ClubIn is a web application created using the MERN stack and is used to manage university clubs and societies internal executive activities predominantly on the management of events.
Disclaimer: Project has been optimised on Google Chrome. Other web browsers may experience unexpected issues
- React
- React-bootstrap (Design)
- Mongoose
- Express
- Eslint (code quality assurance)
- Mocha (testing)
- Morgan (logging)
Installing The project:
npm install
To run project:
Start both simultaneously(regular start) - npm start
Start backend server only - npm run start:server
Start react client(frontend) only - npm run start:client
Start mocha tests - npm test
- client/
- public/
- auto generated react project folder
- src/
- components/
- Functional react components are found/added here
- containers/
- Larger components with smaller components within it
- resources/
- All images found here
- components/
- public/
- server/
- model/
- Contains all Schema models for database collections
- routes/
- Contains ONLY API routes - No business logic
- services/
- Backend database logic called by API calls
- model/
- test/
- contains test files for specific modules
- (e.g. test-clubs is for club testing ONLY)
- All variables should be in lower camel case e.g. emailAddress
- There should be spaces around the operators and after commas e.g. ["UTS", "UNSW", ]
- All files should have comments on the top describing what the file does. Methods which are not self explaining must have comments in it
- File Names should be in lower camel case unless it is a component and then it can be in Upper case unless it is an index.js
- All lines must not exceed 100 characters in length
- All API server messages must be retrievd from userErrorUtils (NO HARDCODING)
- Braces must be used for all control structures even if the body contains 1 line
- Must adhere to the DRY principle, if there is repititon in the code, a new method or function must be created and then that will be used
- If there are subcomponents, those components must reside in the parent's component's folder
- The file name within a component folder must have index.js as the main file.
- Supporting CSS may be used in the components iff it is only related to component. If is used by many components, it must be used within the main css file.
- The server side folders must be split accordingly to separte concerns, i.e. there should be a model folder, api/routing folder and database folder
- If a component does not have any state, it should be made into a functional component
- If a component is very complex, it can be broken down into functional components within the class (if it has not been used by another class)
- A component must only do one thing
- All javascript statements must be terminated with a
- If a component has many properties, each property must be initialised on a new line, in line with the previous component.
- Use
, NEVER usevar
- By default, use const, if the variable needs to be reassigned, use lets
- Do not nest ternary operators
- Max 100 characters on one line
- Where possible, use destructuring assignment on props and state
- If an object has more than three properties, seperate each property onto a new line
- When possible, retrieve the properties from the object before using it in a method. E.g. use const { foo } = this.state rather than use within the method
- Use trailing commas in multiple line arrays and objects,
To gain access to the .env file(required for database calls) please contact tech leads:
- Malek Darwiche
- Ramanathan Udaiyappan
- Yahya Zein
File has been ommitted from the repository for security & integrity purposes
- Malek Darwiche - 12580357
- Yahya Zein - 12623118
- Ramanathan Udaiyappan - 12544134
Made in the Advanced Internet Programming Course at UTS.
Subject Coordinator - Benjamin Johnson