All prompts are owned by LeetCode. To view the prompt, click the title link above.
First completed : June 01, 2024
Last updated : July 01, 2024
Related Topics : Array, Hash Table, Counting
Acceptance Rate : 81.31 %
- m1940 Iterative Removed
- m1940 Iterative
- m1940 Weekly Premium subset
- m1940
- m1940
- m1940
# weekly premium question
''' Notes
I adjusted this from the original first success attempt to avoid the try-except block since
I thought maybe that could cause overhead and while it did "improve," it's changed from a
consistently above-average runtime (bad) to a inconsistently high-low ranging runtime. On average,
it *is* better... the first run I tried with it resulted in a top 95% lol. But idk. It's interesting.
class Solution:
def longestCommonSubsequence(self, arrays: List[List[int]]) -> List[int]:
output = []
pointers = [0] * len(arrays)
maxCurrent = arrays[0][pointers[0]]
pointerOfPointer = 1
counter = 1
while pointers[pointerOfPointer] < len(arrays[pointerOfPointer]) :
if arrays[pointerOfPointer][pointers[pointerOfPointer]] < maxCurrent :
pointers[pointerOfPointer] += 1
if arrays[pointerOfPointer][pointers[pointerOfPointer]] > maxCurrent :
maxCurrent = arrays[pointerOfPointer][pointers[pointerOfPointer]]
counter = 1
pointerOfPointer = (pointerOfPointer + 1) % len(pointers)
counter += 1
pointers[pointerOfPointer] += 1
pointerOfPointer = (pointerOfPointer + 1) % len(pointers)
if counter == len(pointers) :
counter = 0
return output
# weekly premium question
# Rank: 3
# Method iterates through O(m*n) where m=len(arrays) and n=max(len(array[i]))
class Solution:
def longestCommonSubsequence(self, arrays: List[List[int]]) -> List[int]:
output = []
pointers = [0] * len(arrays)
maxCurrent = arrays[0][pointers[0]]
pointerOfPointer = 1
counter = 1
try :
while True :
if arrays[pointerOfPointer][pointers[pointerOfPointer]] < maxCurrent :
pointers[pointerOfPointer] += 1
if arrays[pointerOfPointer][pointers[pointerOfPointer]] > maxCurrent :
maxCurrent = arrays[pointerOfPointer][pointers[pointerOfPointer]]
counter = 1
pointerOfPointer = (pointerOfPointer + 1) % len(pointers)
if counter == len(pointers) :
pointers = [i + 1 for i in pointers]
counter = 0
counter += 1
pointerOfPointer = (pointerOfPointer + 1) % len(pointers)
except IndexError :
return output
# weekly premium question
# Rank: 1
# Notably faster than the iterative approach, perhaps due to the O(1) set usage?
# I think this is O(n*m) where n is the total number of terms in all arrays summed
# and m is the max number of terms in a single subarray
# --> cost is due to the intersection being O(m) max case and done n-1 times
class Solution:
def longestCommonSubsequence(self, arrays: List[List[int]]) -> List[int]:
outputSet = set(arrays[0])
for arrayCase in arrays :
outputSet &= set(arrayCase)
return sorted(list(outputSet))
# weekly premium question
# Rank: 2
# Counts occurances of each number
# Since all values are STRICTLY increasing, repeats aren't present
# 2'd fastest it seems behind the subset method
class Solution:
def longestCommonSubsequence(self, arrays: List[List[int]]) -> List[int]:
counter = {}
for subArr in arrays :
for i in subArr :
counter[i] = counter.get(i, 0) + 1
return [x for x in counter.keys() if counter.get(x, 0) == len(arrays)]
// weekly premium question
// Interesting how for java, this solution with iterating is MUCH faster than the
// HashMap Counter method. But with Python, both the Counter and Set methods are
// MUCH faster than this iterative approach. I wonder why....
class Solution {
public List<Integer> longestCommonSubsequence(int[][] arrays) {
ArrayList<Integer> output = new ArrayList<>();
int[] pointers = new int[arrays.length];
int pointerForPointers = 0;
int counter = 0;
int currentMaxValue = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
while (arrays[pointerForPointers].length > pointers[pointerForPointers]) {
if (arrays[pointerForPointers][pointers[pointerForPointers]] < currentMaxValue) {
pointers[pointerForPointers] += 1;
// if (arrays[pointerForPointers][pointers[pointerForPointers]] > currentMaxValue) {
currentMaxValue = arrays[pointerForPointers][pointers[pointerForPointers]];
pointerForPointers = (pointerForPointers + 1) % pointers.length;
counter = 1;
// }
counter += 1;
pointers[pointerForPointers] += 1;
pointerForPointers = (pointerForPointers + 1) % pointers.length;
if (counter == pointers.length) {
currentMaxValue = arrays[pointerForPointers][pointers[pointerForPointers]];
counter = 0;
return output;
// weekly premium question
class Solution {
public List<Integer> longestCommonSubsequence(int[][] arrays) {
HashMap<Integer, Integer> counter = new HashMap<>();
for (int[] subArr: arrays){
for (int i: subArr) {
counter.put(i, counter.getOrDefault(i, 0) + 1);
ArrayList<Integer> output = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i: counter.keySet()) {
if (counter.getOrDefault(i, 0) == arrays.length) {
return output;