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First completed : July 27, 2024
Last updated : July 27, 2024
Related Topics : Array, String, Graph, Shortest Path
Acceptance Rate : 57.94 %
class Solution:
def minimumCost(self,
source: str,
target: str,
original: List[str],
changed: List[str],
cost: List[int]) -> int:
# Create mapping of each letter to their cheapest counterparts
conversions = [{} for _ in range(26)]
for o, n, c in zip(original, changed, cost) :
if o == n :
if (ord(n) - ord('a')) not in conversions[ord(o) - ord('a')] \
or conversions[ord(o) - ord('a')][ord(n) - ord('a')] > c :
conversions[ord(o) - ord('a')][ord(n) - ord('a')] = c
# Propogate from each point to find all reachable characters
# and calculate the min cost using Diskstras and a heap.
for i in range(26) :
# schema: (cost, target)
hp = [(c, x) for x, c in conversions[i].items()]
while hp :
c, x = heapq.heappop(hp)
if x not in conversions[i] or c <= conversions[i][x] :
conversions[i][x] = c
# from x to target at newCost
for tar, newCost in conversions[x].items() :
if tar not in conversions[i] \
or newCost + c <= conversions[i][tar] :
heapq.heappush(hp, (newCost + c, tar))
# Iterate through the starting string and use the previously
# computed path-cost mapping to calculate cost
tot_cost = 0
for o, c in zip(source, target) :
if o == c :
elif (ord(c) - ord('a')) not in conversions[ord(o) - ord('a')] :
return -1
else :
tot_cost += conversions[ord(o) - ord('a')].get(ord(c) - ord('a'))
return tot_cost