum(og.goods_number) from ". $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('order_goods') ." AS og , ". $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('order_info') ." AS o where o.user_id='$_SESSION[user_id]' and o.order_id = og.order_id and add_time > ". $row_xg['buymax_start_date'] ." and add_time < ". $row_xg['buymax_end_date'] ." and og.goods_id = " . $goods->goods_id ); $num_cart_old = $num_cart_old_1 + $num_cart_old_2 ; $num_total = $num_cart_old + intval($goods->number); if ( $num_total > intval($row_xg['buymax']) ) { $result['error'] = 888; $num_else=intval($row_xg['buymax'])-$num_cart_old_2; $result['message'] ="注意:\n\r此商品限购期间每人限购 ". $row_xg['buymax'] . " 件\n\r"; if ($num_cart_old_2 > 0) { $result['message'] .="您在限购期间已经成功购买过". $num_cart_old_2 ." 件!\n\r"; } if ($num_cart_old_1 > 0) { $result['message'] .="您的购物车中已经存在". $num_cart_old_1 ."件!\n\r"; } $result['message'] .= "您只能再买 ". $num_else ." 件"; die($json->encode($result)); } } } //www.68ecshop.com end add 2015-3-26 /* 检查:如果商品有规格,而post的数据没有规格,把商品的规格属性通过JSON传到前台 */ if (empty($goods->spec) AND empty($goods->quick)) { $sql = "SELECT a.attr_id, a.attr_name, a.attr_type, ". "g.goods_attr_id, g.attr_value, g.attr_price " . 'FROM ' . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('goods_attr') . ' AS g ' . 'LEFT JOIN ' . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('attribute') . ' AS a ON a.attr_id = g.attr_id ' . "WHERE a.attr_type != 0 AND g.goods_id = '" . $goods->goods_id . "' " . 'ORDER BY a.sort_order, g.attr_price, g.goods_attr_id'; $res = $GLOBALS['db']->getAll($sql); if (!empty($res)) { $spe_arr = array(); foreach ($res AS $row) { $spe_arr[$row['attr_id']]['attr_type'] = $row['attr_type']; $spe_arr[$row['attr_id']]['name'] = $row['attr_name']; $spe_arr[$row['attr_id']]['attr_id'] = $row['attr_id']; $spe_arr[$row['attr_id']]['values'][] = array( 'label' => $row['attr_value'], 'price' => $row['attr_price'], 'format_price' => price_format($row['attr_price'], false), 'id' => $row['goods_attr_id']); } $i = 0; $spe_array = array(); foreach ($spe_arr AS $row) { $spe_array[]=$row; } $result['error'] = ERR_NEED_SELECT_ATTR; $result['goods_id'] = $goods->goods_id; $result['parent'] = $goods->parent; $result['message'] = $spe_array; die($json->encode($result)); } } /* 更新:如果是一步购物,先清空购物车 */ //if ($_CFG['one_step_buy'] == '1') if ($_COOKIE['one_step_buy'] == 1) { //根据预售已改 clear_cart(); } /* 检查:商品数量是否合法 */ if (!is_numeric($goods->number) || intval($goods->number) <= 0) { $result['error'] = 1; $result['message'] = $_LANG['invalid_number']; } /* 更新:购物车 */ else { if(!empty($goods->spec)) { foreach ($goods->spec as $key=>$val ) { $goods->spec[$key]=intval($val); } } // 更新:添加到购物车 if (addto_cart($goods->goods_id, $goods->number, $goods->spec, $goods->parent)) { if ($_CFG['cart_confirm'] > 2) { $result['message'] = ''; } else { $result['message'] = $_CFG['cart_confirm'] == 1 ? $_LANG['addto_cart_success_1'] : $_LANG['addto_cart_success_2']; } $result['content'] = insert_cart_info(); //$result['one_step_buy'] = $_CFG['one_step_buy']; $result['one_step_buy'] = $_COOKIE['one_step_buy']; } else { $result['message'] = $err->last_message(); $result['error'] = $err->error_no; $result['goods_id'] = stripslashes($goods->goods_id); if (is_array($goods->spec)) { $result['product_spec'] = implode(',', $goods->spec); } else { $result['product_spec'] = $goods->spec; } } } $rows = $GLOBALS['db']->getRow("select goods_brief,shop_price,goods_name,promote_end_date,promote_start_date,promote_price,goods_thumb from ".$GLOBALS['ecs']->table('goods')." where goods_id=".$goods->goods_id); $time1 = gmtime(); if ($time1 >= $rows['promote_start_date'] && $time1 <= $rows['promote_end_date'] && $rows['promote_price'] > 0) { $result['shop_price'] = price_format($rows['promote_price']); }else{ $result['shop_price'] = price_format($rows['shop_price']); } $result['goods_name'] = $rows['goods_name']; $result['goods_thumb'] = $rows['goods_thumb']; $result['goods_brief'] = $rows['goods_brief']; $result['goods_id'] = $goods->goods_id; $sql_where = $_SESSION['user_id']>0 ? "user_id='". $_SESSION['user_id'] ."' " : "session_id = '" . SESS_ID . "' AND user_id=0 ";//添加 www.68ecshop.com $sql = 'SELECT SUM(goods_number) AS number, SUM(goods_price * goods_number) AS amount' . ' FROM ' . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('cart') . " WHERE ".$sql_where." AND rec_type = '" . CART_GENERAL_GOODS . "'"; $rowss = $GLOBALS['db']->GetRow($sql); $result['goods_price'] = price_format($rowss['amount']); $result['goods_number'] = $rowss['number']; $result['confirm_type'] = !empty($_CFG['cart_confirm']) ? $_CFG['cart_confirm'] : 2; die($json->encode($result));}elseif ($_REQUEST['step'] == 'link_buy'){ $goods_id = intval($_GET['goods_id']); if (!cart_goods_exists($goods_id,array())) { addto_cart($goods_id); } ecs_header("Location:./flow.php\n"); exit;}elseif ($_REQUEST['step'] == 'login'){ include_once('languages/'. $_CFG['lang']. '/user.php'); /* * 用户登录注册 */ if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'GET') { $smarty->assign('anonymous_buy', $_CFG['anonymous_buy']); /* 检查是否有赠品,如果有提示登录后重新选择赠品 */ /* 代码增加_start By www.68ecshop.com*/ $sql_where = $_SESSION['user_id']>0 ? "user_id='". $_SESSION['user_id'] ."' " : "session_id = '" . SESS_ID . "' AND user_id=0 "; $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . $ecs->table('cart') . " WHERE $sql_where AND is_gift > 0"; if ($db->getOne($sql) > 0) { $smarty->assign('need_rechoose_gift', 1); }/* 代码增加_end By www.68ecshop.com */ /* 检查是否需要注册码 */ $captcha = intval($_CFG['captcha']); if (($captcha & CAPTCHA_LOGIN) && (!($captcha & CAPTCHA_LOGIN_FAIL) || (($captcha & CAPTCHA_LOGIN_FAIL) && $_SESSION['login_fail'] > 2)) && gd_version() > 0) { $smarty->assign('enabled_login_captcha', 1); $smarty->assign('rand', mt_rand()); } if ($captcha & CAPTCHA_REGISTER) { $smarty->assign('enabled_register_captcha', 1); $smarty->assign('rand', mt_rand()); } } else { include_once('includes/lib_passport.php'); if (!empty($_POST['act']) && $_POST['act'] == 'signin') { $captcha = intval($_CFG['captcha']); if (($captcha & CAPTCHA_LOGIN) && (!($captcha & CAPTCHA_LOGIN_FAIL) || (($captcha & CAPTCHA_LOGIN_FAIL) && $_SESSION['login_fail'] > 2)) && gd_version() > 0) { if (empty($_POST['captcha'])) { show_message($_LANG['invalid_captcha']); } /* 检查验证码 */ include_once('includes/cls_captcha.php'); $validator = new captcha(); $validator->session_word = 'captcha_login'; if (!$validator->check_word($_POST['captcha'])) { show_message($_LANG['invalid_captcha']); } } $_POST['password']=isset($_POST['password']) ? trim($_POST['password']) : ''; if ($user->login($_POST['username'], $_POST['password'],isset($_POST['remember']))) { update_user_info(); //更新用户信息 recalculate_price(); // 重新计算购物车中的商品价格 /* 检查购物车中是否有商品 没有商品则跳转到首页 */ /* 代码增加_end By www.68ecshop.com */ $sql_where = $_SESSION['user_id']>0 ? "user_id='". $_SESSION['user_id'] ."' " : "session_id = '" . SESS_ID . "' AND user_id=0 "; $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . $ecs->table('cart') . " WHERE $sql_where "; /* 代码增加_end By www.68ecshop.com */ if ($db->getOne($sql) > 0) { ecs_header("Location: flow.php?step=checkout\n"); } else { ecs_header("Location:index.php\n"); } exit; } else { $_SESSION['login_fail']++; show_message($_LANG['signin_failed'], '', 'flow.php?step=login'); } } elseif (!empty($_POST['act']) && $_POST['act'] == 'signup') { if ((intval($_CFG['captcha']) & CAPTCHA_REGISTER) && gd_version() > 0) { if (empty($_POST['captcha'])) { show_message($_LANG['invalid_captcha']); } /* 检查验证码 */ include_once('includes/cls_captcha.php'); $validator = new captcha(); if (!$validator->check_word($_POST['captcha'])) { show_message($_LANG['invalid_captcha']); } } if (register(trim($_POST['username']), trim($_POST['password']), trim($_POST['email']))) { /* 用户注册成功 */ /* 四合一修改 start by www.68ecshop.com */ ecs_header("Location: flow.php?step=checkout\n"); /* 四合一修改 end by www.68ecshop.com */ exit; } else { $err->show(); } } else { // TODO: 非法访问的处理 } }}elseif ($_REQUEST['step'] == 'consignee'){ /*------------------------------------------------------ */ //-- 收货人信息 /*------------------------------------------------------ */ include_once('includes/lib_transaction.php'); if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'GET') { /* 取得购物类型 */ $flow_type = isset($_SESSION['flow_type']) ? intval($_SESSION['flow_type']) : CART_GENERAL_GOODS; /* * 收货人信息填写界面 */ if (isset($_REQUEST['direct_shopping'])) { $_SESSION['direct_shopping'] = 1; } /* 取得国家列表、商店所在国家、商店所在国家的省列表 */ $smarty->assign('country_list', get_regions()); $smarty->assign('shop_country', $_CFG['shop_country']); $smarty->assign('shop_province_list', get_regions(1, $_CFG['shop_country'])); /* 获得用户所有的收货人信息 */ if ($_SESSION['user_id'] > 0) { $consignee_list = get_consignee_list($_SESSION['user_id']); if (count($consignee_list) < 5) { /* 如果用户收货人信息的总数小于 5 则增加一个新的收货人信息 */ $consignee_list[] = array('country' => $_CFG['shop_country'], 'email' => isset($_SESSION['email']) ? $_SESSION['email'] : ''); } } else { if (isset($_SESSION['flow_consignee'])){ $consignee_list = array($_SESSION['flow_consignee']); } else { $consignee_list[] = array('country' => $_CFG['shop_country']); } } $smarty->assign('name_of_region', array($_CFG['name_of_region_1'], $_CFG['name_of_region_2'], $_CFG['name_of_region_3'], $_CFG['name_of_region_4'])); $smarty->assign('consignee_list', $consignee_list); /* 取得每个收货地址的省市区列表 */ $province_list = array(); $city_list = array(); $district_list = array(); foreach ($consignee_list as $region_id => $consignee) { $consignee['country'] = isset($consignee['country']) ? intval($consignee['country']) : 0; $consignee['province'] = isset($consignee['province']) ? intval($consignee['province']) : 0; $consignee['city'] = isset($consignee['city']) ? intval($consignee['city']) : 0; $province_list[$region_id] = get_regions(1, $consignee['country']); $city_list[$region_id] = get_regions(2, $consignee['province']); $district_list[$region_id] = get_regions(3, $consignee['city']); } $smarty->assign('province_list', $province_list); $smarty->assign('city_list', $city_list); $smarty->assign('district_list', $district_list); /* 返回收货人页面代码 */ $smarty->assign('real_goods_count', exist_real_goods(0, $flow_type) ? 1 : 0); } else { /* * 保存收货人信息 */ $consignee = array( 'address_id' => empty($_POST['address_id']) ? 0 : intval($_POST['address_id']), 'consignee' => empty($_POST['consignee']) ? '' : compile_str(trim($_POST['consignee'])), 'country' => empty($_POST['country']) ? '' : intval($_POST['country']), 'province' => empty($_POST['province']) ? '' : intval($_POST['province']), 'city' => empty($_POST['city']) ? '' : intval($_POST['city']), 'district' => empty($_POST['district']) ? '' : intval($_POST['district']), 'email' => empty($_POST['email']) ? '' : compile_str($_POST['email']), 'address' => empty($_POST['address']) ? '' : compile_str($_POST['address']), 'zipcode' => empty($_POST['zipcode']) ? '' : compile_str(make_semiangle(trim($_POST['zipcode']))), 'tel' => empty($_POST['tel']) ? '' : compile_str(make_semiangle(trim($_POST['tel']))), 'mobile' => empty($_POST['mobile']) ? '' : compile_str(make_semiangle(trim($_POST['mobile']))), 'sign_building' => empty($_POST['sign_building']) ? '' :compile_str($_POST['sign_building']), 'best_time' => empty($_POST['best_time']) ? '' : compile_str($_POST['best_time']), ); if ($_SESSION['user_id'] > 0) { include_once(ROOT_PATH . 'includes/lib_transaction.php'); /* 如果用户已经登录,则保存收货人信息 */ $consignee['user_id'] = $_SESSION['user_id']; save_consignee($consignee, true); } /* 保存到session */ $_SESSION['flow_consignee'] = stripslashes_deep($consignee); ecs_header("Location: flow.php?step=checkout\n"); exit; }}elseif ($_REQUEST['step'] == 'drop_consignee'){ /*------------------------------------------------------ */ //-- 删除收货人信息 /*------------------------------------------------------ */ include_once('includes/lib_transaction.php'); $consignee_id = intval($_GET['id']); if (drop_consignee($consignee_id)) { ecs_header("Location: flow.php?step=consignee\n"); exit; } else { show_message($_LANG['not_fount_consignee']); }}elseif ($_REQUEST['step'] == 'checkout'){ /*------------------------------------------------------ */ //-- 订单确认 /*------------------------------------------------------ */ /* * 检查用户是否已经登录 * 如果没有登录则跳转到登录和注册页面 */ if ($_SESSION['user_id'] == 0) { /* 用户没有登录且没有选定匿名购物,转向到登录页面 */ ecs_header("Location: user.php\n"); exit; } $smarty -> assign('mobile_phone',$GLOBALS['db']->getOne("select mobile_phone from ".$GLOBALS['ecs']->table('users')." where user_id='$_SESSION[user_id]'")); //$_SESSION['flow_consignee']['mobile'] /* 取得购物类型 */ $flow_type = isset($_SESSION['flow_type']) ? intval($_SESSION['flow_type']) : CART_GENERAL_GOODS; /* 团购标志 */ if ($flow_type == CART_GROUP_BUY_GOODS) { $smarty->assign('is_group_buy', 1); } /* 积分兑换商品 */ elseif ($flow_type == CART_EXCHANGE_GOODS) { $smarty->assign('is_exchange_goods', 1); } /* 预售标识 */ else if($flow_type == CART_PRE_SALE_GOODS) { $smarty->assign('is_pre_sale', 1); } /* 虚拟团购 */ // else if($_SESSION['extension_code'] == 'virtual_good') else if($flow_type == CART_VIRTUAL_GROUP_GOODS) { $smarty->assign('is_virtual', 1); } //添加拍卖类型 2 李云鹏20160523 else if($flow_type == CART_AUCTION_GOODS){ $_SESSION['extension_code'] = 'auction'; } else { //正常购物流程 清空其他购物流程情况 $_SESSION['extension_code'] = ''; } if($flow_type != CART_EXCHANGE_GOODS ){ //非积分兑换形式的商品 /* 代码增加_start By www.68ecshop.com */ $sel_cartgoods_count = count($_REQUEST['sel_cartgoods']); $_SESSION['sel_cartgoods'] = $sel_cartgoods_count>0 ? (implode(",", $_REQUEST['sel_cartgoods'])) : $_SESSION['sel_cartgoods']; /* 代码增加_end By www.68ecshop.com */ //验证购物车中提交过来的商品中参加的活动是否都正常start $_REQUEST['sel_goods'] = $_SESSION['sel_cartgoods']; if(empty($_REQUEST['sel_goods'])){ ecs_header("Location: flow.php"); exit; } $favourable_list = favourable_list($_SESSION['user_rank'],false); if($favourable_list){ $sql_where = $_SESSION['user_id']>0 ? "user_id='". $_SESSION['user_id'] ."' " : "session_id = '" . SESS_ID . "' AND user_id=0 "; foreach($favourable_list as $fk=>$fv){ if(!$fv['available']){ $sql = "select count(rec_id) as num from ". $ecs->table('cart') . " WHERE $sql_where " . "AND is_gift = ".$fv['act_id']." AND rec_id in (".$_REQUEST['sel_goods'].")"; if($db->getOne($sql) > 0){ show_message('购物车中参加['.$fv['act_name'].']活动的商品未满足条件,请重新设置或者将其赠品删除', '', '', 'warning'); } } } unset($sql_where); } //验证购物车中提交过来的商品中参加的活动是否都正常end } /* 检查购物车中是否有商品 */ /* 代码增加_end By www.68ecshop.com */ $sql_where = $_SESSION['user_id']>0 ? "user_id='". $_SESSION['user_id'] ."' " : "session_id = '" . SESS_ID . "' AND user_id=0 "; $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . $ecs->table('cart') . " WHERE $sql_where " . "AND parent_id = 0 AND is_gift = 0 AND rec_type = '$flow_type'"; /* 代码增加_end By www.68ecshop.com */ if ($db->getOne($sql) == 0) { show_message($_LANG['no_goods_in_cart'], '', '', 'warning'); } else { if($flow_type != CART_EXCHANGE_GOODS) { $time_xg_now=gmtime(); $sql="select c.goods_number,g.goods_id, g.goods_name,g.is_buy, g.buymax, g.buymax_start_date, g.buymax_end_date from ".$ecs->table('cart'). " AS c left join ".$ecs->table('goods'). " AS g on c.goods_id=g.goods_id where c.rec_id in (".$_REQUEST['sel_goods'].")"; $goods_list = $db->getAll($sql); foreach($goods_list as $k => $v) { if($v['is_buy'] == 1 && $v['buymax'] >0 && $v['buymax_start_date'] < $time_xg_now && $v['buymax_end_date'] > $time_xg_now ) { $num_cart_old=$GLOBALS['db']->getOne("select sum(og.goods_number) from ". $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('order_goods') ." AS og , ". $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('order_info') ." AS o where o.user_id='$_SESSION[user_id]' and o.order_id = og.order_id and add_time > ". $v['buymax_start_date'] ." and add_time < ". $v['buymax_end_date'] ." and og.goods_id = " . $v['goods_id'] ); $num_total = $num_cart_old + intval($v['goods_number']); if ( $num_total > intval($v['buymax']) ) { $num_else=intval($v['buymax'])-$num_cart_old; $message .= "商品 <font color=#330099>【".$v['goods_name']."】</font> 限购期间每人限购 <font color=#330099>". $v['buymax'] . "</font> 件<br>"; if ($num_cart_old) { $message .="您在限购期间已经成功购买过 <font color=#330099>$num_cart_old</font> 件!<br>"; } $message .= "您最多只能再买 <font color=#330099>". $num_else ."</font> 件<br>"; } } } if($message != '') { show_message($message, $_LANG['back_to_cart'], 'flow.php', 'info', false); exit; } } } /* * 检查用户是否已经登录 * 如果用户已经登录了则检查是否有默认的收货地址 * 如果没有登录则跳转到登录和注册页面 */ if (empty($_SESSION['direct_shopping']) && $_SESSION['user_id'] == 0) { /* 用户没有登录且没有选定匿名购物,转向到登录页面 */ ecs_header("Location: user.php?act=login\n"); exit; } $consignee = get_consignee($_SESSION['user_id']); /* 代码增加_start By www.68ecshop.com */ if (empty($consignee)) { $consignee['country']='1'; } /* 代码增加_end By www.68ecshop.com */ /* 检查收货人信息是否完整 */ if (!check_consignee_info($consignee, $flow_type)) { /* 如果不完整则转向到收货人信息填写界面 */ /* 代码修改_start By www.68ecshop.com 注释或删掉 */ //ecs_header("Location: flow.php?step=consignee\n"); //exit; /* 代码修改_end By www.68ecshop.com */ } $_SESSION['flow_consignee'] = $consignee; $smarty->assign('consignee', $consignee); /* 代码增加_start By www.68ecshop.com */ include_once('includes/lib_transaction.php'); if ($_SESSION['user_id'] > 0) { $sql="SELECT * FROM " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('user_address') . " WHERE user_id = '". $_SESSION['user_id'] ."' order by address_id "; $consignee_list_ecshop68 = $GLOBALS['db']->getAll($sql); foreach ($consignee_list_ecshop68 as $cons_key => $cons_val) { $consignee_list_ecshop68[$cons_key]['address_short_name'] = $cons_val['consignee']."<br>"; $consignee_list_ecshop68[$cons_key]['address_short_name'] .= get_region_info($cons_val['province'])."-"; $consignee_list_ecshop68[$cons_key]['address_short_name'] .= get_region_info($cons_val['city'])."-"; $consignee_list_ecshop68[$cons_key]['address_short_name'] .= get_region_info($cons_val['district'])." "; $consignee_list_ecshop68[$cons_key]['address_short_name'] .= sub_str($cons_val['address'],16); $consignee_list_ecshop68[$cons_key]['address_short_name'] .= $cons_val['zipcode'] ? (",".$cons_val['zipcode']) : ""; $consignee_list_ecshop68[$cons_key]['address_short_name'] .= "<br>".$cons_val['mobile']; if ($consignee['address_id'] == $cons_val['address_id']) { $consignee_list_ecshop68[$cons_key]['def_addr'] =1; $have_def_addr=1; } } if ( count($consignee_list_ecshop68) && !$have_def_addr){ $consignee_list_ecshop68[0]['def_addr'] =1; } } $smarty->assign('name_of_region', array($_CFG['name_of_region_1'], $_CFG['name_of_region_2'], $_CFG['name_of_region_3'], $_CFG['name_of_region_4'])); $smarty->assign('consignee_list', $consignee_list_ecshop68); $smarty->assign('shop_province_list', get_regions(1, $_CFG['shop_country'])); /* 代码增加_end By www.68ecshop.com */ /* 对商品信息赋值 */ $cart_goods = cart_goods($flow_type); // 取得商品列表,计算合计 /* * 分供货商显示商品 */ $cart_goods_new = array(); if(count($cart_goods)>0){ foreach($cart_goods as $key => $val){ $cart_goods_new[$val['supplier_id']]['goodlist'][] = $val; $cart_goods_new[$val['supplier_id']]['shipping_html'] = insert_get_shop_shipping(array('suppid'=>$val['supplier_id'],'consignee'=>$consignee,'flow_type'=>$flow_type)); } } if ($flow_type != CART_EXCHANGE_GOODS && $flow_type != CART_GROUP_BUY_GOODS && $flow_type != CART_PRE_SALE_GOODS) { foreach($cart_goods_new as $k => $v){ $discount = compute_discount($k); if(is_array($discount)){ $cart_goods_new[$k]['zhekou']['discount'] = $discount['discount']; $favour_name = empty($discount['name']) ? '' : join(',', $discount['name']); $cart_goods_new[$k]['zhekou']['your_discount'] = sprintf($_LANG['your_discount'], $favour_name, price_format($discount['discount'])); } } } /* 对是否允许修改购物车赋值 */ if ($flow_type != CART_GENERAL_GOODS || $_CFG['one_step_buy'] == '1') { $smarty->assign('allow_edit_cart', 0); } else { $smarty->assign('allow_edit_cart', 1); } /* * 取得购物流程设置 */ $smarty->assign('config', $_CFG); /* * 取得订单信息 */ $order = flow_order_info(); //file_put_contents('./order.txt',var_export($order,true)); $smarty->assign('order', $order); /* 计算折扣 */ /*if ($flow_type != CART_EXCHANGE_GOODS && $flow_type != CART_GROUP_BUY_GOODS) { $discount = compute_discount(); $smarty->assign('discount', $discount['discount']); $favour_name = empty($discount['name']) ? '' : join(',', $discount['name']); $smarty->assign('your_discount', sprintf($_LANG['your_discount'], $favour_name, price_format($discount['discount']))); }*/ /* * 计算订单的费用 */ $total = order_fee($order, $cart_goods, $consignee); $smarty->assign('total', $total); $smarty->assign('shopping_money', sprintf($_LANG['shopping_money'], $total['formated_goods_price'])); $smarty->assign('market_price_desc', sprintf($_LANG['than_market_price'], $total['formated_market_price'], $total['formated_saving'], $total['save_rate'])); /* 取得配送列表 */ /*$region = array($consignee['country'], $consignee['province'], $consignee['city'], $consignee['district']); $shipping_list = available_shipping_list($region); $cart_weight_price = cart_weight_price($flow_type); $insure_disabled = true; $cod_disabled = true; // 查看购物车中是否全为免运费商品,若是则把运费赋为零 //$sql = 'SELECT count(*) FROM ' . $ecs->table('cart') . " WHERE `session_id` = '" . SESS_ID. "' AND `extension_code` != 'package_buy' AND `is_shipping` = 0"; $sql = 'SELECT count(*) FROM ' . $ecs->table('cart') . " WHERE $sql_where AND `extension_code` != 'package_buy' AND `is_shipping` = 0 AND rec_id in (".$_SESSION['sel_cartgoods'].")"; //jx $shipping_count = $db->getOne($sql); foreach ($shipping_list AS $key => $val) { $shipping_cfg = unserialize_config($val['configure']); $shipping_fee = ($shipping_count == 0 AND $cart_weight_price['free_shipping'] == 1) ? 0 : shipping_fee($val['shipping_code'], unserialize($val['configure']), $cart_weight_price['weight'], $cart_weight_price['amount'], $cart_weight_price['number']); $shipping_list[$key]['format_shipping_fee'] = price_format($shipping_fee, false); $shipping_list[$key]['shipping_fee'] = $shipping_fee; $shipping_list[$key]['free_money'] = price_format($shipping_cfg['free_money'], false); $shipping_list[$key]['insure_formated'] = strpos($val['insure'], '%') === false ? price_format($val['insure'], false) : $val['insure']; // 当前的配送方式是否支持保价 if ($val['shipping_id'] == $order['shipping_id']) { $insure_disabled = ($val['insure'] == 0); $cod_disabled = ($val['support_cod'] == 0); } } $smarty->assign('shipping_list', $shipping_list); $smarty->assign('insure_disabled', $insure_disabled); $smarty->assign('cod_disabled', $cod_disabled);*/ /* 取得支付列表 */ if ($order['shipping_id'] == 0) { $cod = true; $cod_fee = 0; } else { $shipping = shipping_info($order['shipping_id']); $cod = $shipping['support_cod']; if ($cod) { /* 如果是团购,且保证金大于0,不能使用货到付款 */ if ($flow_type == CART_GROUP_BUY_GOODS) { $group_buy_id = $_SESSION['extension_id']; if ($group_buy_id <= 0) { show_message('error group_buy_id'); } $group_buy = group_buy_info($group_buy_id); if (empty($group_buy)) { show_message('group buy not exists: ' . $group_buy_id); } if ($group_buy['deposit'] > 0) { $cod = false; $cod_fee = 0; /* 赋值保证金 */ $smarty->assign('gb_deposit', $group_buy['deposit']); } } if ($cod) { $shipping_area_info = shipping_area_info($order['shipping_id'], $region); $cod_fee = $shipping_area_info['pay_fee']; } } else { $cod_fee = 0; } } // 给货到付款的手续费加<span id>,以便改变配送的时候动态显示 $payment_list = available_payment_list(1, $cod_fee, false, $_SESSION['extension_code']=='virtual_good'?1:0); if(isset($payment_list)) { foreach ($payment_list as $key => $payment) { if ($payment['is_cod'] == '1') { $payment_list[$key]['format_pay_fee'] = '<span id="ECS_CODFEE">' . $payment['format_pay_fee'] . '</span>'; } /* 如果有易宝神州行支付 如果订单金额大于300 则不显示 */ if ($payment['pay_code'] == 'yeepayszx' && $total['amount'] > 300) { unset($payment_list[$key]); } /* 如果有余额支付 */ if ($payment['pay_code'] == 'balance') { /* 如果未登录,不显示 */ if ($_SESSION['user_id'] == 0) { unset($payment_list[$key]); } else { if ($_SESSION['flow_order']['pay_id'] == $payment['pay_id']) { $smarty->assign('disable_surplus', 1); } } } } } $smarty->assign('payment_list', $payment_list); /* 代码增加_start By www.ecshop68.com */ /* 自提功能 根据收货地址获取该城市下的自提点列表 */ //$sql = 'select * from ' . $ecs->table('pickup_point') . // ' where city_id=' . $consignee['city']; //$pickup_point_list = $db->getAll($sql); if($consignee['city']){ $sql = 'select r.region_name, r.region_id from ' . $ecs->table('pickup_point') . ' p left join ' . $ecs->table('region') . ' r on p.city_id=r.region_id where p.city_id=' . $consignee['city']; $district_list = $db->getAll($sql); $smarty->assign('district_list', $district_list); } //$smarty->assign('pickup_point_list', $pickup_point_list); //$smarty->assign('has_pickup_point', count($pickup_point_list)); //$smarty->assign('pickup_code', $_CFG['pickup_code']); /* 代码增加_end By www.ecshop68.com */ /* 取得包装与贺卡 */ if ($total['real_goods_count'] > 0) { /* 只有有实体商品,才要判断包装和贺卡 */ if (!isset($_CFG['use_package']) || $_CFG['use_package'] == '1') { /* 如果使用包装,取得包装列表及用户选择的包装 */ $smarty->assign('pack_list', pack_list()); } /* 如果使用贺卡,取得贺卡列表及用户选择的贺卡 */ if (!isset($_CFG['use_card']) || $_CFG['use_card'] == '1') { $smarty->assign('card_list', card_list()); } } $user_info = user_info($_SESSION['user_id']); /* 如果使用余额,取得用户余额 */ if ((!isset($_CFG['use_surplus']) || $_CFG['use_surplus'] == '1') && $_SESSION['user_id'] > 0 && $user_info['user_money'] > 0) { // 能使用余额 $smarty->assign('allow_use_surplus', 1); $smarty->assign('your_surplus', $user_info['user_money']); } /* 如果使用积分,取得用户可用积分及本订单最多可以使用的积分 */ if ((!isset($_CFG['use_integral']) || $_CFG['use_integral'] == '1') && $_SESSION['user_id'] > 0 && $user_info['pay_points'] > 0 && ($flow_type != CART_GROUP_BUY_GOODS && $flow_type != CART_EXCHANGE_GOODS)) { // 能使用积分 $keyong = flow_available_points();// 可用积分 foreach($keyong as $k=>$v){ $cart_goods_new[$k]['jifen'] = $v; } $smarty->assign('allow_use_integral', 1); //$smarty->assign('order_max_integral', $keyong); $smarty->assign('your_integral', $user_info['pay_points']); // 用户积分 } if ((!isset($_CFG['use_bonus']) || $_CFG['use_bonus'] == '1') && ($flow_type != CART_GROUP_BUY_GOODS && $flow_type != CART_EXCHANGE_GOODS)) { // 取得用户可用红包 $user_bonus = user_bonus($_SESSION['user_id'], $total['goods_price_supplier']);//把参数由总金额改为每个店铺的订单金额 //$user_bonus = user_bonus($_SESSION['user_id'], $total['goods_price']); if (!empty($user_bonus)) { foreach ($user_bonus AS $key => $val) { foreach($val as $k => $v) { $user_bonus[$key][$k]['bonus_money_formated'] = price_format($v['type_money'], false); $cart_goods_new[$key]['redbag'] = $user_bonus[$key]; } } foreach($user_bonus as $key=>$val){ foreach($val as $k=>$v){ $res[$k]=$v; } } $smarty->assign('bonus_list', $res); } // 能使用红包 $smarty->assign('allow_use_bonus', 1); } $smarty->assign('goods_list', $cart_goods_new); /* 如果使用缺货处理,取得缺货处理列表 */ if (!isset($_CFG['use_how_oos']) || $_CFG['use_how_oos'] == '1') { if (is_array($GLOBALS['_LANG']['oos']) && !empty($GLOBALS['_LANG']['oos'])) { $smarty->assign('how_oos_list', $GLOBALS['_LANG']['oos']); } } /* 如果能开发票,取得发票内容列表 */ if ((!isset($_CFG['can_invoice']) || $_CFG['can_invoice'] == '1') && isset($_CFG['invoice_content']) && trim($_CFG['invoice_content']) != '' && $flow_type != CART_EXCHANGE_GOODS) { $inv_content_list = explode("\n", str_replace("\r", '', $_CFG['invoice_content'])); $smarty->assign('inv_content_list', $inv_content_list); $inv_type_list = array(); foreach ($_CFG['invoice_type']['type'] as $key => $type) { /*增值税发票_更改_START_www.68ecshop.com*/ if (!empty($type)&&$_CFG['invoice_type']['enable'][$key]=='1') { $inv_type_list[$type] = $_LANG[$type] . ' [' . floatval($_CFG['invoice_type']['rate'][$key]) . '%]'; } /*增值税发票_更改_END_www.68ecshop.com*/ } $smarty->assign('inv_type_list', $inv_type_list); /*增值税发票_添加_START_www.68ecshop.com*/ $smarty->assign('province_list', get_regions(1, $_CFG['shop_country'])); /*增值税发票_添加_END_www.68ecshop.com*/ } /* 代码增加_start By www.68ecshop.com */ if ($_CFG['time_shouhuo']) { $bjtimes=$_CFG['time_shouhuo']*3600; } else { $bjtimes=10*3600; } $week_list = array(); $week_list[0]['name'] = date('m-d', time()); $week_list[0]['week'] = "今天"; $week_list[1]['name'] = date('m-d', strtotime('+1 days')); $week_list[1]['week'] = getWeek(strtotime('+1 days')); $week_list[2]['name'] = date('m-d', strtotime('+2 days')); $week_list[2]['week'] = getWeek(strtotime('+2 days')); $week_list[3]['name'] = date('m-d', strtotime('+3 days')); $week_list[3]['week'] = getWeek(strtotime('+3 days')); $week_list[4]['name'] = date('m-d', strtotime('+4 days')); $week_list[4]['week'] =getWeek(strtotime('+4 days')); $week_list[5]['name'] = date('m-d', strtotime('+5 days')); $week_list[5]['week'] = getWeek(strtotime('+5 days')); $week_list[6]['name'] = date('m-d', strtotime('+6 days')); $week_list[6]['week'] = getWeek(strtotime('+6 days')); foreach ($week_list as $wkey => $week) { $chatimes_11 = strtotime(date('Y')."-". $week['name'] ." 09:00") - time(); $chatimes_12 = strtotime(date('Y')."-".$week['name']." 15:00") - time(); if ($chatimes_11 > $bjtimes || $chatimes_12 > $bjtimes) { $week_list[$wkey]['time1'] = '1'; } else { $week_list[$wkey]['time1'] = '0'; } $chatimes_21 = strtotime(date('Y')."-".$week['name']." 15:00") - time(); $chatimes_22 = strtotime(date('Y')."-".$week['name']." 19:00") - time(); if ($chatimes_21 > $bjtimes || $chatimes_22 > $bjtimes) { $week_list[$wkey]['time2'] = '1'; } else { $week_list[$wkey]['time2'] = '0'; } $chatimes_31 = strtotime(date('Y')."-".$week['name']." 19:00") - time(); $chatimes_32 = strtotime(date('Y')."-".$week['name']." 22:00") - time(); if ($chatimes_31 > $bjtimes || $chatimes_32 > $bjtimes) { $week_list[$wkey]['time3'] = '1'; } else { $week_list[$wkey]['time3'] = '0'; } } $smarty->assign('week_list', $week_list); /* 代码增加_end By www.68ecshop.com */ /* 保存 session */ $_SESSION['flow_order'] = $order;}elseif ($_REQUEST['step'] == 'select_pickinfo'){ include_once('includes/cls_json.php'); $json = new JSON; $result = array('error' => '', 'content' => '', 'need_insure' => 0); $pid = (isset($_REQUEST['pid'])) ? intval($_REQUEST['pid']) : 0; $suppid = (isset($_REQUEST['sid'])) ? intval($_REQUEST['sid']) : 0; //$consignee = get_consignee($_SESSION['user_id']); $info = get_pickup_one_info($pid); $pickinfo = get_pickup_info($info['city_id'],$suppid); $retinfo = array(); foreach($pickinfo as $key=>$val){ $retinfo[$val['district_id']]['name'] = $val['region_name']; $retinfo[$val['district_id']]['info'][] = $val; } $smarty->assign('district', intval($info['district_id'])); $smarty->assign('selectid', $pid); $smarty->assign('suppid', $suppid); $smarty->assign('pinfo', $retinfo); $result['content'] = $smarty->fetch('library/pickup.lbi',true); echo $json->encode($result); exit;}elseif ($_REQUEST['step'] == 'save_point'){ include_once('includes/cls_json.php'); $json = new JSON; $result = array('error' => '', 'content' => '', 'need_insure' => 0); $pid = (isset($_REQUEST['pid'])) ? intval($_REQUEST['pid']) : 0; $suppid = (isset($_REQUEST['sid'])) ? intval($_REQUEST['sid']) : 0; $info = get_pickup_one_info($pid); $result['suppid'] = $suppid; $result['picktxt'] = "<input type='hidden' id='point".$suppid."' name='pickup_point[".$suppid."]' value='".$info['id']."'><span class='ziti'>自提点:</span><span>".$info['shop_name']."</span><a href='javascript:void(0);' onclick='show(\"pop\",".$suppid.")' class='revise'>修改</a>"; echo $json->encode($result); exit;}elseif ($_REQUEST['step'] == 'select_shipping'){ /*------------------------------------------------------ */ //-- 改变配送方式 /*------------------------------------------------------ */ include_once('includes/cls_json.php'); $json = new JSON; $result = array('error' => '', 'content' => '', 'need_insure' => 0); /* 取得购物类型 */ $flow_type = isset($_SESSION['flow_type']) ? intval($_SESSION['flow_type']) : CART_GENERAL_GOODS; /* 获得收货人信息 */ $consignee = get_consignee($_SESSION['user_id']); /* 对商品信息赋值 */ $cart_goods = cart_goods($flow_type); // 取得商品列表,计算合计 if (empty($cart_goods)) { $result['error'] = $_LANG['no_goods_in_cart']; }else if(!check_consignee_info($consignee, $flow_type)){ $result['error'] = '请先设置收货地址哟,亲!'; } else { /* 取得购物流程设置 */ $smarty->assign('config', $_CFG); /* 取得订单信息 */ $order = flow_order_info(); $recid = (isset($_REQUEST['recid'])) ? intval($_REQUEST['recid']) : 0; $suppid = (isset($_REQUEST['suppid'])) ? intval($_REQUEST['suppid']) : 0; if($recid){ $order['shipping_pay'][$suppid] = $recid; } $_SESSION['flow_order'] = $order; //$order['shipping_id'] = intval($_REQUEST['shipping']); //$regions = array($consignee['country'], $consignee['province'], $consignee['city'], $consignee['district']); //$shipping_info = shipping_area_info($order['shipping_id'], $regions); /* 计算订单的费用 */ $total = order_fee($order, $cart_goods, $consignee); $smarty->assign('total', $total); /* 取得可以得到的积分和红包 */ $smarty->assign('total_integral', cart_amount(false, $flow_type) - $total['bonus'] - $total['integral_money']); //$smarty->assign('total_bonus', price_format(get_total_bonus(), false)); $smarty->assign('total_bonus', price_format(get_total_bonus($total['goods_price_supplier']), false)); /* 团购标志 */ if ($flow_type == CART_GROUP_BUY_GOODS) { $smarty->assign('is_group_buy', 1); } /* 预售标志 */ if ($flow_type == CART_PRE_SALE_GOODS) { $smarty->assign('is_pre_sale', 1); } $result['cod_fee'] = $shipping_info['pay_fee']; if (strpos($result['cod_fee'], '%') === false) { $result['cod_fee'] = price_format($result['cod_fee'], false); } //$result['need_insure'] = ($shipping_info['insure'] > 0 && !empty($order['need_insure'])) ? 1 : 0; $result['content'] = $smarty->fetch('library/order_total.lbi'); /* 代码增加_start By www.68ecshop.com */ //$result['supplier_shipping'] = $smarty->fetch('library/order_supplier_shipping.lbi'); /* 代码增加_end By www.68ecshop.com */ $result['suppid'] = $suppid; $result['picktxt'] = ''; if(is_pups($recid)){ if(isset($consignee['city']) && intval($consignee['city'])>0){ $pickinfo = get_pickup_info(intval($consignee['city']),$suppid); if($pickinfo){ $result['picktxt'] = "<input type='hidden' id='point".$suppid."' name='pickup_point[".$suppid."]' value='".$pickinfo[0]['id']."'><span class='ziti'>自提点:</span><span>".$pickinfo[0]['shop_name']."</span><a href='javascript:void(0);' onclick='show(\"pop\",".$suppid.")' class='revise'>修改</a>"; } foreach($pickinfo as $pkey=>$pval){ if($consignee['district'] == $pval['district_id']){ $result['picktxt'] = "<input type='hidden' id='point".$suppid."' name='pickup_point[".$suppid."]' value='".$pval['id']."'><span class='ziti'>自提点:</span><span>".$pval['shop_name']."</span><a href='javascript:void(0);' onclick='show(\"pop\",".$suppid.")' class='revise'>修改</a>"; } } } } } echo $json->encode($result); exit;}elseif ($_REQUEST['step'] == 'select_insure'){ /*------------------------------------------------------ */ //-- 选定/取消配送的保价 /*------------------------------------------------------ */ include_once('includes/cls_json.php'); $json = new JSON; $result = array('error' => '', 'content' => '', 'need_insure' => 0); /* 取得购物类型 */ $flow_type = isset($_SESSION['flow_type']) ? intval($_SESSION['flow_type']) : CART_GENERAL_GOODS; /* 获得收货人信息 */ $consignee = get_consignee($_SESSION['user_id']); /* 对商品信息赋值 */ $cart_goods = cart_goods($flow_type); // 取得商品列表,计算合计 if (empty($cart_goods) || !check_consignee_info($consignee, $flow_type)) { $result['error'] = $_LANG['no_goods_in_cart']; } else { /* 取得购物流程设置 */ $smarty->assign('config', $_CFG); /* 取得订单信息 */ $order = flow_order_info(); $order['need_insure'] = intval($_REQUEST['insure']); /* 保存 session */ $_SESSION['flow_order'] = $order; /* 计算订单的费用 */ $total = order_fee($order, $cart_goods, $consignee); $smarty->assign('total', $total); /* 取得可以得到的积分和红包 */ $smarty->assign('total_integral', cart_amount(false, $flow_type) - $total['bonus'] - $total['integral_money']); $smarty->assign('total_bonus', price_format(get_total_bonus(), false)); /* 团购标志 */ if ($flow_type == CART_GROUP_BUY_GOODS) { $smarty->assign('is_group_buy', 1); } $result['content'] = $smarty->fetch('library/order_total.lbi'); } echo $json->encode($result); exit;}elseif ($_REQUEST['step'] == 'select_payment'){ /*------------------------------------------------------ */ //-- 改变支付方式 /*------------------------------------------------------ */ include_once('includes/cls_json.php'); $json = new JSON; $result = array('error' => '', 'content' => '', 'need_insure' => 0, 'payment' => 1); /* 取得购物类型 */ $flow_type = isset($_SESSION['flow_type']) ? intval($_SESSION['flow_type']) : CART_GENERAL_GOODS; /* 获得收货人信息 */ $consignee = get_consignee($_SESSION['user_id']); /* 对商品信息赋值 */ $cart_goods = cart_goods($flow_type); // 取得商品列表,计算合计 if (empty($cart_goods) || (!check_consignee_info($consignee, $flow_type))) { $result['error'] = $_LANG['no_goods_in_cart']; } else { /* 取得购物流程设置 */ $smarty->assign('config', $_CFG); /* 取得订单信息 */ $order = flow_order_info(); $order['pay_id'] = intval($_REQUEST['payment']); $payment_info = payment_info($order['pay_id']); $result['pay_code'] = $payment_info['pay_code']; /*余额额支付密码_添加_START_www.68ecshop.com*/ $order['pay_code'] = $payment_info['pay_code']; /*余额额支付密码_添加_END_www.68ecshop.com*/ /* 代码增加_start By www.ecshop68.com */ /* 自提功能 判断用户选择的支付方式是否为自提功能关联的支付方式 */ $result['show_pickup_point'] = $payment_info['pay_code'] == $_CFG['pickup_code'] ? 1 : 0; /* 代码增加_end By www.ecshop68.com */ /* 保存 session */ $_SESSION['flow_order'] = $order; /* 计算订单的费用 */ $total = order_fee($order, $cart_goods, $consignee); $smarty->assign('total', $total); /* 取得可以得到的积分和红包 */ $smarty->assign('total_integral', cart_amount(false, $flow_type) - $total['bonus'] - $total['integral_money']); $smarty->assign('total_bonus', price_format(get_total_bonus(), false)); /* 团购标志 */ if ($flow_type == CART_GROUP_BUY_GOODS) { $smarty->assign('is_group_buy', 1); } $result['content'] = $smarty->fetch('library/order_total.lbi'); } echo $json->encode($result); exit;}/*余额额支付密码_添加_START_www.68ecshop.com*/elseif ($_REQUEST['step'] == 'check_surplus_open'){ $pay_code = $_SESSION['flow_order']['pay_code']; $surplus = $_SESSION['flow_order']['surplus']; if($pay_code == 'balance'||$surplus > 0){ $sql = 'SELECT `is_surplus_open`'. 'FROM `ecs_users`'. 'WHERE `user_id` = \''.$_SESSION['user_id'].'\''. 'LIMIT 1'; $is_surplus_open = $GLOBALS['db']->getOne($sql); echo $is_surplus_open; } else { echo '0'; } exit;}elseif ($_REQUEST['step'] == 'verify_surplus_password'){ $sql = 'SELECT COUNT( * )'. 'FROM `ecs_users`'. 'WHERE `user_id` = \''.$_SESSION['user_id'].'\''. 'AND `surplus_password` = \''.md5($_GET['surplus_password']).'\''; $count = $GLOBALS['db']->getOne($sql); echo $count; exit;}/*余额额支付密码_添加_END_www.68ecshop.com*/elseif ($_REQUEST['step'] == 'select_pack'){ /*------------------------------------------------------ */ //-- 改变商品包装 /*------------------------------------------------------ */ include_once('includes/cls_json.php'); $json = new JSON; $result = array('error' => '', 'content' => '', 'need_insure' => 0); /* 取得购物类型 */ $flow_type = isset($_SESSION['flow_type']) ? intval($_SESSION['flow_type']) : CART_GENERAL_GOODS; /* 获得收货人信息 */ $consignee = get_consignee($_SESSION['user_id']); /* 对商品信息赋值 */ $cart_goods = cart_goods($flow_type); // 取得商品列表,计算合计 if (empty($cart_goods) || !check_consignee_info($consignee, $flow_type)) { $result['error'] = $_LANG['no_goods_in_cart']; } else { /* 取得购物流程设置 */ $smarty->assign('config', $_CFG); /* 取得订单信息 */ $order = flow_order_info(); $order['pack_id'] = intval($_REQUEST['pack']); /* 保存 session */ $_SESSION['flow_order'] = $order; /* 计算订单的费用 */ $total = order_fee($order, $cart_goods, $consignee); $smarty->assign('total', $total); /* 取得可以得到的积分和红包 */ $smarty->assign('total_integral', cart_amount(false, $flow_type) - $total['bonus'] - $total['integral_money']); $smarty->assign('total_bonus', price_format(get_total_bonus(), false)); /* 团购标志 */ if ($flow_type == CART_GROUP_BUY_GOODS) { $smarty->assign('is_group_buy', 1); } $result['content'] = $smarty->fetch('library/order_total.lbi'); } echo $json->encode($result); exit;}elseif ($_REQUEST['step'] == 'select_card'){ /*------------------------------------------------------ */ //-- 改变贺卡 /*------------------------------------------------------ */ include_once('includes/cls_json.php'); $json = new JSON; $result = array('error' => '', 'content' => '', 'need_insure' => 0); /* 取得购物类型 */ $flow_type = isset($_SESSION['flow_type']) ? intval($_SESSION['flow_type']) : CART_GENERAL_GOODS; /* 获得收货人信息 */ $consignee = get_consignee($_SESSION['user_id']); /* 对商品信息赋值 */ $cart_goods = cart_goods($flow_type); // 取得商品列表,计算合计 if (empty($cart_goods) || !check_consignee_info($consignee, $flow_type)) { $result['error'] = $_LANG['no_goods_in_cart']; } else { /* 取得购物流程设置 */ $smarty->assign('config', $_CFG); /* 取得订单信息 */ $order = flow_order_info(); $order['card_id'] = intval($_REQUEST['card']); /* 保存 session */ $_SESSION['flow_order'] = $order; /* 计算订单的费用 */ $total = order_fee($order, $cart_goods, $consignee); $smarty->assign('total', $total); /* 取得可以得到的积分和红包 */ $smarty->assign('total_integral', cart_amount(false, $flow_type) - $order['bonus'] - $total['integral_money']); $smarty->assign('total_bonus', price_format(get_total_bonus(), false)); /* 团购标志 */ if ($flow_type == CART_GROUP_BUY_GOODS) { $smarty->assign('is_group_buy', 1); } $result['content'] = $smarty->fetch('library/order_total.lbi'); } echo $json->encode($result); exit;}elseif ($_REQUEST['step'] == 'change_surplus'){ /*------------------------------------------------------ */ //-- 改变余额 /*------------------------------------------------------ */ include_once('includes/cls_json.php'); $surplus = floatval($_GET['surplus']); $result['suppid'] = $suppid = intval($_GET['suppid']); $user_info = user_info($_SESSION['user_id']); /* 取得订单信息 */ $order = flow_order_info(); $surplus_info = (isset($order['surplus_info'])) ? $order['surplus_info'] : array(); $surplus_info[$suppid] = $surplus; if ($user_info['user_money'] + $user_info['credit_line'] < array_sum($surplus_info)) { $result['error'] = $_LANG['surplus_not_enough']; } else { /* 取得购物类型 */ $flow_type = isset($_SESSION['flow_type']) ? intval($_SESSION['flow_type']) : CART_GENERAL_GOODS; /* 取得购物流程设置 */ $smarty->assign('config', $_CFG); /* 获得收货人信息 */ $consignee = get_consignee($_SESSION['user_id']); /* 对商品信息赋值 */ $cart_goods = cart_goods($flow_type); // 取得商品列表,计算合计 if (empty($cart_goods) || !check_consignee_info($consignee, $flow_type)) { $result['error'] = $_LANG['no_goods_in_cart']; } else { $order['surplus_info'] = $surplus_info; $order['surplus'] = array_sum($surplus_info);//$surplus; /* 计算订单的费用 */ $total = order_fee($order, $cart_goods, $consignee); $smarty->assign('total', $total); /* 团购标志 */ if ($flow_type == CART_GROUP_BUY_GOODS) { $smarty->assign('is_group_buy', 1); } $result['content'] = $smarty->fetch('library/order_total.lbi'); } } $json = new JSON(); die($json->encode($result));}elseif ($_REQUEST['step'] == 'change_integral'){ /*------------------------------------------------------ */ //-- 改变积分 /*------------------------------------------------------ */ include_once('includes/cls_json.php'); $points = floatval($_GET['points']); $result['suppid'] = $suppid = intval($_GET['suppid']); $user_info = user_info($_SESSION['user_id']); /* 取得订单信息 */ $order = flow_order_info(); $integral_info = (isset($order['integral_info'])) ? $order['integral_info'] : array(); $integral_info[$suppid] = $points; $order['integral_info'] = $integral_info; $flow_points = flow_available_points(); // 该订单允许使用的积分 $user_points = $user_info['pay_points']; // 用户的积分总数 //所有订单的总积分 $points_all = array_sum($integral_info); if ($points_all > $user_points) { $result['error'] = $_LANG['integral_not_enough']; } elseif ($points > $flow_points[$suppid]) { $result['error'] = sprintf($_LANG['integral_too_much'], $flow_points[$suppid]); } else { /* 取得购物类型 */ $flow_type = isset($_SESSION['flow_type']) ? intval($_SESSION['flow_type']) : CART_GENERAL_GOODS; $order['integral'] = $points_all; /* 获得收货人信息 */ $consignee = get_consignee($_SESSION['user_id']); /* 对商品信息赋值 */ $cart_goods = cart_goods($flow_type); // 取得商品列表,计算合计 if (empty($cart_goods) || !check_consignee_info($consignee, $flow_type)) { $result['error'] = $_LANG['no_goods_in_cart']; } else { /* 计算订单的费用 */ $total = order_fee($order, $cart_goods, $consignee); $smarty->assign('total', $total); $smarty->assign('config', $_CFG); /* 团购标志 */ if ($flow_type == CART_GROUP_BUY_GOODS) { $smarty->assign('is_group_buy', 1); } $result['content'] = $smarty->fetch('library/order_total.lbi'); $result['error'] = ''; } } $json = new JSON(); die($json->encode($result));}elseif ($_REQUEST['step'] == 'change_bonus'){ /*------------------------------------------------------ */ //-- 改变红包 /*------------------------------------------------------ */ include_once('includes/cls_json.php'); $result = array('error' => '', 'content' => ''); /* 取得购物类型 */ $flow_type = isset($_SESSION['flow_type']) ? intval($_SESSION['flow_type']) : CART_GENERAL_GOODS; /* 获得收货人信息 */ $consignee = get_consignee($_SESSION['user_id']); /* 对商品信息赋值 */ $cart_goods = cart_goods($flow_type); // 取得商品列表,计算合计 if (empty($cart_goods) || !check_consignee_info($consignee, $flow_type)) { $result['error'] = $_LANG['no_goods_in_cart']; } else { /* 取得购物流程设置 */ $smarty->assign('config', $_CFG); $result['suppid'] = $suppid = intval($_GET['suppid']); /* 取得订单信息 */ $order = flow_order_info(); $bonus = bonus_info(intval($_GET['bonus'])); if ((!empty($bonus) && $bonus['user_id'] == $_SESSION['user_id'] && $bonus['supplier_id'] == $suppid) || intval($_GET['bonus']) == 0) { $bonus_info = (isset($order['bonus_id_info'])) ? $order['bonus_id_info'] : array(); if(intval($_GET['bonus']) == 0){ unset($bonus_info[$suppid]); }else{ $bonus_info[$suppid] = $_GET['bonus']; } $order['bonus_id_info'] = $bonus_info = array_filter($bonus_info); $order['bonus_id_info2'] = explode(",",$_GET['bonus']); //优惠券叠加 这里为数组 李云鹏20160522 $order['bonus_id'] = implode(',',$bonus_info);//intval($_GET['bonus']); $bonus_sn_info = (isset($order['bonus_sn_info'])) ? $order['bonus_sn_info'] : array(); unset($bonus_sn_info[$suppid]); $order['bonus_sn_info'] = $bonus_sn_info = array_filter($bonus_sn_info); $order['bonus_sn'] = implode(',',$bonus_sn_info); } else { $order['bonus_id'] = 0; $result['error'] = $_LANG['invalid_bonus']; } /* 计算订单的费用 */ $total = order_fee($order, $cart_goods, $consignee); $smarty->assign('total', $total); /* 团购标志 */ if ($flow_type == CART_GROUP_BUY_GOODS) { $smarty->assign('is_group_buy', 1); } $result['content'] = $smarty->fetch('library/order_total.lbi'); } $result['order']=$order; $json = new JSON(); die($json->encode($result));}elseif ($_REQUEST['step'] == 'change_needinv'){ /*------------------------------------------------------ */ //-- 改变发票的设置 /*------------------------------------------------------ */ include_once('includes/cls_json.php'); $result = array('error' => '', 'content' => ''); $json = new JSON(); $_GET['inv_type'] = !empty($_GET['inv_type']) ? json_str_iconv(urldecode($_GET['inv_type'])) : ''; $_GET['invPayee'] = !empty($_GET['invPayee']) ? json_str_iconv(urldecode($_GET['invPayee'])) : ''; $_GET['inv_content'] = !empty($_GET['inv_content']) ? json_str_iconv(urldecode($_GET['inv_content'])) : ''; /* 取得购物类型 */ $flow_type = isset($_SESSION['flow_type']) ? intval($_SESSION['flow_type']) : CART_GENERAL_GOODS; /* 获得收货人信息 */ $consignee = get_consignee($_SESSION['user_id']); /* 对商品信息赋值 */ $cart_goods = cart_goods($flow_type); // 取得商品列表,计算合计 if (empty($cart_goods) || !check_consignee_info($consignee, $flow_type)) { $result['error'] = $_LANG['no_goods_in_cart']; die($json->encode($result)); } else { /* 取得购物流程设置 */ $smarty->assign('config', $_CFG); /* 取得订单信息 */ $order = flow_order_info(); if (isset($_GET['need_inv']) && intval($_GET['need_inv']) == 1) { $order['need_inv'] = 1; $order['inv_type'] = trim(stripslashes($_GET['inv_type'])); $order['inv_payee'] = trim(stripslashes($_GET['inv_payee'])); $order['inv_content'] = trim(stripslashes($_GET['inv_content'])); } else { $order['need_inv'] = 0; $order['inv_type'] = ''; $order['inv_payee'] = ''; $order['inv_content'] = ''; } /* 计算订单的费用 */ $total = order_fee($order, $cart_goods, $consignee); $smarty->assign('total', $total); /* 团购标志 */ if ($flow_type == CART_GROUP_BUY_GOODS) { $smarty->assign('is_group_buy', 1); } die($smarty->fetch('library/order_total.lbi')); }}elseif ($_REQUEST['step'] == 'change_oos'){ /*------------------------------------------------------ */ //-- 改变缺货处理时的方式 /*------------------------------------------------------ */ /* 取得订单信息 */ $order = flow_order_info(); $order['how_oos'] = intval($_GET['oos']); /* 保存 session */ $_SESSION['flow_order'] = $order;}elseif ($_REQUEST['step'] == 'check_surplus'){ /*------------------------------------------------------ */ //-- 检查用户输入的余额 /*------------------------------------------------------ */ $surplus = floatval($_GET['surplus']); $user_info = user_info($_SESSION['user_id']); if (($user_info['user_money'] + $user_info['credit_line'] < $surplus)) { die($_LANG['surplus_not_enough']); } exit;}elseif ($_REQUEST['step'] == 'check_integral'){ /*------------------------------------------------------ */ //-- 检查用户输入的余额 /*------------------------------------------------------ */ $points = floatval($_GET['integral']); $user_info = user_info($_SESSION['user_id']); $flow_points = flow_available_points(); // 该订单允许使用的积分 $user_points = $user_info['pay_points']; // 用户的积分总数 if ($points > $user_points) { die($_LANG['integral_not_enough']); } if ($points > $flow_points) { die(sprintf($_LANG['integral_too_much'], $flow_points)); } exit;}/*------------------------------------------------------ *///-- 完成所有订单操作,提交到数据库/*------------------------------------------------------ */elseif ($_REQUEST['step'] == 'done'){ include_once('includes/lib_clips.php'); include_once('includes/lib_payment.php'); /* 代码增加_start By www.68ecshop.com */ $id_ext =""; if ($_SESSION['sel_cartgoods']) { $id_ext = " AND rec_id in (". $_SESSION['sel_cartgoods'] .") "; } /* 代码增加_end By www.68ecshop.com */ /* 取得购物类型 */ $flow_type = isset($_SESSION['flow_type']) ? intval($_SESSION['flow_type']) : CART_GENERAL_GOODS; /* 代码增加_end By www.68ecshop.com */ $sql_where = $_SESSION['user_id']>0 ? "user_id='". $_SESSION['user_id'] ."' " : "session_id = '" . SESS_ID . "' AND user_id=0 "; $sql_where .= $id_ext; /* 检查购物车中是否有商品 */ $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . $ecs->table('cart') . " WHERE $sql_where " . "AND parent_id = 0 AND is_gift = 0 AND rec_type = '$flow_type'"; /* 代码增加_end By www.68ecshop.com */ if ($db->getOne($sql) == 0) { show_message($_LANG['no_goods_in_cart'], '', '', 'warning'); } $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".$ecs->table('cart')."WHERE $sql_where AND parent_id = 0 AND is_gift > 0 AND rec_type = '$flow_type'"; $res = $db->getAll($sql); foreach($res as $key=>$value) { $goodsid = $value['goods_id']; $sql = "SELECT goods_number FROM ".$ecs->table('goods')."WHERE goods_id = $goodsid"; $rec = $db->getOne($sql); if($value['goods_number'] > $rec) { show_message("赠品 ".$value['goods_name']." 已经赠送完!"); } } /* 检查商品库存 */ /* 如果使用库存,且下订单时减库存,则减少库存 */ if ($_CFG['use_storage'] == '1' && $_CFG['stock_dec_time'] == SDT_PLACE) { $cart_goods_stock = get_cart_goods($id_ext); $_cart_goods_stock = array(); foreach ($cart_goods_stock['goods_list'] as $values) { foreach ($values['goods_list'] as $value) { $_cart_goods_stock[$value['rec_id']] = $value['goods_number']; } } flow_cart_stock($_cart_goods_stock); unset($cart_goods_stock, $_cart_goods_stock); } /* * 检查用户是否已经登录 * 如果用户已经登录了则检查是否有默认的收货地址 * 如果没有登录则跳转到登录和注册页面 */ if (empty($_SESSION['direct_shopping']) && $_SESSION['user_id'] == 0) { /* 用户没有登录且没有选定匿名购物,转向到登录页面 */ //ecs_header("Location: flow.php?step=login\n"); ecs_header("Location: user.php\n"); //更改跳转到登陆页面 李云鹏20160522 exit; } $consignee = get_consignee($_SESSION['user_id']); /* 检查收货人信息是否完整 */ if (!check_consignee_info($consignee, $flow_type)) { /* 如果不完整则转向到收货人信息填写界面 */ ecs_header("Location: flow.php?step=consignee\n"); exit; } /* 订单中的商品 */ $cart_goods = cart_goods($flow_type); $cart_goods_new = array(); if(count($cart_goods)>0){ foreach($cart_goods as $key => $val){ $cart_goods_new[$val['supplier_id']]['goodlist'][$val['rec_id']] = $val; $cart_goods_new[$val['supplier_id']]['referer'] = $val['seller']; } } //echo "<pre>"; //print_r($cart_goods); //print_r($cart_goods_new); if (empty($cart_goods)) { show_message($_LANG['no_goods_in_cart'], $_LANG['back_home'], './', 'warning'); } /* 检查商品总额是否达到最低限购金额 */ if ($flow_type == CART_GENERAL_GOODS && cart_amount(true, CART_GENERAL_GOODS) < $_CFG['min_goods_amount']) { show_message(sprintf($_LANG['goods_amount_not_enough'], price_format($_CFG['min_goods_amount'], false))); } /* $orderinfo = flow_order_info(); echo "<pre>"; print_r($orderinfo); print_r($_POST); exit;*/ //此订单拆分订单后的订单信息 $order_info = array(); //组装拆分的子订单数组信息start foreach ($cart_goods_new as $ckey=>$cval){ $cart_goods = $cval['goodlist']; $_POST['how_oos'] = isset($_POST['how_oos']) ? intval($_POST['how_oos']) : 0; $_POST['card_message'] = isset($_POST['card_message']) ? compile_str($_POST['card_message']) : ''; $_POST['inv_type'] = !empty($_POST['inv_type']) ? compile_str($_POST['inv_type']) : ''; $_POST['inv_payee'] = isset($_POST['inv_payee']) ? compile_str($_POST['inv_payee']) : ''; $_POST['inv_content'] = isset($_POST['inv_content']) ? compile_str($_POST['inv_content']) : ''; $_POST['postscript'] = isset($_POST['postscript']) ? compile_str($_POST['postscript']) : ''; $order_integral = isset($_POST['integral']) ? $_POST['integral'] : array(); $order_bonus_id = isset($_POST['bonus']) ? $_POST['bonus'] : array(); $order_bonus_sn = isset($_POST['bonus_sn']) ? $_POST['bonus_sn'] : array(); $order_surplus = isset($_POST['surplus']) ? $_POST['surplus'] : array(); $order = array( //'shipping_id' => intval($_POST['shipping']), 'pay_id' => intval($_POST['payment']), 'pack_id' => isset($_POST['pack']) ? intval($_POST['pack']) : 0, 'card_id' => isset($_POST['card']) ? intval($_POST['card']) : 0, 'card_message' => trim($_POST['card_message']), 'surplus' => isset($order_surplus[$ckey]) ? floatval($order_surplus[$ckey]) : 0.00, 'integral' => isset($order_integral[$ckey]) ? intval($order_integral[$ckey]) : 0, //'bonus_id' => isset($order_bonus_id[$ckey]) ? intval($order_bonus_id[$ckey]) : 0, 'bonus_id' => isset($order_bonus_id) ? $order_bonus_id : 0, //优惠券叠加 此处为数组 李云鹏20160523 'need_inv' => empty($_POST['need_inv']) ? 0 : 1, /*增值税发票_删除_START_www.68ecshop.com*/ //'inv_type' => $_POST['inv_type'], //'inv_payee' => trim($_POST['inv_payee']), //'inv_content' => $_POST['inv_content'], /*增值税发票_删除_END_www.68ecshop.com*/ 'postscript' => trim($_POST['postscript']), 'how_oos' => isset($_LANG['oos'][$_POST['how_oos']]) ? addslashes($_LANG['oos'][$_POST['how_oos']]) : '', 'need_insure' => isset($_POST['need_insure']) ? intval($_POST['need_insure']) : 0, 'user_id' => $_SESSION['user_id'], 'add_time' => gmtime(), 'order_status' => OS_UNCONFIRMED, 'shipping_status' => SS_UNSHIPPED, 'pay_status' => PS_UNPAYED, 'agency_id' => get_agency_by_regions(array($consignee['country'], $consignee['province'], $consignee['city'], $consignee['district'])), 'supplier_id' => $ckey ); $order['defaultbank'] = $_POST['www_68ecshop_com_bank'] ? trim($_POST['www_68ecshop_com_bank']) : ""; /*增值税发票_添加_START_www.68ecshop.com*/ /*发票信息*/ if($_REQUEST['inv_type'] == 'normal_invoice') { $inv_arr = array('inv_type','inv_payee_type','inv_payee','inv_content'); if(isset($_REQUEST['inv_payee_type']) && $_REQUEST['inv_payee_type'] == 'individual') { $order['inv_payee'] = '个人'; } } elseif($_REQUEST['inv_type'] == 'vat_invoice') { $inv_arr = array('inv_type','inv_content','vat_inv_company_name', 'vat_inv_taxpayer_id','vat_inv_registration_address','vat_inv_registration_phone', 'vat_inv_deposit_bank','vat_inv_bank_account','inv_consignee_name', 'inv_consignee_phone','inv_consignee_province','inv_consignee_city', 'inv_consignee_district','inv_consignee_address'); } foreach($inv_arr as $key) { $value = !empty($_REQUEST[$key])?trim($_REQUEST[$key]):'';; if(!empty($value)) { $order[$key] = $value; } } /*增值税发票_添加_END_www.68ecshop.com*/ /* 扩展信息 */ if (isset($_SESSION['flow_type']) && intval($_SESSION['flow_type']) != CART_GENERAL_GOODS) { $order['extension_code'] = $_SESSION['extension_code']; $order['extension_id'] = $_SESSION['extension_id']; } else { $order['extension_code'] = ''; $order['extension_id'] = 0; } /*检查配送方式是否选择*/ // 如果是虚拟商品不需要选择配送方式 if( $_SESSION['extension_code'] != 'virtual_good'){ if(!isset($_POST['pay_ship'][$ckey])){ show_message('请选择各个商家的配送方式!'); }else{ $shipid = $db->getOne("select shipping_id from ".$ecs->table('shipping')." where shipping_id=".$_POST['pay_ship'][$ckey]." and supplier_id=".$ckey); if($shipid){ $order['shipping_id'] = intval($shipid); }else{ show_message('配送方式存在不可用,请重新选择!'); } } } /* 检查积分余额是否合法 */ $user_id = $_SESSION['user_id']; if ($user_id > 0) { $user_info = user_info($user_id); $order['surplus'] = min($order['surplus'], $user_info['user_money'] + $user_info['credit_line']); if ($order['surplus'] < 0) { $order['surplus'] = 0; } // 查询用户有多少积分 $flow_points = flow_available_points(); // 该订单允许使用的积分 $user_points = $user_info['pay_points']; // 用户的积分总数 $order['integral'] = min($order['integral'], $user_points, $flow_points[$ckey]); if ($order['integral'] < 0) { $order['integral'] = 0; } } else { $order['surplus'] = 0; $order['integral'] = 0; } /* 检查红包是否存在 */ if ($order['bonus_id'] > 0) { $bonus = bonus_info($order['bonus_id']); //|| $bonus['min_goods_amount'] > cart_amount_new(array_keys($cart_goods),true, $flow_type) if (empty($bonus) || $bonus['user_id'] != $user_id || $bonus['order_id'] > 0 ) { $order['bonus_id'] = 0; }else{ } } elseif (isset($_POST['bonus_sn'][$ckey])) { $bonus_sn = intval($_POST['bonus_sn'][$ckey]); $bonus = bonus_info(0, $bonus_sn); $now = gmtime(); //|| $bonus['min_goods_amount'] > cart_amount_new(array_keys($cart_goods),true, $flow_type) if (empty($bonus) || $bonus['user_id'] > 0 || $bonus['order_id'] > 0 || $now > $bonus['use_end_date']) { } else { if ($user_id > 0) { $sql = "UPDATE " . $ecs->table('user_bonus') . " SET user_id = '$user_id' WHERE bonus_id = '$bonus[bonus_id]' LIMIT 1"; $db->query($sql); } $order['bonus_id'] = '';//$bonus['bonus_id']; //$order['bonus_id'] = $bonus['bonus_id']; $order['bonus_sn'] = $bonus_sn; } } /* 判断是不是实体商品 */ foreach ($cart_goods AS $val) { /* 统计实体商品的个数 */ if ($val['is_real']) { $is_real_good=1; } } if(isset($is_real_good)) { $sql="SELECT shipping_id FROM " . $ecs->table('shipping') . " WHERE shipping_id=".$order['shipping_id'] ." AND enabled =1"; if(!$db->getOne($sql)) { show_message($_LANG['flow_no_shipping']); } } /* 收货人信息 */ foreach ($consignee as $key => $value) { $order[$key] = addslashes($value); } /* 代码增加_start By www.68ecshop.com */ $order['best_time'] = isset($_POST['best_time']) ? trim($_POST['best_time']) : ''; /* 代码增加_end By www.68ecshop.com */ //配送方式的钱算到里面 $order['shipping_pay'][$ckey] = $_POST['pay_ship'][$ckey]; /* 订单中的总额 */ $total = order_fee($order, $cart_goods, $consignee); unset($order['shipping_pay'][$ckey]);// 去掉这条信息以免影响下订单操作 $order['bonus'] = $total['bonus']; $order['goods_amount'] = $total['goods_price']; $order['discount'] = $total['discount']; $order['surplus'] = $total['surplus']; $order['tax'] = $total['tax']; // 购物车中的商品能享受红包支付的总额 $discount_amout = compute_discount_amount($ckey); // 红包和积分最多能支付的金额为商品总额 $temp_amout = $order['goods_amount'] - $discount_amout; if ($temp_amout <= 0) { $order['bonus_id'] = 0; } /* 配送方式 */ if ($order['shipping_id'] > 0) { $shipping = shipping_info($order['shipping_id']); $order['shipping_name'] = addslashes($shipping['shipping_name']); //如果是门店自提,订单需要做特殊标识 if($shipping['shipping_code'] == 'pups'){ $order['is_pickup'] = $order['shipping_id']; } } $order['shipping_fee'] = $total['shipping_fee']; $order['insure_fee'] = $total['shipping_insure']; /* 支付方式 */ if ($order['pay_id'] > 0) { $payment = payment_info($order['pay_id']); $order['pay_name'] = addslashes($payment['pay_name']); }else{ show_message('支付方式必须选择一项!'); } $order['pay_fee'] = $total['pay_fee']; $order['cod_fee'] = $total['cod_fee']; /* 商品包装 */ if ($order['pack_id'] > 0) { $pack = pack_info($order['pack_id']); $order['pack_name'] = addslashes($pack['pack_name']); } $order['pack_fee'] = $total['pack_fee']; /* 祝福贺卡 */ if ($order['card_id'] > 0) { $card = card_info($order['card_id']); $order['card_name'] = addslashes($card['card_name']); } $order['card_fee'] = $total['card_fee']; /* 拍卖佣金10% 李云鹏20160522 */ if ($_CFG['yongjin_user'] > 0) { //$order['yongjin_name'] = "拍卖佣金"; } $order['yongjin_fee'] = $total['yongjin_fee']; $order['order_amount'] = number_format($total['amount'], 2, '.', ''); /*增值税发票_添加_START_www.68ecshop.com*/ /*发票金额*/ $order['inv_money'] = $order['order_amount'] ; /*增值税发票_添加_END_www.68ecshop.com*/ /* 如果全部使用余额支付,检查余额是否足够 */ if ($payment['pay_code'] == 'balance' && $order['order_amount'] > 0) { if($order['surplus'] >0) //余额支付里如果输入了一个金额 { $order['order_amount'] = $order['order_amount'] + $order['surplus']; $order['surplus'] = 0; } if ($order['order_amount'] > ($user_info['user_money'] + $user_info['credit_line'])) { show_message($_LANG['balance_not_enough']); } else { $order['surplus'] = $order['order_amount']; //是否开启余额变动给客户发短信-用户消费 if($_CFG['sms_user_money_change'] == 1) { $sql = "SELECT user_money,mobile_phone FROM " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('users') . " WHERE user_id = '" . $order['user_id'] . "'"; $users = $GLOBALS['db']->getRow($sql); $content = sprintf($_CFG['sms_use_balance_reduce_tpl'],date("Y-m-d H:i:s",gmtime()),$order['order_amount'],$users['user_money'],$_CFG['sms_sign']); if($users['mobile_phone']) { include_once('send.php'); sendSMS($users['mobile_phone'],$content); } } $order['order_amount'] = 0; } } /* 如果订单金额为0(使用余额或积分或红包支付),修改订单状态为已确认、已付款 */ if ($order['order_amount'] <= 0) { $order['order_status'] = OS_CONFIRMED; $order['confirm_time'] = gmtime(); $order['pay_status'] = PS_PAYED; $order['pay_time'] = gmtime(); $order['order_amount'] = 0; //$order['order_amount'] = $order['surplus'];//把支付的金额存进order_amount这个中 } $order['integral_money'] = $total['integral_money']; $order['integral'] = $total['integral']; if ($order['extension_code'] == 'exchange_goods') { $order['integral_money'] = 0; $order['integral'] = $total['exchange_integral']; } $order['from_ad'] = !empty($_SESSION['from_ad']) ? $_SESSION['from_ad'] : '0'; //$order['referer'] = !empty($_SESSION['referer']) ? addslashes($_SESSION['referer']) : ''; $order['referer'] = $cval['referer']; /* 记录扩展信息 */ if ($flow_type != CART_GENERAL_GOODS) { $order['extension_code'] = $_SESSION['extension_code']; $order['extension_id'] = $_SESSION['extension_id']; } $affiliate = unserialize($_CFG['affiliate']); if(isset($affiliate['on']) && $affiliate['on'] == 1 && $affiliate['config']['separate_by'] == 1) { //推荐订单分成 $parent_id = get_affiliate(); if($user_id == $parent_id) { $parent_id = 0; } } elseif(isset($affiliate['on']) && $affiliate['on'] == 1 && $affiliate['config']['separate_by'] == 0) { //推荐注册分成 $parent_id = 0; } else { //分成功能关闭 $parent_id = 0; } $order['parent_id'] = $parent_id; /* 代码增加_start By www.ecshop68.com */ /* 自提功能 获取订单确认页选择的自提点 */ $pickup_point = isset($_POST['pickup_point'][$ckey]) ? $_POST['pickup_point'][$ckey] : 0; if($pickup_point > 0) $order['is_pickup'] = 1; else $order['is_pickup'] = 0; $order['pickup_point'] = $pickup_point; /* 代码增加_end By www.ecshop68.com */ //$order['order_sn'] = get_order_sn(); //file_put_contents('./inserttt'.$order['order_sn'].'.txt',var_export($order,true)); if(count($order)>0){ $order_info[$ckey] = $order; } unset($order); } //组装拆分的子订单数组信息end //判断是否拆分为多个订单,多个订单就生成父订单id号 $del_patent_id = 0; if(count($order_info)>1){ $error_no = 0; do { $save['order_sn'] = get_order_sn(); //获取新订单号 $GLOBALS['db']->autoExecute($GLOBALS['ecs']->table('order_info'), $save, 'INSERT'); $error_no = $GLOBALS['db']->errno(); if ($error_no > 0 && $error_no != 1062) { die($GLOBALS['db']->errorMsg()); } } while ($error_no == 1062); //如果是订单号重复则重新提交数据 $del_patent_id = $parent_order_id = $db->insert_id(); }else{ $parent_order_id = 0; } $all_order_amount = 0;//记录订单所需支付的总金额 //用来展示用的数组数据 $split_order = array(); $split_order['sub_order_count'] = count($order_info); //生成订单 //$payment_www_com['www_ecshop68_com_alipay_bank'] = $_POST['www_68ecshop_com_bank'] ? trim($_POST['www_68ecshop_com_bank']) : "www_ecshop68_com"; foreach($order_info as $ok=>$order){ $cart_goods = $cart_goods_new[$ok]['goodlist']; $id_ext_new = " AND rec_id in (". implode(',',array_keys($cart_goods)) .") "; //获取佣金id $order['rebate_id'] = get_order_rebate($ok); //下单来源 $order['froms'] = WEB_FROM; $order['parent_order_id'] = $parent_order_id; /* 插入订单表 */ $error_no = 0; do { $order['order_sn'] = get_order_sn(); //获取新订单号 $GLOBALS['db']->autoExecute($GLOBALS['ecs']->table('order_info'), $order, 'INSERT'); $error_no = $GLOBALS['db']->errno(); if ($error_no > 0 && $error_no != 1062) { die($GLOBALS['db']->errorMsg()); } } while ($error_no == 1062); //如果是订单号重复则重新提交数据 $new_order_id = $db->insert_id(); $order['order_id'] = $new_order_id; $parent_order_id = ($parent_order_id>0) ? $parent_order_id : $new_order_id; /* 插入订单商品 下面这个SQL有修改 by www.ecshop68.com 注意末尾那个字段 */ /* 代码增加_start By www.68ecshop.com */ $sql = "INSERT INTO " . $ecs->table('order_goods') . "( " . "order_id, goods_id, goods_name, goods_sn, product_id, goods_number, market_price, cost_price, ". "goods_price, goods_attr, is_real, extension_code, parent_id, is_gift, goods_attr_id, package_attr_id) ". " SELECT '$new_order_id', goods_id, goods_name, goods_sn, product_id, goods_number, market_price, cost_price, ". "goods_price, goods_attr, is_real, extension_code, parent_id, is_gift, goods_attr_id, package_attr_id ". " FROM " .$ecs->table('cart') . " WHERE $sql_where AND rec_type = '$flow_type' $id_ext_new "; /* 代码增加_end By www.68ecshop.com */ $db->query($sql); /* 修改拍卖活动状态 */ if ($order['extension_code']=='auction') { $sql = "UPDATE ". $ecs->table('goods_activity') ." SET is_finished='2' WHERE act_id=".$order['extension_id']; $db->query($sql); } /* 处理余额、积分、红包 */ if ($order['user_id'] > 0 && $order['surplus'] > 0) { log_account_change($order['user_id'], $order['surplus'] * (-1), 0, 0, 0, sprintf($_LANG['pay_order'], $order['order_sn'])); //是否开启余额变动给客户发短信-用户消费 if($_CFG['sms_user_money_change'] == 1) { $sql = "SELECT user_money,mobile_phone FROM " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('users') . " WHERE user_id = '" . $order['user_id'] . "'"; $users = $GLOBALS['db']->getRow($sql); $content = sprintf($_CFG['sms_use_balance_reduce_tpl'],date("Y-m-d H:i:s",gmtime()),$order['surplus'],$users['user_money'],$_CFG['sms_sign']); if($users['mobile_phone']) { include_once('send.php'); sendSMS($users['mobile_phone'],$content); } } } if ($order['user_id'] > 0 && $order['integral'] > 0) { log_account_change($order['user_id'], 0, 0, 0, $order['integral'] * (-1), sprintf($_LANG['pay_order'], $order['order_sn'])); } if ($order['bonus_id'] > 0 && $temp_amout > 0 ) { use_bonus($order['bonus_id'], $new_order_id); } if($order['bonus_id'] == '') { $order['bonus_id'] = $bonus['bonus_id']; //use_bonus($order['bonus_id'], $new_order_id); if($order['bonus_id']>0){use_bonus($order['bonus_id'], $new_order_id);} } $split_order['suborder_list'][$ok]['order_sn'] = $order['order_sn']; //$split_order['suborder_list'][$ok]['order_amount_formated'] = price_format($order['order_amount']); if($order['order_amount'] <=0 && $payment['pay_code'] == 'balance'){//余额全额支付 $split_order['suborder_list'][$ok]['order_amount_formated'] = price_format($order['surplus'],false); }else{ $split_order['suborder_list'][$ok]['order_amount_formated'] = price_format($order['order_amount'],false); } /* 如果使用库存,且下订单时减库存,则减少库存 */ if ($_CFG['use_storage'] == '1' && $_CFG['stock_dec_time'] == SDT_PLACE) { change_order_goods_storage($order['order_id'], true, SDT_PLACE); } //$GLOBALS['db'] -> query("unlock tables"); /* 给商家发邮件 */ /* 增加是否给客服发送邮件选项 */ if ($_CFG['send_service_email'] && $_CFG['service_email'] != '') { $tpl = get_mail_template('remind_of_new_order'); $smarty->assign('order', $order); $smarty->assign('goods_list', $cart_goods); $smarty->assign('shop_name', $_CFG['shop_name']); $smarty->assign('send_date', date($_CFG['time_format'])); $content = $smarty->fetch('str:' . $tpl['template_content']); send_mail($_CFG['shop_name'], $_CFG['service_email'], $tpl['template_subject'], $content, $tpl['is_html']); } /* 处理虚拟团购商品 */ /* 如果订单金额为0 处理虚拟卡 */ if ($order['order_amount'] <= 0) { /* 代码增加_start By www.68ecshop.com */ $sql = "SELECT goods_id, goods_name,extension_code, goods_attr_id, goods_number AS num FROM ". $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('cart') . " WHERE is_real = 0 ". " AND $sql_where AND rec_type = '$flow_type'"; /* 代码增加_end By www.68ecshop.com */ $res = $GLOBALS['db']->getAll($sql); $virtual_goods = array(); $virtual_goods_num = 0; foreach ($res AS $row) { /* 代码增加_start By www.68ecshop.com _sunlizhi*/// if($row['extension_code'] == 'virtual_good'){// $virtual_goods_num = $virtual_goods_num+1;// } $sqla = "select valid_date,supplier_id from ".$GLOBALS['ecs']->table('goods') ." where goods_id=".$row['goods_id']; $goods_info = $GLOBALS['db']->getRow($sqla); $valid_date = $goods_info['valid_date']; $supplier_id = $goods_info['supplier_id']; /* 代码增加_end By www.68ecshop.com _sunlizhi*/ $virtual_goods[$row['extension_code']][] = array('goods_id' => $row['goods_id'], 'goods_attr_id'=>$row['goods_attr_id'], 'goods_name' => $row['goods_name'], 'num' => $row['num'],'valid_date'=>$valid_date,'supplier_id'=>$supplier_id,'mobile_phone'=>$_REQUEST['mobile_phone']); } if ($virtual_goods AND $flow_type != CART_GROUP_BUY_GOODS) { /* 虚拟卡发货 */ if (virtual_goods_ship($virtual_goods,$msg, $order['order_sn'], true)) { /* 如果没有实体商品,修改发货状态,送积分和红包 */ $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*)" . " FROM " . $ecs->table('order_goods') . " WHERE order_id = '$order[order_id]' " . " AND is_real = 1"; if ($db->getOne($sql) <= 0) { /* 修改订单状态 */ update_order($order['order_id'], array('shipping_status' => SS_SHIPPED, 'shipping_time' => gmtime())); /* 如果订单用户不为空,计算积分,并发给用户;发红包 */ if ($order['user_id'] > 0) { /* 取得用户信息 */ $user = user_info($order['user_id']); /* 计算并发放积分 */ $integral = integral_to_give($order); log_account_change($order['user_id'], 0, 0, intval($integral['rank_points']), intval($integral['custom_points']), sprintf($_LANG['order_gift_integral'], $order['order_sn'])); /* 发放红包 */ send_order_bonus($order['order_id']); } } } } } //为每一个订单生成一个支付日志记录 $order['log_id'] = insert_pay_log($order['order_id'], $order['order_amount'], PAY_ORDER); $all_order_amount += $order['order_amount']; user_uc_call('add_feed', array($order['order_id'], BUY_GOODS)); //推送feed到uc } /* 清空购物车 */ clear_cart($flow_type,$id_ext); /* 清除缓存,否则买了商品,但是前台页面读取缓存,商品数量不减少 */ clear_all_files(); //删除父订单记录 if($del_patent_id > 0){ $sql="delete from ".$GLOBALS['ecs']->table('order_info')." where order_id='$del_patent_id' "; $GLOBALS['db']->query($sql); } /* 代码增加_start By www.68ecshop.com */ //$split_order = split_order($new_order_id); $smarty->assign('split_order', $split_order); /* 如果需要,发短信 */ if(count($split_order['suborder_list']) > 0){ foreach($split_order['suborder_list'] as $key => $val){ $supplier_ids[$key] = $val['order_sn']; } } //$supplier_ids = array_keys(); include_once('send.php'); send_sms($supplier_ids,$_CFG['sms_order_placed_tpl'],1); $order['order_amount'] = $all_order_amount; //替换为总金额去支付 /* 取得支付信息,生成支付代码 */ if ($split_order['sub_order_count'] >1) { //如果一次下单有多个订单要支付,生成一个父订单的日志 $order['order_sn'] = $parent_order_id; /* 插入支付日志 */ $order['log_id'] = insert_pay_log($order['order_sn'], $order['order_amount'], PAY_ORDER); }else{ /* 插入支付日志 */ //$order['log_id'] = insert_pay_log($order['order_id'], $order['order_amount'], PAY_ORDER); } if ($order['order_amount'] > 0) { $payment = payment_info($order['pay_id']); include_once('includes/modules/payment/' . $payment['pay_code'] . '.php'); $pay_obj = new $payment['pay_code']; $pay_online = $pay_obj->get_code($order, unserialize_config($payment['pay_config'])); /* 代码修改_start By www.ecshop68.com */ $payment_www_com=unserialize_config($payment['pay_config']); if ($payment['pay_code']=='alipay_bank') { $payment_www_com['www_ecshop68_com_alipay_bank'] = $_POST['www_68ecshop_com_bank'] ? trim($_POST['www_68ecshop_com_bank']) : "www_ecshop68_com"; $pay_online = $pay_obj->get_code($order, $payment_www_com); } /* 代码修改_end By www.ecshop68.com */ $order['pay_desc'] = $payment['pay_desc']; $smarty->assign('pay_online', $pay_online); } if(!empty($order['shipping_name'])) { $order['shipping_name']=trim(stripcslashes($order['shipping_name'])); } /* 订单信息 */ $smarty->assign('order', $order); //$smarty->assign('total', $total); //$smarty->assign('goods_list', $cart_goods); //$smarty->assign('order_submit_back', sprintf($_LANG['order_submit_back'], $_LANG['back_home'], $_LANG['goto_user_center'])); // 返回提示 unset($_SESSION['flow_consignee']); // 清除session中保存的收货人信息 unset($_SESSION['flow_order']); unset($_SESSION['direct_shopping']); }/*------------------------------------------------------ *///-- 更新购物车/*------------------------------------------------------ */elseif ($_REQUEST['step'] == 'update_cart'){ $time_xg_now=gmtime(); foreach($_POST['goods_number'] as $key=>$val) { $sql="select g.goods_id, g.goods_name, g.is_buy, g.buymax, g.buymax_start_date, g.buymax_end_date from ".$ecs->table('cart'). " AS c left join ".$ecs->table('goods'). " AS g on c.goods_id=g.goods_id where c.rec_id=".$key; $row=$db->getRow($sql); if ($row['is_buy'] == 1 && $row['buymax'] >0 && $row['buymax_start_date'] < $time_xg_now && $row['buymax_end_date'] > $time_xg_now ) { $num_cart_old=$GLOBALS['db']->getOne("select sum(og.goods_number) from ". $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('order_goods') ." AS og , ". $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('order_info') ." AS o where o.user_id='$_SESSION[user_id]' and o.order_id = og.order_id and add_time > ". $row['buymax_start_date'] ." and add_time < ". $row['buymax_end_date'] ." and og.goods_id = " . $row['goods_id'] ); $num_total = $num_cart_old + intval($val); if ( $num_total > intval($row['buymax']) ) { $num_else=intval($row['buymax'])-$num_cart_old; $message = "注意:<br> 商品 <font color=#330099>【".$row['goods_name']."】</font> 促销期间每人限购 <font color=#330099>". $row['buymax'] . "</font> 件<br>"; if ($num_cart_old) { $message .="您在限购期间成功购买过 <font color=#330099>$num_cart_old</font> 件!<br>所以,"; } $message .= "您最多只能再买 <font color=#330099>". $num_else ."</font> 件"; show_message( $message, $_LANG['back_to_cart'], 'flow.php', 'info', false); exit; } } } if (isset($_POST['goods_number']) && is_array($_POST['goods_number'])) { flow_update_cart($_POST['goods_number']); } // show_message($_LANG['update_cart_notice'], $_LANG['back_to_cart'], 'flow.php'); ecs_header("Location: flow.php\n"); exit;}/*------------------------------------------------------ *///-- 删除购物车中的商品/*------------------------------------------------------ */elseif ($_REQUEST['step'] == 'drop_goods'){ $rec_id = intval($_GET['id']); flow_drop_cart_goods($rec_id); ecs_header("Location: flow.php\n"); exit;}/* 把优惠活动加入购物车 */elseif ($_REQUEST['step'] == 'add_favourable'){ /* 取得优惠活动信息 */ $act_id = intval($_POST['act_id']); $favourable = favourable_info($act_id); if (empty($favourable)) { show_message($_LANG['favourable_not_exist']); } /* 判断用户能否享受该优惠 */ if (!favourable_available($favourable)) { show_message($_LANG['favourable_not_available']); } /* 检查购物车中是否已有该优惠 */ $cart_favourable = cart_favourable(); if (favourable_used($favourable, $cart_favourable)) { show_message($_LANG['favourable_used']); } /* 赠品(特惠品)优惠 */ if ($favourable['act_type'] == FAT_GOODS) { /* 检查是否选择了赠品 */ if (empty($_POST['gift'])) { show_message($_LANG['pls_select_gift']); } $sql_where = $_SESSION['user_id']>0 ? "user_id='". $_SESSION['user_id'] ."' " : "session_id = '" . SESS_ID . "' AND user_id=0 ";//添加 www.68ecshop.com /* 检查是否已在购物车 */ $sql = "SELECT goods_name" . " FROM " . $ecs->table('cart') . " WHERE $sql_where " . " AND rec_type = '" . CART_GENERAL_GOODS . "'" . " AND is_gift = '$act_id'" . " AND goods_id " . db_create_in($_POST['gift']); $gift_name = $db->getCol($sql); if (!empty($gift_name)) { show_message(sprintf($_LANG['gift_in_cart'], join(',', $gift_name))); } /* 检查数量是否超过上限 */ $count = isset($cart_favourable[$act_id]) ? $cart_favourable[$act_id] : 0; if ($favourable['act_type_ext'] > 0 && $count + count($_POST['gift']) > $favourable['act_type_ext']) { show_message($_LANG['gift_count_exceed']); } /* 添加赠品到购物车 */ foreach ($favourable['gift'] as $gift) { if (in_array($gift['id'], $_POST['gift'])) { add_gift_to_cart($act_id, $gift['id'], $gift['price']); } } } elseif ($favourable['act_type'] == FAT_DISCOUNT) { add_favourable_to_cart($act_id, $favourable['act_name'], cart_favourable_amount($favourable) * (100 - $favourable['act_type_ext']) / 100); } elseif ($favourable['act_type'] == FAT_PRICE) { add_favourable_to_cart($act_id, $favourable['act_name'], $favourable['act_type_ext']); } /* 刷新购物车 */ ecs_header("Location: flow.php\n"); exit;}elseif ($_REQUEST['step'] == 'clear'){/* 代码增加_start By www.68ecshop.com */ $sql_where = $_SESSION['user_id']>0 ? "user_id='". $_SESSION['user_id'] ."' " : "session_id = '" . SESS_ID . "' AND user_id=0 "; $sql = "DELETE FROM " . $ecs->table('cart') . " WHERE $sql_where";/* 代码增加_end By www.68ecshop.com */ $db->query($sql); ecs_header("Location:./\n");}elseif ($_REQUEST['step'] == 'drop_to_collect'){ if ($_SESSION['user_id'] > 0) { $rec_id = intval($_GET['id']); $goods_id = $db->getOne("SELECT goods_id FROM " .$ecs->table('cart'). " WHERE rec_id = '$rec_id' AND session_id = '" . SESS_ID . "' "); $count = $db->getOne("SELECT goods_id FROM " . $ecs->table('collect_goods') . " WHERE user_id = '$_SESSION[user_id]' AND goods_id = '$goods_id'"); if (empty($count)) { $time = gmtime(); $sql = "INSERT INTO " .$GLOBALS['ecs']->table('collect_goods'). " (user_id, goods_id, add_time)" . "VALUES ('$_SESSION[user_id]', '$goods_id', '$time')"; $db->query($sql); } flow_drop_cart_goods($rec_id); } ecs_header("Location: flow.php\n"); exit;}/* 验证红包序列号 */elseif ($_REQUEST['step'] == 'validate_bonus'){ include_once('includes/cls_json.php'); $result = array('error' => '', 'content' => ''); $result['suppid'] = $suppid = intval($_GET['suppid']); $bonus_sn = intval($_REQUEST['bonus_sn']); if (is_numeric($bonus_sn) && $bonus_sn>0) { $bonus = bonus_info(0, $bonus_sn, $suppid); } else { $bonus = array(); } /* 取得购物类型 */ $flow_type = isset($_SESSION['flow_type']) ? intval($_SESSION['flow_type']) : CART_GENERAL_GOODS; /* 获得收货人信息 */ $consignee = get_consignee($_SESSION['user_id']); /* 对商品信息赋值 */ $cart_goods = cart_goods($flow_type); // 取得商品列表,计算合计 if (empty($cart_goods) || !check_consignee_info($consignee, $flow_type)) { $result['error'] = $_LANG['no_goods_in_cart']; } else { /* 取得购物流程设置 */ $smarty->assign('config', $_CFG); /* 取得订单信息 */ $order = flow_order_info(); $bonus_info = (isset($order['bonus_sn_info'])) ? $order['bonus_sn_info'] : array(); $bonus_id_info = (isset($order['bonus_id_info'])) ? $order['bonus_id_info'] : array(); $now = gmtime(); if (!empty($bonus) && $bonus['type_money'] > 0 && empty($bonus['user_id']) && $bonus['supplier_id'] == $suppid && $bonus['order_id'] <= 0 && $now <= $bonus['use_end_date'] && $now >= $bonus['use_start_date']) { //$order['bonus_kill'] = $bonus['type_money']; $now = gmtime(); if ($now > $bonus['use_end_date']) { $order['bonus_sn'] = ''; //$order['bonus_sn'] = implode(',',$bonus_info);//$bonus_sn; $result['error']=$_LANG['bonus_use_expire']; } else { $bonus_info[$suppid] = $bonus_sn; $order['bonus_sn_info'] = $bonus_info = array_filter($bonus_info); $order['bonus_sn'] = implode(',',$bonus_info);//$bonus_sn; unset($bonus_id_info[$suppid]); $order['bonus_id_info'] = $bonus_id_info = array_filter($bonus_id_info); $order['bonus_id_info2'] = explode(",",$bonus_sn); //优惠券叠加 这里为数组 李云鹏20160522 $order['bonus_id'] = implode(',',$bonus_id_info); /* 计算订单的费用 */ $total = order_fee($order, $cart_goods, $consignee); if($total['goods_price']<$bonus['min_goods_amount']) { $order['bonus_id'] = ''; /* 重新计算订单 */ $total = order_fee($order, $cart_goods, $consignee); $result['error'] = sprintf($_LANG['bonus_min_amount_error'], price_format($bonus['min_goods_amount'], false)); } $smarty->assign('total', $total); /* 团购标志 */ if ($flow_type == CART_GROUP_BUY_GOODS) { $smarty->assign('is_group_buy', 1); } $result['content'] = $smarty->fetch('library/order_total.lbi'); } } else { $order['bonus_sn'] = '';//$bonus_sn; $result['error']=$_LANG['bonus_not_exist']; } //echo "<pre>"; //print_r($order); } $json = new JSON(); die($json->encode($result));}/*------------------------------------------------------ *///-- 添加礼包到购物车/*------------------------------------------------------ */elseif ($_REQUEST['step'] == 'add_package_to_cart'){ include_once('includes/cls_json.php'); $_POST['package_info'] = json_str_iconv($_POST['package_info']); $result = array('error' => 0, 'message' => '', 'content' => '', 'package_id' => ''); $json = new JSON; if (empty($_POST['package_info'])) { $result['error'] = 1; die($json->encode($result)); } $package = $json->decode($_POST['package_info']); /* 如果是一步购物,先清空购物车 */ if ($_CFG['one_step_buy'] == '1') { clear_cart(); } /* 商品数量是否合法 */ if (!is_numeric($package->number) || intval($package->number) <= 0) { $result['error'] = 1; $result['message'] = $_LANG['invalid_number']; } else { /* 添加到购物车 修改 by www.ecshop68.com 增加两个参数 */ if (add_package_to_cart($package->package_id, $package->number, $package->package_attr_id, $package->package_prices)) { if ($_CFG['cart_confirm'] > 2) { $result['message'] = ''; } else { $result['message'] = $_CFG['cart_confirm'] == 1 ? $_LANG['addto_cart_success_1'] : $_LANG['addto_cart_success_2']; } $result['content'] = insert_cart_info(); $result['one_step_buy'] = $_CFG['one_step_buy']; } else { $result['message'] = $err->last_message(); $result['error'] = $err->error_no; $result['package_id'] = stripslashes($package->package_id); } } $result['confirm_type'] = !empty($_CFG['cart_confirm']) ? $_CFG['cart_confirm'] : 2; die($json->encode($result));}else{ /* 标记购物流程为普通商品 */ $flow_type = $_SESSION['flow_type']; if(empty($flow_type)) { /* 标记购物流程为普通商品 */ $_SESSION['flow_type'] = CART_GENERAL_GOODS; } unset($_SESSION['flow_order']);//删除之前用户对订单做的选择 /* 如果是一步购物,跳到结算中心 */ //if ($_CFG['one_step_buy'] == '1') if ($_COOKIE['one_step_buy'] == '1') { $sql_where = $_SESSION['user_id']>0 ? "user_id='". $_SESSION['user_id'] ."' " : "session_id = '" . SESS_ID . "' AND user_id=0 "; $sql = "SELECT rec_id FROM " . $ecs->table('cart') . " WHERE $sql_where AND rec_type = '" . $flow_type . "'"; $_SESSION['sel_cartgoods'] = $db->getOne($sql); ecs_header("Location: flow.php?step=checkout\n"); exit; }else{ unset($_SESSION['sel_cartgoods']);//购物车页面中的商品初始化为全选,所以清除这个保存被选中的商品变量 } /* 取得商品列表,计算合计 */ $cart_goods = get_cart_goods(); //购物车的描述的格式化 $smarty->assign('shopping_money', $cart_goods['total']['goods_price']); $smarty->assign('market_price_desc', sprintf($_LANG['than_market_price'], $cart_goods['total']['market_price'], $cart_goods['total']['saving'], $cart_goods['total']['save_rate'])); // 显示收藏夹内的商品 if ($_SESSION['user_id'] > 0) { require_once(ROOT_PATH . 'includes/lib_clips.php'); $collection_goods = get_collection_goods($_SESSION['user_id']); $smarty->assign('collection_goods', $collection_goods); } /* 取得优惠活动 */ $favourable_list = favourable_list($_SESSION['user_rank']); //usort($favourable_list, 'cmp_favourable'); if($favourable_list){ $new_fav = array(); foreach($favourable_list as $key => $val){ if(isset($cart_goods['goods_list'][$val['supplier_id']])){ $cart_goods['goods_list'][$val['supplier_id']]['favourable'][] = $val; } } } //echo "<pre>"; //print_r($cart_goods['goods_list']); foreach($cart_goods['goods_list'] as $k=>$v){ $discount = compute_discount($k); if(is_array($discount)){ $cart_goods['goods_list'][$k]['discount']['discount'] = $discount['discount']; $favour_name = empty($discount['name']) ? '' : join(',', $discount['name']); $cart_goods['goods_list'][$k]['discount']['your_discount'] = sprintf($_LANG['your_discount'], $favour_name, price_format($discount['discount'])); } } $smarty->assign('goods_list', $cart_goods['goods_list']); $smarty->assign('total', $cart_goods['total']); //选择优惠活动中的赠品时所要执行的部分_start if(isset($_REQUEST['is_ajax']) && intval($_REQUEST['is_ajax']) > 0){ include('includes/cls_json.php'); $json = new JSON; $res = array('err_msg' => '', 'result' => ''); if (isset($_REQUEST['suppid'])) { $smarty->assign('favourable_list', $cart_goods['goods_list'][intval($_REQUEST['suppid'])]['favourable']); $res['result'] = $smarty->fetch("library/favourable.lbi"); } else { $res['result'] = '您一个商品都没选,这怎么行捏!!真的不行哦!'; } die($json->encode($res)); } //选择优惠活动中的赠品时所要执行的部分_end /* 计算折扣 */ // $discount = compute_discount(); //$smarty->assign('discount', $discount['discount']); //$favour_name = empty($discount['name']) ? '' : join(',', $discount['name']); //$smarty->assign('your_discount', sprintf($_LANG['your_discount'], $favour_name, price_format($discount['discount']))); /* 增加是否在购物车里显示商品图 */ $smarty->assign('show_goods_thumb', $GLOBALS['_CFG']['show_goods_in_cart']); /* 增加是否在购物车里显示商品属性 */ $smarty->assign('show_goods_attribute', $GLOBALS['_CFG']['show_attr_in_cart']); /* 购物车中商品配件列表 */ //取得购物车中基本件ID $sql = "SELECT goods_id " . "FROM " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('cart') . " WHERE session_id = '" . SESS_ID . "' " . "AND rec_type = '" . CART_GENERAL_GOODS . "' " . "AND is_gift = 0 " . "AND extension_code <> 'package_buy' " . "AND parent_id = 0 "; $parent_list = $GLOBALS['db']->getCol($sql); $fittings_list = get_goods_fittings($parent_list); $smarty->assign('fittings_list', $fittings_list);}/* 代码增加_start By www.68ecshop.com */if($_REQUEST['step']=='update_group_cart'){ include_once('includes/cls_json.php'); $result = array('error' => 0, 'message' => '', 'content' => '', 'goods_id' => ''); $json = new JSON; $rec_id = intval($_GET['rec_id']); $number = intval($_GET['number']); $goods_id = intval($_GET['goods_id']); $is_package = intval($_GET['is_package']); $result['suppid'] = intval($_GET['suppid']); $result['rec_id'] = $rec_id; $result['number']=$number; if ($is_package == 0) { $time_xg_now=gmtime(); $row_xg= $GLOBALS['db']->getRow("select is_buy,buymax, buymax_start_date, buymax_end_date from ". $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('goods') ." where goods_id='".$goods_id."' " ); if ( $row_xg['is_buy'] == 1 && $row_xg['buymax'] >0 && $row_xg['buymax_start_date'] < $time_xg_now && $row_xg['buymax_end_date'] > $time_xg_now ) { if ($_SESSION['user_id'] == 0 ) { $result['error'] = 999; $result['message'] = "此商品为限购商品,需要登录后才能继续购买!"; die($json->encode($result)); } else { $sql_where = $_SESSION['user_id']>0 ? "user_id='". $_SESSION['user_id'] ."' " : "session_id = '" . SESS_ID . "' AND user_id=0 "; $num_cart_old_1=$GLOBALS['db']->getOne("select sum(goods_number) from ". $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('cart') ." where " . $sql_where . " and goods_id= " . $goods_id ); $num_cart_old_2=$GLOBALS['db']->getOne("select sum(og.goods_number) from ". $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('order_goods') ." AS og , ". $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('order_info') ." AS o where o.user_id='$_SESSION[user_id]' and o.order_id = og.order_id and add_time > ". $row_xg['buymax_start_date'] ." and add_time < ". $row_xg['buymax_end_date'] ." and og.goods_id = " . $goods_id ); $num_cart_old = $num_cart_old_1 + $num_cart_old_2 ; $num_total = $num_cart_old_2 + intval($number); if ( $num_total > intval($row_xg['buymax']) ) { $result['error'] = 888; $num_else=intval($row_xg['buymax'])-$num_cart_old_2; $result['message'] ="注意:\n\r此商品限购期间每人限购 ". $row_xg['buymax'] . " 件\n\r"; if ($num_cart_old_2 > 0) { $result['message'] .="您在限购期间已经成功购买过". $num_cart_old_2 ." 件!\n\r"; } if ($num_cart_old_1 > 0) { $result['message'] .="您的购物车中已经存在". $num_cart_old_1 ."件!\n\r"; } $result['message'] .= "您只能再买 ". $num_else ." 件"; $result['number'] = $num_else; die($json->encode($result)); } } } } if ($GLOBALS['_CFG']['use_storage'] == 1) { $sql_where = $_SESSION['user_id']>0 ? " user_id='". $_SESSION['user_id'] ."' " : " session_id = '" . SESS_ID . "' AND user_id=0 "; if ($is_package == 0) { $pg_ids = $GLOBALS['db']->getAll("select goods_id, goods_number from " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('cart') . " where extension_code = 'package_buy' and " . $sql_where); $pg_num = 0; foreach($pg_ids as $pg_id) { $pg_num += $GLOBALS['db']->getOne("select goods_number from " .$GLOBALS['ecs']->table('package_goods') . " where package_id = " . $pg_id['goods_id'] . " and goods_id = " . $goods_id); } $goods_number = $GLOBALS['db']->getOne("select goods_number from ".$GLOBALS['ecs']->table('goods')." where goods_id='$goods_id'"); $number = $number + $pg_num; if($number>$goods_number) //////// jx 库存判断 { $result['error'] = '1'; $result['content'] ='对不起,您选择的数量超出库存您最多可购买'.$goods_number."件"; $result['content'] ="对不起,此单品超出库存,您最多可购买".$goods_number."件"; if ($pg_num > 0) { $result['content'] .= ",礼包中已包含此单品 " . $pg_num . "件"; } $result['number']=$GLOBALS['db']->getOne("select goods_number from ".$GLOBALS['ecs']->table('cart')." where rec_id = '$rec_id'"); die($json->encode($result)); } //添加判断商品有属性的时候的库存 jx $goods_attr_id = $GLOBALS['db']->getOne("SELECT goods_attr_id FROM ".$GLOBALS['ecs']->table('cart')."WHERE rec_id = '$rec_id'"); if($goods_attr_id) { $str = explode(',',$goods_attr_id);//把字符串转换成数组 $goods_attr = implode('|',$str);// 把数组转换成以‘|’的字符传 $attr_number = $GLOBALS['db']->getOne("select product_number from ".$GLOBALS['ecs']->table('products')." where goods_id='$goods_id' AND goods_attr ='$goods_attr'"); if($number>$attr_number) { $result['error'] = '1'; $result['content'] ='对不起,您选择的数量超出库存您最多可购买'.$attr_number."件"; $result['number']=$GLOBALS['db']->getOne("select product_number from ".$GLOBALS['ecs']->table('products')." where goods_id='$goods_id' AND goods_attr ='$goods_attr'"); die($json->encode($result)); } } } else { $goods_infos = $GLOBALS['db']->getAll("select pg.goods_id, pg.goods_number, g.goods_name from " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('package_goods') . " as pg left join " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('goods') . " as g on pg.goods_id = g.goods_id where package_id='$goods_id'"); $is_null_g = 0; foreach($goods_infos as $goods_info) { $one_num = $GLOBALS['db']->getOne("SELECT SUM(goods_number) FROM " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('cart') . " WHERE goods_id = '$goods_info[goods_id]' and " . $sql_where); $number = $number * $goods_info['goods_number'] + $one_num; $goods_number = $GLOBALS['db']->getOne("select goods_number from ".$GLOBALS['ecs']->table('goods')." where goods_id='$goods_info[goods_id]'"); if($number>$goods_number) //////// jx 库存判断 { $result['error'] = '1'; $result['content'] ="对不起,礼包中单品[" . $goods_info['goods_name'] . "]超出库存,您最多可购买".$goods_number."件"; if ($one_num > 0) { $result['content'] .= ",已添加了单品 " . $one_num . "件"; } $result['number']=$GLOBALS['db']->getOne("select goods_number from ".$GLOBALS['ecs']->table('cart')." where rec_id = '$rec_id'"); die($json->encode($result)); } //添加判断商品有属性的时候的库存 jx $goods_attr_id = $GLOBALS['db']->getOne("SELECT goods_attr_id FROM ".$GLOBALS['ecs']->table('cart')."WHERE rec_id = '$rec_id'"); if($goods_attr_id) { $str = explode(',',$goods_attr_id);//把字符串转换成数组 $goods_attr = implode('|',$str);// 把数组转换成以‘|’的字符传 $attr_number = $GLOBALS['db']->getOne("select product_number from ".$GLOBALS['ecs']->table('products')." where goods_id='$goods_id' AND goods_attr ='$goods_attr'"); if($number>$attr_number) { $result['error'] = '1'; $result['content'] ='对不起,您选择的数量超出库存您最多可购买'.$attr_number."件"; $result['number']=$GLOBALS['db']->getOne("select product_number from ".$GLOBALS['ecs']->table('products')." where goods_id='$goods_id' AND goods_attr ='$goods_attr'"); die($json->encode($result)); } } } } } $sql = "UPDATE " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('cart') . " SET goods_number = '$number' WHERE rec_id = $rec_id"; $GLOBALS['db']->query($sql); //折扣活动 $result['your_discount'] = ''; $discount = compute_discount($result['suppid']); if(is_array($discount)){ $favour_name = empty($discount['name']) ? '' : join(',', $discount['name']); $result['your_discount'] = sprintf($_LANG['your_discount'], $favour_name, price_format($discount['discount'])); } if ($is_package == 0) { //如果有优惠价格,获得商品最终价格 $shop_price = get_final_price($goods_id, $number, true, $attr_id); $sql = "UPDATE " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('cart') . " SET goods_price = '$shop_price' WHERE rec_id = $rec_id"; $GLOBALS['db']->query($sql); } else { $sql_sp = "SELECT goods_price FROM " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('cart') . " WHERE rec_id= " . $rec_id; $shop_price = $GLOBALS['db']->getOne($sql_sp); } $subtotal = $shop_price * $number; $result['goods_price'] = price_format($shop_price, false); //$subtotal = $GLOBALS['db']->getONE("select goods_price * goods_number AS subtotal from ".$GLOBALS['ecs']->table('cart')." where rec_id = $rec_id"); $result['subtotal'] = price_format($subtotal, false); //$result['cart_amount_desc'] = sprintf($_LANG['shopping_money'], $cart_goods['total']['goods_price']); /* 取得商品列表,计算合计 */ $id_ext = " AND rec_id in (". $_GET['sel_goods'] .") "; $cart_goods = get_cart_goods($id_ext); //$cart_goods = get_cart_goods(); $result['cart_amount_desc'] = $cart_goods['total']['goods_price']; $shopping_money = sprintf($_LANG['shopping_money'], $cart_goods['total']['goods_price']); $result['market_amount_desc'] = $shopping_money; if ($_CFG['show_marketprice']) { $market_price_desc= sprintf($_LANG['than_market_price'],$cart_goods['total']['market_price'], $cart_goods['total']['saving'], $cart_goods['total']['save_rate']); $result['market_amount_desc'].= ",".$market_price_desc ; } die($json->encode($result));}if ($_REQUEST['step']=='cart'){ $smarty->assign('template_dir', $GLOBALS['_CFG']['template']); $hotgoods_list = cart_goods_recommend('is_hot'); $smarty->assign('hotgoods_list', $hotgoods_list); $bestgoods_list = cart_goods_recommend('is_best'); $smarty->assign('bestgoods_list', $bestgoods_list);}function cart_goods_recommend($rtype){ $sql_hot = "select goods_id, goods_name, goods_thumb, shop_price, market_price from " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('goods'). " where ". $rtype ."=1 order by goods_id desc limit 0,10 "; $res_hot=$GLOBALS['db']->query($sql_hot); $hotgoods_list = array(); while ($row_hot = $GLOBALS['db']->fetchRow($res_hot)) { $row_hot['goods_name'] = sub_str($row_hot['goods_name'], 20) ; $row_hot['url'] = build_uri('goods', array('gid' => $row_hot['goods_id']), $row_hot['goods_name']); $row_hot['goods_thumb'] = get_image_path($row_hot['goods_id'], $row_hot['goods_thumb'], true); $row_hot['shop_price'] = price_format($row_hot['shop_price']); $row_hot['market_price'] = price_format($row_hot['market_price']); $hotgoods_list[]=$row_hot; } return $hotgoods_list;}/* 代码增加_end By www.68ecshop.com */$smarty->assign('currency_format', $_CFG['currency_format']);$smarty->assign('integral_scale', $_CFG['integral_scale']);$smarty->assign('step', $_REQUEST['step']);assign_dynamic('shopping_flow');/* 代码修改_start By www.68ecshop.com */if ($_REQUEST['step']=='cart' || $_REQUEST['step']=='checkout'){ $smarty->assign('template_dir', $GLOBALS['_CFG']['template']); if($total['real_goods_count'] == 0){ $smarty->display('flow_virtual.dwt'); }else{ $smarty->display('flow_jm.dwt'); }}else{ $smarty->display('flow.dwt');}/* 代码修改_end By www.68ecshop.com *//*------------------------------------------------------ *///-- PRIVATE FUNCTION/*------------------------------------------------------ *//** * 获得用户的可用积分 * * @access private * @return integral */function flow_available_points(){ /* 代码修改_start By www.68ecshop.com 将这块替换掉*/ $sql_where = $_SESSION['user_id']>0 ? "c.user_id='". $_SESSION['user_id'] ."' " : "c.session_id = '" . SESS_ID . "' AND c.user_id=0 "; $sql = "SELECT SUM(g.integral * c.goods_number) as integral,g.supplier_id ". "FROM " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('cart') . " AS c, " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('goods') . " AS g " . "WHERE $sql_where AND c.goods_id = g.goods_id AND c.is_gift = 0 AND g.integral > 0 " . "AND c.rec_type = '" . CART_GENERAL_GOODS . "' GROUP BY g.supplier_id"; /* 代码修改_end By www.68ecshop.com */ $info = $GLOBALS['db']->getAll($sql); $ret = array(); foreach($info as $key => $val){ $ret[$val['supplier_id']] = integral_of_value(intval($val['integral'])); } return $ret;}/** * 更新购物车中的商品数量 * * @access public * @param array $arr * @return void */function flow_update_cart($arr){ /* 处理 */ foreach ($arr AS $key => $val) { $val = intval(make_semiangle($val)); if ($val <= 0 || !is_numeric($key)) { continue; } //查询: $sql = "SELECT `goods_id`, `goods_attr_id`, `product_id`, `extension_code` FROM" .$GLOBALS['ecs']->table('cart'). " WHERE rec_id='$key' AND session_id='" . SESS_ID . "'"; $goods = $GLOBALS['db']->getRow($sql); $sql = "SELECT g.goods_name, g.goods_number ". "FROM " .$GLOBALS['ecs']->table('goods'). " AS g, ". $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('cart'). " AS c ". "WHERE g.goods_id = c.goods_id AND c.rec_id = '$key'"; $row = $GLOBALS['db']->getRow($sql); //查询:系统启用了库存,检查输入的商品数量是否有效 if (intval($GLOBALS['_CFG']['use_storage']) > 0 && $goods['extension_code'] != 'package_buy') { if ($row['goods_number'] < $val) { show_message(sprintf($GLOBALS['_LANG']['stock_insufficiency'], $row['goods_name'], $row['goods_number'], $row['goods_number'])); exit; } /* 是货品 */ $goods['product_id'] = trim($goods['product_id']); if (!empty($goods['product_id'])) { $sql = "SELECT product_number FROM " .$GLOBALS['ecs']->table('products'). " WHERE goods_id = '" . $goods['goods_id'] . "' AND product_id = '" . $goods['product_id'] . "'"; $product_number = $GLOBALS['db']->getOne($sql); if ($product_number < $val) { show_message(sprintf($GLOBALS['_LANG']['stock_insufficiency'], $row['goods_name'], $product_number['product_number'], $product_number['product_number'])); exit; } } } elseif (intval($GLOBALS['_CFG']['use_storage']) > 0 && $goods['extension_code'] == 'package_buy') { if (judge_package_stock($goods['goods_id'], $val)) { show_message($GLOBALS['_LANG']['package_stock_insufficiency']); exit; } } /* 查询:检查该项是否为基本件 以及是否存在配件 */ /* 此处配件是指添加商品时附加的并且是设置了优惠价格的配件 此类配件都有parent_id goods_number为1 *//* 代码修改_start By www.68ecshop.com 将这块替换掉*/ $sql_where = $_SESSION['user_id']>0 ? "a.user_id='". $_SESSION['user_id'] ."' " : "a.session_id = '" . SESS_ID . "' AND a.user_id=0 "; $sql = "SELECT b.goods_number, b.rec_id FROM " .$GLOBALS['ecs']->table('cart') . " a, " .$GLOBALS['ecs']->table('cart') . " b WHERE $sql_where AND a.rec_id = '$key' AND a.extension_code <> 'package_buy' AND b.parent_id = a.goods_id AND $sql_where"; $offers_accessories_res = $GLOBALS['db']->query($sql); $sql_where1 = $_SESSION['user_id']>0 ? "user_id='". $_SESSION['user_id'] ."' " : "session_id = '" . SESS_ID . "' AND user_id=0 ";/* 代码修改_end By www.68ecshop.com */ //订货数量大于0 if ($val > 0) { /* 判断是否为超出数量的优惠价格的配件 删除*/ $row_num = 1; while ($offers_accessories_row = $GLOBALS['db']->fetchRow($offers_accessories_res)) { if ($row_num > $val) { $sql = "DELETE FROM " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('cart') . " WHERE session_id = '" . SESS_ID . "' " . "AND rec_id = '" . $offers_accessories_row['rec_id'] ."' LIMIT 1"; $GLOBALS['db']->query($sql); } $row_num ++; } /* 处理超值礼包 */ if ($goods['extension_code'] == 'package_buy') { //更新购物车中的商品数量 $sql = "UPDATE " .$GLOBALS['ecs']->table('cart'). " SET goods_number = '$val' WHERE rec_id='$key' AND $sql_where1"; } /* 处理普通商品或非优惠的配件 */ else { $attr_id = empty($goods['goods_attr_id']) ? array() : explode(',', $goods['goods_attr_id']); $goods_price = get_final_price($goods['goods_id'], $val, true, $attr_id); //更新购物车中的商品数量/* 代码修改_start By www.68ecshop.com 将这块替换掉*/ $sql = "UPDATE " .$GLOBALS['ecs']->table('cart'). " SET goods_number = '$val', goods_price = '$goods_price' WHERE rec_id='$key' AND $sql_where1";/* 代码修改_end By www.68ecshop.com */ } } //订货数量等于0 else { /* 如果是基本件并且有优惠价格的配件则删除优惠价格的配件 *//* 代码修改_start By www.68ecshop.com 将这块替换掉*/ while ($offers_accessories_row = $GLOBALS['db']->fetchRow($offers_accessories_res)) { $sql = "DELETE FROM " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('cart') . " WHERE $sql_where1 " . "AND rec_id = '" . $offers_accessories_row['rec_id'] ."' LIMIT 1"; $GLOBALS['db']->query($sql); } $sql = "DELETE FROM " .$GLOBALS['ecs']->table('cart'). " WHERE rec_id='$key' AND $sql_where1";/* 代码修改_end By www.68ecshop.com */ } $GLOBALS['db']->query($sql); } /* 删除所有赠品 *//* 代码修改_start By www.68ecshop.com 将这块替换掉*/ $sql = "DELETE FROM " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('cart') . " WHERE $sql_where1 AND is_gift <> 0"; $GLOBALS['db']->query($sql);/* 代码修改_end By www.68ecshop.com */}/** * 检查订单中商品库存 * * @access public * @param array $arr * * @return void */function flow_cart_stock($arr){ foreach ($arr AS $key => $val) { $val = intval(make_semiangle($val)); if ($val <= 0 || !is_numeric($key)) { continue; }/* 代码修改_start By www.68ecshop.com 将这块替换掉*/ $sql_where = $_SESSION['user_id']>0 ? "user_id='". $_SESSION['user_id'] ."' " : "session_id = '" . SESS_ID . "' AND user_id=0 "; $sql = "SELECT `goods_id`, `goods_attr_id`, `extension_code` FROM" .$GLOBALS['ecs']->table('cart'). " WHERE rec_id='$key' AND $sql_where"; $goods = $GLOBALS['db']->getRow($sql);/* 代码修改_end By www.68ecshop.com */ $sql = "SELECT g.goods_name, g.goods_number, c.product_id ". "FROM " .$GLOBALS['ecs']->table('goods'). " AS g, ". $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('cart'). " AS c ". "WHERE g.goods_id = c.goods_id AND c.rec_id = '$key'"; $row = $GLOBALS['db']->getRow($sql); //系统启用了库存,检查输入的商品数量是否有效 if (intval($GLOBALS['_CFG']['use_storage']) > 0 && $goods['extension_code'] != 'package_buy') { if ($row['goods_number'] < $val) { show_message(sprintf($GLOBALS['_LANG']['stock_insufficiency'], $row['goods_name'], $row['goods_number'], $row['goods_number'])); exit; } /* 是货品 */ $row['product_id'] = trim($row['product_id']); if (!empty($row['product_id'])) { $sql = "SELECT product_number FROM " .$GLOBALS['ecs']->table('products'). " WHERE goods_id = '" . $goods['goods_id'] . "' AND product_id = '" . $row['product_id'] . "'"; $product_number = $GLOBALS['db']->getOne($sql); if ($product_number < $val) { show_message(sprintf($GLOBALS['_LANG']['stock_insufficiency'], $row['goods_name'], $row['goods_number'], $row['goods_number'])); exit; } } } elseif (intval($GLOBALS['_CFG']['use_storage']) > 0 && $goods['extension_code'] == 'package_buy') { if (judge_package_stock($goods['goods_id'], $val)) { show_message($GLOBALS['_LANG']['package_stock_insufficiency']); exit; } } }}/** * 删除购物车中的商品 * * @access public * @param integer $id * @return void */function flow_drop_cart_goods($id){ /* 取得商品id */ $sql = "SELECT * FROM " .$GLOBALS['ecs']->table('cart'). " WHERE rec_id = '$id'"; $row = $GLOBALS['db']->getRow($sql); if ($row) { $sql_where = $_SESSION['user_id']>0 ? "user_id='". $_SESSION['user_id'] ."' " : "session_id = '" . SESS_ID . "' AND user_id=0 ";//添加 www.68ecshop.com //如果是超值礼包 if ($row['extension_code'] == 'package_buy') {/* 代码修改_start By www.68ecshop.com 将这块替换掉*/ $sql = "DELETE FROM " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('cart') . " WHERE $sql_where " . "AND rec_id = '$id' LIMIT 1";/* 代码修改_end By www.68ecshop.com */ } //如果是普通商品,同时删除所有赠品及其配件 elseif ($row['parent_id'] == 0 && $row['is_gift'] == 0) { /* 检查购物车中该普通商品的不可单独销售的配件并删除 */ $sql = "SELECT c.rec_id FROM " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('cart') . " AS c, " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('group_goods') . " AS gg, " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('goods'). " AS g WHERE gg.parent_id = '" . $row['goods_id'] . "' AND c.goods_id = gg.goods_id AND c.parent_id = '" . $row['goods_id'] . "' AND c.extension_code <> 'package_buy' AND gg.goods_id = g.goods_id AND g.is_alone_sale = 0"; $res = $GLOBALS['db']->query($sql); $_del_str = $id . ','; while ($id_alone_sale_goods = $GLOBALS['db']->fetchRow($res)) { $_del_str .= $id_alone_sale_goods['rec_id'] . ','; } $_del_str = trim($_del_str, ','); /* 代码修改_start By www.68ecshop.com 将这块替换掉*/ $sql = "DELETE FROM " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('cart') . " WHERE $sql_where " . "AND (rec_id IN ($_del_str) OR parent_id = '$row[goods_id]' OR is_gift <> 0)"; /* 代码修改_end By www.68ecshop.com */ } //如果不是普通商品,只删除该商品即可 else { /* 代码修改_start By www.68ecshop.com 将这块替换掉*/ $sql = "DELETE FROM " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('cart') . " WHERE $sql_where " . "AND rec_id = '$id' LIMIT 1"; /* 代码修改_end By www.68ecshop.com */ } $GLOBALS['db']->query($sql); } flow_clear_cart_alone();}/** * 删除购物车中不能单独销售的商品 * * @access public * @return void */function flow_clear_cart_alone(){ /* 查询:购物车中所有不可以单独销售的配件 */ $sql_where = $_SESSION['user_id']>0 ? "c.user_id='". $_SESSION['user_id'] ."' " : "c.session_id = '" . SESS_ID . "' AND c.user_id=0 ";//添加 www.68ecshop.com/* 代码修改_start By www.68ecshop.com 将这块替换掉*/ $sql = "SELECT c.rec_id, gg.parent_id FROM " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('cart') . " AS c LEFT JOIN " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('group_goods') . " AS gg ON c.goods_id = gg.goods_id LEFT JOIN" . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('goods') . " AS g ON c.goods_id = g.goods_id WHERE $sql_where AND c.extension_code <> 'package_buy' AND gg.parent_id > 0 AND g.is_alone_sale = 0";/* 代码修改_end By www.68ecshop.com */ $res = $GLOBALS['db']->query($sql); $rec_id = array(); while ($row = $GLOBALS['db']->fetchRow($res)) { $rec_id[$row['rec_id']][] = $row['parent_id']; } if (empty($rec_id)) { return; }$sql_where = $_SESSION['user_id']>0 ? "user_id='". $_SESSION['user_id'] ."' " : "session_id = '" . SESS_ID . "' AND user_id=0 ";//添加 www.68ecshop.com /* 查询:购物车中所有商品 */ /* 代码修改_start By www.68ecshop.com 将这块替换掉*/ $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT goods_id FROM " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('cart') . " WHERE $sql_where AND extension_code <> 'package_buy'"; /* 代码修改_end By www.68ecshop.com */ $res = $GLOBALS['db']->query($sql); $cart_good = array(); while ($row = $GLOBALS['db']->fetchRow($res)) { $cart_good[] = $row['goods_id']; } if (empty($cart_good)) { return; } /* 如果购物车中不可以单独销售配件的基本件不存在则删除该配件 */ $del_rec_id = ''; foreach ($rec_id as $key => $value) { foreach ($value as $v) { if (in_array($v, $cart_good)) { continue 2; } } $del_rec_id = $key . ','; } $del_rec_id = trim($del_rec_id, ','); if ($del_rec_id == '') { return; } /* 删除 */ /* 代码修改_start By www.68ecshop.com 将这块替换掉*/ $sql = "DELETE FROM " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('cart') ." WHERE $sql_where AND rec_id IN ($del_rec_id)"; /* 代码修改_end By www.68ecshop.com */ $GLOBALS['db']->query($sql);}/** * 比较优惠活动的函数,用于排序(把可用的排在前面) * @param array $a 优惠活动a * @param array $b 优惠活动b * @return int 相等返回0,小于返回-1,大于返回1 */function cmp_favourable($a, $b){ if ($a['available'] == $b['available']) { if ($a['sort_order'] == $b['sort_order']) { return 0; } else { return $a['sort_order'] < $b['sort_order'] ? -1 : 1; } } else { return $a['available'] ? -1 : 1; }}/** * 修改购物车中商品数量,删除商品,取消选择时判断是否在此商品参加的优惠活动已经存在购物车,如果有就删除掉 */function del_cart_favourable_goods(){ $favlist = favourable_list($_SESSION['user_rank']); return $favlist;}/** * 取得某用户等级当前时间可以享受的优惠活动 * @param int $user_rank 用户等级id,0表示非会员 * @param int $is_have 是否判断已经选择赠品 * @return array */function favourable_list($user_rank,$is_have=true){ /* 购物车中已有的优惠活动及数量 */ $used_list = cart_favourable(); /* 当前用户可享受的优惠活动 */ $favourable_list = array(); $user_rank = ',' . $user_rank . ','; $now = gmtime(); if(isset($_REQUEST['suppid'])){ $tj = " AND supplier_id=".$_REQUEST['suppid']; }else{ $tj = ''; } $sql = "SELECT * " . "FROM " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('favourable_activity') . " WHERE CONCAT(',', user_rank, ',') LIKE '%" . $user_rank . "%'" . " AND start_time <= '$now' AND end_time >= '$now'" .$tj. " AND act_type = '" . FAT_GOODS . "'" . " ORDER BY sort_order"; $res = $GLOBALS['db']->query($sql); while ($favourable = $GLOBALS['db']->fetchRow($res)) { $favourable['start_time'] = local_date($GLOBALS['_CFG']['time_format'], $favourable['start_time']); $favourable['end_time'] = local_date($GLOBALS['_CFG']['time_format'], $favourable['end_time']); $favourable['formated_min_amount'] = price_format($favourable['min_amount'], false); $favourable['formated_max_amount'] = price_format($favourable['max_amount'], false); $favourable['gift'] = unserialize($favourable['gift']); $_REQUEST['suppid'] = $favourable['supplier_id'] = $favourable['supplier_id']; foreach ($favourable['gift'] as $key => $value) { $favourable['gift'][$key]['formated_price'] = price_format($value['price'], false); $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('goods') . " WHERE is_on_sale = 1 AND goods_id = ".$value['id']; $is_sale = $GLOBALS['db']->getOne($sql); if(!$is_sale) { unset($favourable['gift'][$key]); } $goods_thumb = $GLOBALS['db']->getOne("SELECT `goods_thumb` FROM " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('goods') . " WHERE `goods_id`='{$value['id']}'"); $favourable['gift'][$key]['goods_thumb'] = get_image_path($value['id'], $goods_thumb, true); } $favourable['act_range_desc'] = act_range_desc($favourable); $favourable['act_type_desc'] = sprintf($GLOBALS['_LANG']['fat_ext'][$favourable['act_type']], $favourable['act_type_ext']); /* 是否能享受 */ $favourable['available'] = favourable_available($favourable); if ($favourable['available'] && $is_have) { /* 是否尚未享受 */ $favourable['available'] = !favourable_used($favourable, $used_list); } $favourable_list[] = $favourable; } return $favourable_list;}/** * 根据购物车判断是否可以享受某优惠活动 * @param array $favourable 优惠活动信息 * @return bool */function favourable_available($favourable){ /* 会员等级是否符合 */ $user_rank = $_SESSION['user_rank']; if (strpos(',' . $favourable['user_rank'] . ',', ',' . $user_rank . ',') === false) { return false; } /* 优惠范围内的商品总额 */ $amount = cart_favourable_amount($favourable); /* 金额上限为0表示没有上限 */ return $amount >= $favourable['min_amount'] && ($amount <= $favourable['max_amount'] || $favourable['max_amount'] == 0);}/** * 取得优惠范围描述 * @param array $favourable 优惠活动 * @return string */function act_range_desc($favourable){ if ($favourable['act_range'] == FAR_BRAND) { $sql = "SELECT brand_name FROM " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('brand') . " WHERE brand_id " . db_create_in($favourable['act_range_ext']); return join(',', $GLOBALS['db']->getCol($sql)); } elseif ($favourable['act_range'] == FAR_CATEGORY) { $sql = "SELECT cat_name FROM " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('category') . " WHERE cat_id " . db_create_in($favourable['act_range_ext']); return join(',', $GLOBALS['db']->getCol($sql)); } elseif ($favourable['act_range'] == FAR_GOODS) { $sql = "SELECT goods_name FROM " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('goods') . " WHERE goods_id " . db_create_in($favourable['act_range_ext']); return join(',', $GLOBALS['db']->getCol($sql)); } else { return ''; }}/** * 取得购物车中已有的优惠活动及数量 * @return array */function cart_favourable(){ $sql_where = $_SESSION['user_id']>0 ? "user_id='". $_SESSION['user_id'] ."' " : "session_id = '" . SESS_ID . "' AND user_id=0 ";//添加 www.68ecshop.com $list = array(); /* 代码修改_start By www.68ecshop.com 将这块替换掉*/ $sql = "SELECT is_gift, COUNT(*) AS num " . "FROM " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('cart') . " WHERE $sql_where " . " AND rec_type = '" . CART_GENERAL_GOODS . "'" . " AND is_gift > 0" . " GROUP BY is_gift"; /* 代码修改_end By www.68ecshop.com */ $res = $GLOBALS['db']->query($sql); while ($row = $GLOBALS['db']->fetchRow($res)) { $list[$row['is_gift']] = $row['num']; } return $list;}/** * 购物车中是否已经有某优惠 * @param array $favourable 优惠活动 * @param array $cart_favourable购物车中已有的优惠活动及数量 */function favourable_used($favourable, $cart_favourable){ if ($favourable['act_type'] == FAT_GOODS) { return isset($cart_favourable[$favourable['act_id']]) && $cart_favourable[$favourable['act_id']] >= $favourable['act_type_ext'] && $favourable['act_type_ext'] > 0; } else { return isset($cart_favourable[$favourable['act_id']]); }}/** * 添加优惠活动(赠品)到购物车 * @param int $act_id 优惠活动id * @param int $id 赠品id * @param float $price 赠品价格 */function add_gift_to_cart($act_id, $id, $price){ $sql = "INSERT INTO " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('cart') . " (" . "user_id, session_id, goods_id, goods_sn, goods_name, market_price, goods_price, ". "goods_number, is_real, extension_code, parent_id, is_gift, rec_type ) ". "SELECT '$_SESSION[user_id]', '" . SESS_ID . "', goods_id, goods_sn, goods_name, market_price, ". "'$price', 1, is_real, extension_code, 0, '$act_id', '" . CART_GENERAL_GOODS . "' " . "FROM " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('goods') . " WHERE goods_id = '$id'"; $GLOBALS['db']->query($sql);}/** * 添加优惠活动(非赠品)到购物车 * @param int $act_id 优惠活动id * @param string $act_name 优惠活动name * @param float $amount 优惠金额 */function add_favourable_to_cart($act_id, $act_name, $amount){ $sql = "INSERT INTO " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('cart') . "(" . "user_id, session_id, goods_id, goods_sn, goods_name, market_price, goods_price, ". "goods_number, is_real, extension_code, parent_id, is_gift, rec_type ) ". "VALUES('$_SESSION[user_id]', '" . SESS_ID . "', 0, '', '$act_name', 0, ". "'" . (-1) * $amount . "', 1, 0, '', 0, '$act_id', '" . CART_GENERAL_GOODS . "')"; $GLOBALS['db']->query($sql);}/** * 取得购物车中某优惠活动范围内的总金额 * @param array $favourable 优惠活动 * @return float */function cart_favourable_amount($favourable){ $sql_where = $_SESSION['user_id']>0 ? "c.user_id='". $_SESSION['user_id'] ."' " : "c.session_id = '" . SESS_ID . "' AND c.user_id=0 ";//添加 www.68ecshop.com /* 查询优惠范围内商品总额的sql */ /* 代码修改_start By www.68ecshop.com 将这块替换掉*/ $sql = "SELECT SUM(c.goods_price * c.goods_number) " . "FROM " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('cart') . " AS c, " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('goods') . " AS g " . "WHERE c.goods_id = g.goods_id " . "AND $sql_where " . "AND c.rec_type = '" . CART_GENERAL_GOODS . "' " . "AND g.supplier_id=".$favourable['supplier_id']." ". "AND c.is_gift = 0 " . "AND c.goods_id > 0 "; /* 代码修改_end By www.68ecshop.com */ /* 根据优惠范围修正sql */ if ($favourable['act_range'] == FAR_ALL) { // sql do not change } elseif ($favourable['act_range'] == FAR_CATEGORY) { /* 取得优惠范围分类的所有下级分类 */ $id_list = array(); $cat_list = explode(',', $favourable['act_range_ext']); foreach ($cat_list as $id) { $id_list = array_merge($id_list, array_keys(cat_list(intval($id), 0, false))); } $sql .= "AND g.cat_id " . db_create_in($id_list); } elseif ($favourable['act_range'] == FAR_BRAND) { $id_list = explode(',', $favourable['act_range_ext']); $sql .= "AND g.brand_id " . db_create_in($id_list); } else { $id_list = explode(',', $favourable['act_range_ext']); $sql .= "AND g.goods_id " . db_create_in($id_list); } $sql .= (isset($_REQUEST['sel_goods']) && !empty($_REQUEST['sel_goods'])) ? " AND c.rec_id in (". $_REQUEST['sel_goods'] .") " : ""; //计算某个店铺的商品总额 if(isset($_REQUEST['suppid'])){ $sql .= " AND g.supplier_id=".intval($_REQUEST['suppid']); } //echo $sql; /* 优惠范围内的商品总额 */ return $GLOBALS['db']->getOne($sql);}//LLXfunction get_hot_cat_goods($type = '', $num = 20){ $sql = 'SELECT g.goods_id,g.cat_id, g.goods_name, g.market_price, g.shop_price AS org_price, ' . "IFNULL(mp.user_price, g.shop_price * '$_SESSION[discount]') AS shop_price, ". 'g.promote_price, promote_start_date, promote_end_date, g.goods_brief, g.goods_thumb, g.goods_img ' . "FROM " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('goods') . ' AS g '. "LEFT JOIN " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('member_price') . " AS mp ". "ON mp.goods_id = g.goods_id AND mp.user_rank = '$_SESSION[user_rank]' ". 'WHERE g.is_on_sale = 1 AND g.is_alone_sale = 1 AND g.is_delete = 0' ; switch ($type) { case 'best': $sql .= ' AND is_best = 1'; break; case 'new': $sql .= ' AND is_new = 1'; break; case 'hot': $sql .= ' AND is_hot = 1'; break; case 'promote': $time = gmtime(); $sql .= " AND is_promote = 1 AND promote_start_date <= '$time' AND promote_end_date >= '$time'"; break; } $sql.=' ORDER BY g.sort_order, g.goods_id DESC'; if ($num > 0) { $sql .= ' LIMIT ' . $num; } //echo $sql; $res = $GLOBALS['db']->getAll($sql); $goods = array(); foreach ($res AS $idx => $row) { if ($row['promote_price'] > 0) { $promote_price = bargain_price($row['promote_price'], $row['promote_start_date'], $row['promote_end_date']); $goods[$idx]['promote_price'] = $promote_price > 0 ? price_format($promote_price) : ''; } else { $goods[$idx]['promote_price'] = ''; } $goods[$idx]['id'] = $row['goods_id']; $goods[$idx]['name'] = $row['goods_name']; $goods[$idx]['brief'] = $row['goods_brief']; $goods[$idx]['market_price'] = price_format($row['market_price']); $goods[$idx]['short_name'] = $GLOBALS['_CFG']['goods_name_length'] > 0 ? sub_str($row['goods_name'], $GLOBALS['_CFG']['goods_name_length']) : $row['goods_name']; $goods[$idx]['shop_price'] = price_format($row['shop_price']); $goods[$idx]['thumb'] = empty($row['goods_thumb']) ? $GLOBALS['_CFG']['no_picture'] : $row['goods_thumb']; $goods[$idx]['goods_img'] = empty($row['goods_img']) ? $GLOBALS['_CFG']['no_picture'] : $row['goods_img']; $goods[$idx]['url'] = build_uri('goods', array('gid' => $row['goods_id']), $row['goods_name']); } return $goods;}?>