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First completed : May 31, 2024
Last updated : July 04, 2024
Related Topics : Array
Acceptance Rate : 54.5 %
Notes A bit bulky but did it for the theoretical runtime savings. Still O(n) but can save on the additional calclations if one direction is significantly shorter than the other by not having to have the additional addition operations.
class Solution:
def distanceBetweenBusStops(self, distance: List[int], start: int, destination: int) -> int:
counter, clockwise = start, start
counterDist, clockwiseDist = 0, 0
while not counter == destination and not clockwise == destination :
counter = (counter - 1 + len(distance)) % len(distance)
counterDist += distance[counter]
clockwiseDist += distance[clockwise]
clockwise = (clockwise + 1) % len(distance)
if (clockwise == destination) :
while not counter == destination and counterDist < clockwiseDist :
counter = (counter - 1 + len(distance)) % len(distance)
counterDist += distance[counter]
if counter == destination and counterDist < clockwiseDist :
return counterDist
return clockwiseDist
while not clockwise == destination and clockwiseDist < counterDist :
clockwiseDist += distance[clockwise]
clockwise = (clockwise + 1) % len(distance)
if clockwise == destination and clockwiseDist < counterDist:
return clockwiseDist
return counterDist