Rubix API wrapper in Javascript
A JavaScript library by Yeti Media for interact with Rubix API.
See the project homepage.
Using Bower:
bower install rubix
Or grab the source (minified).
Each request method accepts a success and error callbacks. The callbacks accepts one argument: data
contains the JSON response of rubix.
Request Example:
var client = new Rubix('YOUR_KEY');
Response Example:
[{id: 123, label: 'pattern label', url: '//path/to/pattern/image'}]
var client = new Rubix('YOUR_USER_KEY');
client.listCategories(success, error);
var page = 2;
client.listPattern(2, success, error);
take three parameters:
- page number
- success callback
- error callback
var pattern = {"pattern":{"remote_file_url":"", "category_name":"matching", "label":"startrek"}};
client.createPattern(pattern, success, error);
take three parameters:
- pattern Object
- pattern Object
- label: a string for provide a external identifier
- category_name: a string for provide the category type
- remote_file_url: a string for provide an url that points to the pattern image.
- pattern Object
- success callback
- error callback
client.updateTrainer(success, error);
var scenario = {"remote_file_url":""};
client.featureMatcher(scenario, success, error);
- scenario Object
- remote_file_url: a string for provide an url that points to the scenario image.
- success callback
- error callback
var scenario = {"remote_file_url":""};
client.ocr(scenario, success, error);
- scenario Object
- remote_file_url: a string for provide an url that points to the scenario image.
- success callback
- error callback
We'll check out your contribution if you:
- Provide a comprehensive suite of tests for your fork.
- Have a clear and documented rationale for your changes.
- Package these up in a pull request.
We'll do our best to help you out with any contribution issues you may have.
in this directory.