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Introduction | Lab1: Creating the DSA for a Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC Processor Design | Lab 2: Creating the SDSoC Platform | Lab 3: Using Your Custom Platform |
NOTE: This lab requires familiarity with the Vivado Design Suite and IP Integrator feature of the tool. If you are not familiar with the Vivado Design Suite, see the Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Getting Started (UG910).
In this lab you will use the Vivado® Design Suite to create a Zynq® UltraScale+ MPSoC processor design that uses the Arm® dual-core Cortex™-A53 and a dual-core Cortex-R5 real-time processing system (PS) as well as IP blocks in the programmable logic (PL) region. The Clocking Wizard IP is used to generate several clocks for possible use by the accelerated hardware functions. Processor System Reset IP blocks will be added to synchronize resets of the various clock sources. A Concat IP that combines the source of all interrupts from the IP blocks in the programming logic to the PS is also included. Select hardware interfaces will be declared for use by the sds++ system compiler for attaching hardware accelerators. The hardware design and its interface meta-data will then be encapsulated in a Device Support Archive (DSA) file for later use in creating a custom SDSoC platform (see Lab 2: Creating the SDSoC Platform).
Step 1: Start the Vivado IDE and Create a Project
At the shell prompt, type the following commands:
source <Xilinx_Install_Directory>/SDx/<Version>/settings64.{sh,csh}
The first command sets the environment variables before launching Vivado and the second command launches the Vivado IDE.
For a Windows host machine, use one of the following methods to launch Vivado:
Click the Vivado desktop icon.
From the Start menu, select Xilinx Design Tools > Vivado 2018.3 > Vivado 2018.3.
From a Command prompt window, type the following commands:
The first command sets the environment variables before launching Vivado and the second command launches the Vivado IDE.
Follow these steps to create a Vivado project:
From the Quick Start section, click Create Project, as shown in the following figure.
The New Project Wizard opens. Click Next.
The Project Name dialog box opens.
Enter zcu102_board in the Project name text box.
Enter /tmp in the Project Location text box.
Select the Create project subdirectory check box.
Click Next. The Project Type dialog box appears.
Select RTL Project.
Click Next. The Add Sources dialog box appears.
Select Verilog from the Target language dropdown list.
Select Mixed from the Simulator language dropdown list.
Click Next. The Add Constraints dialog box appears.
Click Next. The Default Part dialog box appears.
Click the Boards tab at the top of the dialog box.
For this tutorial, you will be using the ZCU102 evaluation board as a template for the platform that you are creating. Selecting an existing board provides the different parts and interfaces you will use in creating your custom platform.
Select Zynq UltraScale+ ZCU102 Evaluation Board from the available boards list.
ℹ️ TIP You can use the Search feature to filter for ZCU102.
Click Next.
⚠️ WARNING Multiple versions of each board are supported in Vivado. Ensure that you are targeting the design to the right hardware. -
Review the project summary on the New Project Summary page, and then click Finish to create the project.
Step 2: Create an IP Integrator Design
In the Flow Navigator view, expand IP INTEGRATOR and select Create Block Design. The Create Block Design dialog box appears.
Specify a name for your IP subsystem design. For this example, use zcu102_board.
📌 NOTE: Do not change the default values in the Directory and the Specify source set dropdown lists.
ℹ️ TIP If the Vivado project contains multiple block designs, the IP integrator block design containing the SDSoC platform must have the same name as the SDSoC platform.
Click OK.
You will now add several IP blocks to the IP integrator design. The following table list of the added IP blocks and a summary of their usage in an SDSoC platform:
IP Block | Usage Summary |
Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC Processor System (PS) |
Processor System Reset Block (PL) |
Clocking Wizard (PL) |
Concat Block (PL) |
On the block design canvas, right-click and select Add IP.
Alternatively, you can click the Add IP button (+) on the IP integrator canvas.
The IP catalog Search dialog box appears. In the Search field, type zynq to find the Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC IP.
Select the Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC and press the Enter key to add the IP to your design.
You can also double-click the IP block to add it to the IP integrator canvas.
The Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC is added to the IP integrator canvas and the Tcl Console window also shows the command used to add the IP.
create_bd_cell -type ip -vlnv xilinx.com:ip:zynq_ultra_ps_e:3.2 zynq_ultra_ps_e_0
📌 NOTE There is a corresponding Tcl command for most actions performed in the block design. Tcl commands are documented in the Vivado Design Suite: Tcl Command Reference Guide (UG835).
In the IP integrator window, click the Run Block Automation link.
The Run Block Automation dialog box opens, as shown below. The default check in the Apply Board Preset field allows the tool to configure the PS to take advantage of the predefined board.
Click OK to accept the default settings for the ZCU102 board.
The IP integrator diagram is updated after running block automation on the Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC IP block.
Right-click the IP integrator diagram and select Add IP to add peripherals to the PL.
In the Search field, type proc sys res to find the Processor System Reset, and then press Enter to add it to the design. A synchronized reset signal for each declared platform clock is created using a Processor System Reset IP block. Each reset will be associated with a clock generated by the Clocking Wizard.
Add a Clocking Wizard IP block to provide PL clock(s) for the platform. You will customize the clock settings in a subsequent step.
Add the Concat IP to connect PL generated interrupts to the PS block. This provides a path for the hardware accelerator to interrupt the processor if needed.
Your block design window should look similar to the figure below. The relative positions of the IP might vary.
ℹ️ TIP You can zoom in and out of the IP integrator diagram using the Zoom In and Zoom Out buttons or their equivalent keyboard shortcuts (Ctrl+Equals and Ctrl+Minus, respectively).
Double-click the ZYNQ UltraScale+ MPSoC IP block to open the Re-customize IP dialog box.
Recustomize the ARM configuration to enable a path for PL to PS interrupts exists.
In the Re-customize IP dialog box, select the PS-PL Configuration page in the Page Navigator (on the left side of the dialog box), and expand the General Settings, Interrupts, and PL to PS sections. Make sure the IRQ0[0-7] and IRQ1[0-7] dropdown menu displays "1", as shown in the figure below. This allows up to 8 PL interrupts to be handled by each input port of the PS interrupt.
This enables the PS-PL interrupt interface that will be connected to the PL Concat IP block. The input side of the Concat IP block is left open for the sds++ system compiler to route PL interrupts from the hardware accelerator into the PS as needed.
On the same PS-PL Configuration page, expand the PS-PL Interfaces, and Master Interface sections. Uncheck the AXI HPM0 FPD and AXI HPM1 FPD chekboxes, as shown in the previous figure.
Unchecking these boxes keeps the AXI HPM interfaces available for accelerator attachment by the sds++ system compiler. The default configuration reserves the M_AXI_HPM interfaces for use by the PS, so by un-checking these boxes you are freeing up the interface for use by the SDx tools.
Click OK.
Re-customize the Clocking Wizard by double-clicking on its IP block.
In the Clocking Options tab of the Re-customize IP dialog box, examine the Input Frequency check box for the Primary Input Clock. The ZCU102 pre-set for the PS block provides a 100 MHz clock (pl_clk0) which will be connected as an input to the Clocking Wizard IP. When the Input Frequency is set to AUTO, the input clock frequency is automatically determined from the connected input clock source.
Click the Output Clocks tab and check that the output frequency of clk_out1 is set to 100 MHz.
With the Output Clocks tab still selected, scroll down to the bottom of the page, and set the Reset Type to Active Low, as shown in the following figure.
Click OK to configure the Clocking Wizard IP.
Double-click the Concat IP block to open the Re-Customize IP dialog box. PL interrupts will be routed into the PS by the sds++ system compiler through the Concat IP block.
Change the Number of Ports field to 1 and press Enter.
This enables interrupts from the PL side that the sds++ system compiler may generate for the PS.
Click OK to configure the Concat IP.
Designer Assistance helps connect the Clocking Wizard and Processor System Reset blocks to the Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC processing system.
Click Run Connection Automation. The Run Connection Automation dialog box appears.
Select the clock options for the IP as shown in the following dialog box. As you select each interface on which connection automation is run, the Description and Options available for the selected interface are shown on the right-hand side of the dialog box.
Change the slowest_sync_clk setting to the /clk_wiz_0/clk_out1 as shown in the figure.
Click OK to save the settings and close the dialog box.
The Vivado IP Integrator feature adds connections to the blocks based on the settings you provided for the Run Connection Automation command.
You will complete the design by manually wiring connections that could have multiple design dependent sources. In this example platform, you use a reset output generated by the PS block to control the reset inputs of logic on the PL-side. Specifically, the Processor System Reset IP block and the Clocking wizard’s clock sources are connected in this manner. You also keep the PL Processor System Reset blocks in their reset state until the clock sources have locked to their requested frequencies. Additionally, any PL generated interrupts are wired to the interrupt request inputs of the PS block.
Connect the pl_resetn0 output pin of the Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC IP to the resetn input pin of the Clocking Wizard.
Connect the pl_resetn0 output pin of the Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC IP to the ext_reset_in pin on the Processor System Reset IP block.
Connect the locked output pin of the Clocking Wizard IP to the dcm_locked input pin on the Processor System Reset IP block.
Connect the dout[0:0] output pin of the xclconcat_0 block to the pl_ps_irq0[0:0] input pin of the Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC IP block.
Click the Regenerate Layout command to re-draw the block design with a more optimal layout. At this point, the block diagram should look similar to the view in the figure below.
Click the Validate button to validate the design.
Click OK in the Validate Design dialog box.
Save the block design by clicking on the floppy disk icon in the toolbar or by pressing the Ctrl+S keys.
At this point, the block design represents the framework of your platform: the Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC, clocking wizard and processor system reset, and interrupts managed through the concat block. The platform only has one clock and reset, and only has space available for 8 interrupts. However, this may be sufficient for your platform requirements, and you can move on to the next steps in this Lab.
For the purposes of this tutorial though, you will add some additional clocks, resets, and interrupts. Providing a variety of clock frequencies in the PL region adds design flexibility to the base platform. An SDx hardware accelerator can change input clock sources without having to re-define and re-build the base platform if multiple clock sources are available in the platform.
Re-customize the Clocking Wizard by double-clicking on it.
Click the Output Clocks tab and enable all output clocks, clk_out1 to clk_out7, by clicking on their respective check-boxes. Set the output frequencies under the Output Freq (MHz) Requested column as follows:
- clk_out1 -> 75
- clk_out2 -> 100
- clk_out3 -> 150
- clk_out4 -> 200.000
- clk_out5 -> 300.000
- clk_out6 -> 400.000
- clk_out7 -> 600.000
Click OK to close the Clocking Wizard dialog box.
Select the proc_sys_reset_0 block, and copy and paste it multiple times, for a total of seven reset IP blocks.
Note: You can use keyboard shortcuts Ctrl-C and Ctrl-V to copy and paste on the design canvas.
Select the xlconcat_0 block, and copy and paste it to create a second instance.
Select Run Connection Automation. The dialog box should appear as follows.
Ensure that the automation options are set as in the table below.
Note: Some of the elements in the table may have been previously connected, and will not appear in the table. The complete table is provided for your reference.
Connection | Description | Setting |
clk_wiz_0 - clk_in1 |
The input clock to the clocking wizard | /zynq_ultra_ps_e_0/pl_clk0 (99 MHz) is selected by default as the Clock Source option. Leave set to the default value. |
proc_sys_reset_0 - slowest_sync_clk |
Clock source to which this reset is synchronized | Select /clk_wiz_0/clk_out1 (75 MHz) from the Clock Source options drop-down menu. |
proc_sys_reset_1 - slowest_sync_clk |
Clock source to which this reset is synchronized | Select /clk_wiz_0/clk_out2 (100 MHz) from Clock Source options drop-down menu. |
proc_sys_reset_2 - slowest_sync_clk |
Clock source to which this reset is synchronized | Select /clk_wiz_0/clk_out3 (150 MHz) from the Clock Source options drop-down menu. |
proc_sys_reset_3 - slowest_sync_clk |
Clock source to which this reset is synchronized | Select /clk_wiz_0/clk_out4 (200 MHz) from the Clock Source options drop-down menu. |
proc_sys_reset_4 - slowest_sync_clk |
Clock source to which this reset is synchronized | Select /clk_wiz_0/clk_out5 (300 MHz) from the Clock Source options drop-down menu. |
proc_sys_reset_5 - slowest_sync_clk |
Clock source to which this reset is synchronized | Select /clk_wiz_0/clk_out6 (400 MHz) from the Clock Source options drop-down menu. |
proc_sys_reset_6 - slowest_sync_clk |
Clock source to which this reset is synchronized | Select /clk_wiz_0/clk_out7 (600 MHz) from the Clock Source options drop-down menu. |
Manually connect the pl_resetn0 output pin of the Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC IP to the ext_reset_in pin on all of the Processor System Reset IP blocks.
Connect the locked output pin of the Clocking Wizard IP to the dcm_locked input pin on all of the Processor System Reset IP blocks.
Manually connect the dout[0:0] output pin of the xclconcat_1 block to the pl_ps_irq1[0:0] input pin of the Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC IP block.
Validate and save the block design again. The block design you have created now matches the released ZCU102 platform, and should look similar to the figure below.
Step 3: Declaring the Platform Hardware Interfaces
After you complete the IP integrator hardware platform design, you must declare the hardware interfaces that will be available as attachment points for SDSoC accelerators and the data movers that will communicate with them. These declarations are added to the design by setting platform (PFM) properties that define the platform name and indicate which specific clocks, interrupts, and bus interfaces are available for the sds++ system compiler as it generates the hardware accelerators. These properties are stored in the project.
As the PFM properties persist within the block design (BD), if you are starting a new platform from an existing platform project, there may be existing properties that are not intended for the new platform and can lead to invalid hardware platforms. In these cases, you must unset any conflicting PFM properties.
In this lab, you use the Platform Interfaces window of the Vivado IP Integrator feature to declare the hardware interfaces. These PFM properties will be added to the block design. You can also use the Vivado Block Properties tab or the TCL console to set the PFM properties that declare the hardware interfaces. At the end of this section the TCL commands are provided that you can use to define the PFM properties.
Your block design contains seven different clocks generated through the Clocking Wizard. While only one of the clocks is enabled in this lab, the others are available for use with the SDx IDE. Through the SDx IDE you will be able to select which functions to accelerate in hardware, and specify clock sources for the hardware accelerators. Likewise, you will declare the AXI ports that are available for moving data between the processor (PS) the hardware functions (PL). Although, these AXI ports may or may not be directly visible on your block design, the PFM property settings define them for use in the SDx environment.
On the Vivado main menu select Window -> Platform Interfaces.
Click the Enable platform interfaces link to enable the Platform Interfaces tab.
The Platform Interfaces window shows the Platform name, and lists all the interfaces available in the block design that can be enabled/disabled for use by the SDx environment in creating hardware accelerators. Right-clicking on an interface or a group of selected interfaces and then selecting Enable, changes the greyed-out icon in front of the interface name to a solid colored icon. An enabled interface means it is available for use by the SDx tools.
In the Platform Interfaces window, select the top-level Platform to open the Platform Properties window, as shown in the following figure. Enabling the Platform Interfaces tab automatically sets the platform name property on the block design in the Platform Properties window. You can edit the Name, Vendor, Board, and Version of the platform from the Properties window. For the purpose of this tutorial, use the defaults that have already been set.
The seven output clocks generated by the Clocking Wizard are declared as available for the sds++ system compiler to use when each of the clk_wiz_0 clocks are enabled in the Platform Interfaces tab, as shown in the figure below.
Each declared clock must have an associated synchronized reset signal using the Processor System Reset IP block. The proc_sys_reset property in the Platform Interface Properties dialog box is used to make this association for each declared clock. Providing multiple platform clock frequencies allows you to select an accelerator clock source that has a high-probability of being routed and meeting timing constraints when the Vivado implementation tools are invoked. If a particular clock frequency selection does not meet timing, selecting a lower frequency clock source may remedy the issue.
📌 NOTE To select a range, click a line, then hold the Shift key down and click on another line to select the lines in between.
Right-click on each clock of the clk_wiz_0, and select Enable for clk_out1 through clk_out7.
Select clk_out2 in the Platform Interfaces window.
In the Platform Interfaces Properties window, select the Options tab and click the is_default option box to enable the checkbox, marking this as the default clock for accelerators.
In this custom platform, all the Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC PS-side AXI ports (master and slave) are declared as available for the sds++ system compiler to use, as shown by the enabled zynq_ultra_ps_e_0 interfaces below. The pl_clk0 interface is not enabled for SDx accelerator use, since it is already in use by the hardware design to provide the 100.000 MHz input clock to the Clocking Wizard IP.
Select all of zynq_ultra_ps_e_0 interfaces, except pl_clk0, S_AXI_ACP_FPD, and S_AXI_LPD. Right-click and select Enable.
NOTE: Remember, you can hold down Shift or Ctrl to select multiple interfaces.
Interrupt sources from the hardware accelerator in the PL logic will be connected through the Concat IP block to the Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC IRQ input ports (pl_ps_irq0 and pl_ps_irq1). The figure below shows that 8 interrupt sources are enabled on each concat block for the sds++ system compiler to use.
Right-click on xlconcat_0 inputs In0 to In7 and select Enable.
Right-click on xlconcat_1 inputs In0 to In7 and select Enable.
Selecting an object in the Platform Interfaces window, such as the xclconcat_0 object, lets you view the PFM property of the object in the Block Properties window, as shown in the figure below.
These commands are provided for reference and do not need to be executed if the platform properties are set through enabling and disabling selections in the Platform Interfaces tab, as presented in the preceding section. The Vivado journal or log files can be examined to view a history of the Tcl commands issued by actions performed in the Platform Interfaces tab.
set_property PFM_NAME “vendor:lib:zcu102_board:1.0”\ [get_files [get_property FILE_NAME [get_bd_designs]]]
set_property PFM.CLOCK {\ clk_out1 {id “1” is_default “false”\ proc_sys_reset “proc_sys_reset_0”}\ clk_out2 {id “2” is_default “true”\ proc_sys_reset “proc_sys_reset_1”}\ clk_out3 {id “3” is_default “false”\ proc_sys_reset “proc_sys_reset_2”}\ clk_out4 {id “4” is_default “false”\ proc_sys_reset “proc_sys_reset_3”}\ clk_out5 {id “5” is_default “false”\ proc_sys_reset “proc_sys_reset_4”}\ clk_out6 {id “6” is_default “false”\ proc_sys_reset “proc_sys_reset_5”}\ clk_out7 {id “7” is_default “false”\ proc_sys_reset “proc_sys_reset_6”}\ } [get_bd_cells /clk_wiz_0]
- PFM AXI Ports
set_property PFM.AXI_PORT {\ M_AXI_HPM0_FPD {memport “M_AXI_GP” sptag “” memory “”}\ M_AXI_HPM1_FPD {memport “M_AXI_GP” sptag “” memory “”}\ M_AXI_HPM0_LPD {memport “M_AXI_GP” sptag “” memory “”}\ S_AXI_HPC0_FPD {memport “S_AXI_HPC” sptag “” memory “”}\ S_AXI_HPC1_FPD {memport “S_AXI_HPC” sptag “” memory “”}\ S_AXI_HP0_FPD {memport “S_AXI_HP” sptag “” memory “”}\ S_AXI_HP1_FPD {memport “S_AXI_HP” sptag “” memory “”}\ S_AXI_HP2_FPD {memport “S_AXI_HP” sptag “” memory “”}\ S_AXI_HP3_FPD {memport “S_AXI_HP” sptag “” memory “”}\ } [get_bd_cells /zynq_ultra_ps_e_0]
- PFM Interrupts
set_property PFM.IRQ {\ In0 {} In1 {} In2 {} In3 {} In4 {} In5 {} In6 {} In7 {}\ } [get_bd_cells {/xlconcat_0 /xclconcat_1}]
Step 4: Generating HDL Design Files
You can now generate the HDL files for the design.
In the Sources window, right-click the zcu102_board.bd block design and select Generate Output Products.
Click Generate.
Observe zcu102_board output generation completed as indicated by the status column: Submodule Runs Complete in the Design Runs view. The running output products generation can be set to run in the background to access the Design Runs view if necessary.
Right-click on zcu102_board.bd in the Sources window and click on Create HDL Wrapper to create a top-level HDL wrapper for the platform design.
Click OK.
In the Flow Navigator, click Generate Bitstream.
The Vivado tool reports that there are no implementation results available, and ask if you would like the tool to generate those as well. Click Yes to continue.
In the Launch Runs dialog box, leave the default settings and select OK.
Synthesis and Implementation runs are kicked off in sequence to synthesize the netlist for the platform design, place and route the logic in the design, and finally generate the bitstream you requested.
After the Bitstream Generated dialog box is displayed, click Cancel to close it, and select the File > Export > Export Hardware command from the main menu.
Select the Include Bitstream checkbox, as shown below.
You now have a Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC bitstream that includes a hardware design without any SDSoC accelerators. This bitstream can be used as a check of hardware functionality before running the design through the SDx IDE to generate hardware accelerators.
Step 5: Writing Out the DSA
At this point, you can encapsulate the IP integrator hardware design, along with the PFM properties design metadata, into a Device Support Archive (DSA) that becomes part of the SDSoC platform definition.
In the Tcl Console, type the following command and press the Enter key.
write_dsa -force -include_bit /tmp/zcu102_board/zcu102_board.dsa
NOTE: If your project is named differently, you will need to modify the command to match your design.
Validate the DSA by entering the following command in the Tcl console.
validate_dsa /tmp/zcu102_board/zcu102_board.dsa
Close the Vivado GUI after validating DSA.
In completing Lab 1, you have used the Vivado Design Suite to create a Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC hardware design using Vivado IP integrator to target a ZCU102 board. In addition to the PS Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC IP, you added key PL IP blocks for clocks, resets, and interrupts to define the base hardware platform. After declaring select hardware interfaces for use by the sds++ system compiler, you created the DSA to define the hardware component of an SDSoC platform.
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