You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session.You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session.You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session.Dismiss alert
results in this not super helpful error... recommend wrapping this error and returning something more descriptive
/Users/<user>/.rbenv/versions/2.2.2/lib/ruby/gems/2.2.0/gems/rubix-api-0.0.2/lib/rubix.rb:76:in `rescue in error_handler': 757: unexpected token at 'flag ocr needs at least one value (Rubix::ParseError)
input error!
Anakin help
for help use -help (duh!)
ocr, lanscape and histogram arguments
-s <path to scene file> : scene file refers to the image that will be tested
-S <path to scene folder> : will test all images inside a folder
-p <path to patterns folder> : patterns refer to images againts a scene will be tested
ocr, landscape and face common arguments
-show : this enables UI output
* when doing ocr detection this will show the input image and a green rectangle for each rectangle passed as argument
* when doing landscape detection this will show the histogram constructed from the patterns images with min, max and avg values
* when doing face detection this will show main and details features detected
histogram, landscape common arguments
-min <value> : this will set the minimum accepted value when testing a scene
* when doing histogram matching this value will refer to the minimum matching pertentage
the scene and pattern histograms must have to be a succesfull match
* when doing landscape matching this value will refer to the minimum percentage the values of the scene histogram matches the landscape histogram
* if the matching use the min max values of the landscape histogram then a scene histogram value match if it's between the corresponding
lanscape min and max value
* if the matching use the avg values of the landscape histogram then a scene histogram value match if it's equal to the corresponding
landscape histogram avg value
template specific arguments
-mma <value> : this will set the minimum matches a pair of scene/pattern must have to be a succesfull match
-mr <min ratio> : filter matches where the distance ratio between nearest matches is greater than min ratio
histogram specific arguments
-corr : will use correlation method when comparing histograms
-inter : will use intersection method when comparing histograms
landscape specific arguments
-minMax(default value) : this will use the min values and max values of the histograms of the landscapes
-avg : this will use the average value of the landscapes histograms
-safeOffset <value> : when comparing histogram value x this will also compare with x+value and x-value
*when using min max values of the landscapes histogram, an x value from the scene histogram will match if x is in [min-value..max+value]
*when using average values of the landscapes histogram, an x value from the scene histogram will match if x is in [avg-value..avg+value]
-label <value> : this will set the landscape label to value
-color : will use color to make landscape and scene histograms
-gray : will use gray to make landscape and scene histograms
-hsv : will use hue and saturation to make landscape and scene histograms
NOTE: if there's neither -color, -gray or -hsv specified then the matching will be made using all three and taking the max value for each
ocr specific arguments
-rois <p1x p1y p2x p2y>+ : will define rectangles in which ocr recognition will be executed
-mode <0-3> : sets which engine to use
OEM_TESSERACT_ONLY(0) : Run Tesseract only - fastest
OEM_CUBE_ONLY(1) : Run Cube only - better accuracy, but slower
OEM_TESSERACT_CUBE_COMBINED(2) : Run both and combine results - best accuracy
OEM_DEFAULT(3) : Specify this mode when calling init_*(),
to indicate that any of the above modes
should be automatically inferred from the
variables in the language-specific config,
command-line configs, or if not specified
in any of the above should be set to the
-datapath <path> : the location of tessdata folder containing the trained data files
-lang <[~]<lang_value>[+[~]<lang_value>]*> : sets the languages to use, ~ is used to override the loading of a language
-clearEvery <times> : will clear tesseract memory every times recognitions
template matching
./anakin2 (-s <value>|-S <value>) -p <value> [template matching arguments]
histogram matching
./anakin2 (-s <value>|-S <value>) -p <value> (-h | -hColor | -hHSV | -hGray) [histogram matching arguments]
-hColor : will use color histograms for matching
-hGray : will use gray histograms for matching
-hHSV : will use hue and saturation histograms for matching
-h : will use all of the above histograms and use the maximum value obtained for matching
landscape matching
./anakin2 -landscape (-s <value>|-S <value>) -p <value> [landscape matching arguments]
ocr detection
./anakin2 -ocr <path to image> [ocr arguments]
ocr basic demo
./anakin2 -ocrDemo
ocr advanced demo
./anakin2 -ocrAdvDemo
face detection
./anakin2 -face <path to image> -mainCC <path to xml> [-detailsCC <path to xml>+] [-scaleFactor <value> -minNeighbors <value> -minSize <value> -maxSize <value>]
-face <path to image> : will use face detection on the specified image
-mainCC <path to xml> : the classifier file used to detect main features
-detailsCC <path to xml>+ : classifier fiels used to detect details inside detected main features
-scaleFactor <value> : specify how much the image size is reduced at each image scale.(default 1.1)
-minNeighbors <value> : specify how many neighbors each candidate rectangle should have to retain it.(default 3)
-minSize <width> <height> : minimum possible object size. Objects smaller than that are ignored.(default none)
-maxSize <width> <height> : Maximum possible object size. Objects larger than that are ignored.(default none)
NOTE: the order of the arguments doesn't matter (it only matters the order -flag [<values>])
from /Users/<user>/.rbenv/versions/2.2.2/lib/ruby/gems/2.2.0/gems/rubix-api-0.0.2/lib/rubix.rb:73:in `error_handler'
from /Users/<user>/.rbenv/versions/2.2.2/lib/ruby/gems/2.2.0/gems/rubix-api-0.0.2/lib/rubix.rb:64:in `ocr'
from test_rubix_api.rb:16:in `block in <main>'
from test_rubix_api.rb:15:in `each'
from test_rubix_api.rb:15:in `<main>'
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:
the following code:
results in this not super helpful error... recommend wrapping this error and returning something more descriptive
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: