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README LANGUAGES [ English | 中文 ]
🌆 A lightweight & standalone LIMBO service for Minecraft.
This project is forked from LOOHP's Limbo, but will be breaking changed and maintained by YourCraftMC.
Download latest server jars here or other versions from Releases.
- Put downloaded server jar file at a directory where you want to run the limbo server.
- Also you can put the world scheme file to the same directory as limbo's world.
- Use the following command lines to start the limbo server just like any other Minecraft server jars
java -Xms64M -Xmx512M -jar LimboService-<VERSION>-<MINECRAFT>.jar
- Configure settings in
and messages inmessages.yml
.- Also see
for allowing/disallowing players to join.
- Also see
- Join the server with configured host and enjoy the limbo!
LimboService also provides API for developers to create plugins for it,
if you have any LimboService plugins, you can put them in the plugins/
Or if you want to develop your own plugins, please see the Development section.
LimboService is not implemented any Bukkit/Spigot/BungeeCord/Velocity API, and it's completely not compatible and will never compatible with any plugins of them!
You need to use the provided API to develop your own plugins!
# version
@ limbo.command.version
- Show the version of the server.
# spawn [player]
@ limbo.command.spawn (for self)
@ limbo.command.spawn.others
- Teleport a player to the spawn point.
# say <message>
@ limbo.command.say
- Broadcast a message to all players.
# gamemode <mode> [player]
@ limbo.command.gamemode (for self)
# limbo.command.gamemode.others
- Change the gamemode of a player.
# allowlist toggle
@ limbo.command.allowlist
- Toggle the list between "allowlist" and "denylist".
# allowlist <add|remove> <player>
@ limbo.command.allowlist
- Add or remove a player from the allowlist.
# allowlist reload
@ limbo.command.allowlist
- Reload the allowlist.
# kick <player> [reason]
@ limbo.command.kick
- Kick a player from the server.
# stop
@ limbo.command.stop
- Stop the server.
LimboService also supports to be used as a library to develop your own plugins, just like Bukkit/Spigot does.
Here is a simple and minimal example to create a plugin for LimboService:
package com.example.myplugin;
import com.loohp.limbo.plugins.LimboPlugin;
public class MyPlugin extends LimboPlugin {
public void onLoad() {
// Called when the plugin is loading
public void onEnable() {
// Called when the plugin is enabling
public void onDisable() {
// Called when the plugin is disabling
And you need to create a plugin.yml
or limbo.yml
file in the resources directory:
main: com.example.myplugin.MyPlugin
name: MyPlugin
version: 1.0
author: MyCoolName
description: A simple plugin for LimboService.
And... that's it! You can now use the LimboService API to develop your own plugins!
You can find maven packages at GitHub Packages and Javadocs HERE.
Remember to replace VERSION
with the version you're using configs down below.
Maven Dependency
<!-- Using Maven Central Repository for secure and stable updates, though synchronization might be needed. -->
<name>Maven Central</name>
<!-- Using GitHub dependencies for real-time updates, configuration required (recommended). -->
<name>GitHub Packages for LimboService</name>
Gradle Dependency
repositories {
// Using Maven Central Repository for secure and stable updates, though synchronization might be needed.
// Using GitHub dependencies for real-time updates, configuration required (recommended).
maven { url 'https://maven.pkg.github.com/YourCraftMC/LimboService' }
dependencies {
api "cn.ycraft:limboservice:[LATEST RELEASE]"
- MCProtocolLib: Used to implement base MineCraft Server functions.
- adventure: Used to implement message components.
- EasyConfiguration: Used to implement configurations.
- EasyPlugin-Color: Used to parse generic color codes.
For more dependencies, please see Dependencies .
Many thanks to LoohpJames(@LOOHP) and many other developers for their huge contribution to the original project.
Many thanks to Jetbrains for kindly providing a license for us to work on this and other open-source projects.
This project currently is mainly maintained by the YourCraftMC(你的世界) .
This project's source code is licensed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE.