1395. Count Number of Teams
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First completed : July 29, 2024
Last updated : July 29, 2024
Related Topics : Array, Dynamic Programming, Binary Indexed Tree, Segment Tree
Acceptance Rate : 70.07 %
Since we know that there are
$\binom{n}{3}$ possible teams, I initially tried to brute force it but was shown to be unsuccessful with$O(n^3)$ solutions such as with usingitertools.combinations(index, 3)
and with iterating with a triple nested for loop.Apparently it used to be an ACed solution but they increased the test case parameters so that it wouldn't pass anymore.
Looking at potential solutions, we realize that the number of "teams" where the middle person is from any given index
$i$ is the number of soldiers left that are greater times the number of soldiers right that are smaller (or vise versa since as long as it's EITHER strictly increasing or strictkly decreasing, it's a permitted team).Thus, I used heaps to keep track of how many were greater and smaller, writing that to a list and iterated once more through the indices to yield my calculation.
Final solution is
$O(n^2)$ This was a much more optimized version that skipped the heap-based identification from before. In verison 1, we iterated based off of the middle index, resulting in a lengthy process and multiple passes.
Instead, with this solution, we simply keep track of two DP arrays for the two possible team conditions (
$a<b<c$ and$a>b>c$ ), using the outer loop as the "rightmost" value, and the inner loop as the "middle value." This allowed us to essentially do a bottoms up DP approach.Both versions are in theory bottoms up tabulation but one is just much more optimized and straight forwards.
class Solution:
def numTeams(self, rating: List[int]) -> int:
# No need for "equal" case since all rating values are UNIQUE
countValsSmaller = []
countValsGreater = []
# NOTE: Calculating how many values are less than, on the left
# O(n^2)
# Stores negatives for MAXHEAP
valsSmaller = []
# Stores positives for MINHEAP
otherVals = []
for i, r in enumerate(rating) :
while valsSmaller and -valsSmaller[0] >= r :
heapq.heappush(otherVals, -heapq.heappop(valsSmaller))
while otherVals and otherVals[0] < r :
heapq.heappush(valsSmaller, -heapq.heappop(otherVals))
heapq.heappush(otherVals, r)
del valsSmaller
del otherVals
# NOTE: Calculating how many values are greater than, on the right
# O(n^2)
# Stores positives for MINHEAP
valsGreater = []
# Stores negatives for MAXHEAP
otherVals = []
for i, r in enumerate(reversed(rating)) :
while valsGreater and valsGreater[0] <= r :
heapq.heappush(otherVals, -heapq.heappop(valsGreater))
while otherVals and -otherVals[0] > r :
heapq.heappush(valsGreater, -heapq.heappop(otherVals))
heapq.heappush(otherVals, -r)
del valsGreater
del otherVals
# Iterating through the indices to calculate the final total
# O(n)
counter = 0
for i in range(1, len(rating) - 1) :
# Internal calculation to find the missing 2 values
# since if they're unique, then #total - #smaller = #greater
# Done here instead of above to save on space usage by half.
smallerLeft = countValsSmaller[i]
smallerRight = len(rating) - 1 - i - countValsGreater[i]
greaterLeft = i - countValsSmaller[i]
greaterRight = countValsGreater[i]
counter += smallerLeft * greaterRight + smallerRight * greaterLeft
return counter
class Solution:
def numTeams(self, rating: List[int]) -> int:
valsLessThan = [0] * len(rating)
valsGreaterThan = valsLessThan.copy()
count = 0
for right in range(len(rating)) :
for mid in range(right) :
# a < b < c case
if rating[mid] < rating[right] :
count += valsLessThan[mid]
valsLessThan[right] += 1
# a > b > c case since UNIQUE ratings only
else :
count += valsGreaterThan[mid]
valsGreaterThan[right] += 1
return count