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First completed : June 19, 2024
Last updated : June 19, 2024
Related Topics : String, Stack
Acceptance Rate : 59.15 %
class Solution:
def removeDuplicates(self, s: str, k: int) -> str:
stk = [] # (letter, count)
for c in s :
if stk and c == stk[-1][0] :
stk[-1][1] += 1
else :
stk.append([c, 1])
if stk[-1][1] == k :
return ''.join([x[0] * x[1] for x in stk])
class Solution:
def removeDuplicates(self, s: str, k: int) -> str:
stk = [] # (letter, count)
stkAlt = []
for c in s :
if stk and c == stk[-1][0] :
stk[-1] = (c, stk[-1][1] + 1)
else :
stk.append((c, 1))
if stk[-1][1] == k :
while stk :
c, freq = stk.pop()
if len(stk) >= 1 and c == stk[-1][0] : # merge
stk[-1] = (c, stk[-1][1] + freq)
if freq % k == 0 : # remove all substrs
if stkAlt :
if freq > k : # remove parts above
stk.append((c, freq % k))
stkAlt.append((c, freq))
stk, stkAlt = stkAlt, stk
return ''.join([x[0] * x[1] for x in reversed(stk)])