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First completed : July 20, 2024
Last updated : July 20, 2024
Related Topics : Array, Greedy, Matrix
Acceptance Rate : 82.91 %
Not the most efficient but was the most straightforwards to type up. To improve, we could keep track of which row to start totaling from so we don't have to "tally" the rows that the rest will already be zero for.
Adjusted for this in Version 2.
class Solution:
def restoreMatrix(self, rowSum: List[int], colSum: List[int]) -> List[List[int]]:
output = [[rowSum[x]] + [0] * (len(colSum) - 1) for x in range(len(rowSum))]
for c in range(len(colSum) - 1) :
total = 0
indx = 0
while indx < len(rowSum) and total < colSum[c] :
total += output[indx][c]
indx += 1
indx -= 1
output[indx][c + 1] = total - colSum[c]
output[indx][c] -= output[indx][c + 1]
indx += 1
for i in range(indx, len(rowSum)) :
output[i][c + 1] = output[i][c]
output[i][c] = 0
return output
class Solution:
def restoreMatrix(self, rowSum: List[int], colSum: List[int]) -> List[List[int]]:
output = [[rowSum[x]] + [0] * (len(colSum) - 1) for x in range(len(rowSum))]
minRow = 0
for c in range(len(colSum) - 1) :
total = 0
indx = minRow
while indx < len(rowSum) and total < colSum[c] :
total += output[indx][c]
indx += 1
indx -= 1
minRow = indx
output[indx][c + 1] = total - colSum[c]
output[indx][c] -= output[indx][c + 1]
indx += 1
for i in range(indx, len(rowSum)) :
output[i][c + 1] = output[i][c]
output[i][c] = 0
return output