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86 lines (64 loc) · 2.66 KB

_3045. Count Prefix and Suffix Pairs

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86 lines (64 loc) · 2.66 KB

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First completed : June 29, 2024

Last updated : June 29, 2024

Related Topics : Array, String, Trie, Rolling Hash, String Matching, Hash Function

Acceptance Rate : 27.77 %



class Solution:
    def countPrefixSuffixPairs(self, words: List[str]) -> int:
        # Bidirectional as in from both sides of the string
        # key = (x, y) --> x = ith char from front
        #              --> y = ith char from end
        # Goes full length of string so the chars cross
        bidirectionalTrie = {}
        for i, word in enumerate(words) :
            curr = bidirectionalTrie
            for j in range(len(word)) :
                key = (word[j], word[len(word) - j - 1])
                if key not in curr :
                    curr[key] = {}
                curr = curr[key]

            if False not in curr :
                curr[False] = []

        # Finding if the current word works as a prefix/suffix
        # of any word
        counter = 0
        for i, word in enumerate(words) :
            curr = bidirectionalTrie

            for j in range(len(word)) :
                key = (word[j], word[len(word) - j - 1])
                if key not in curr :
                curr = curr[key]

            counter += self.validWords(curr, i)

        return counter

    def validWords(self, trie: dict, lowerBoundIndx: int) -> int :
        if not trie :
            return 0

        # lowerBoundIndx + 1 cause we don't want to match a
        # word with itself. Plus, if it was equal, bisect_left/right
        # would give us the leftmost or rightmost of its own value if
        # it exists. We want the indx of the first greater than it
        # so +1 bisect left will make it the next bigger no matter what
        output = 0
        if False in trie :
            indxSplit = bisect_left(trie[False], lowerBoundIndx + 1)
            if indxSplit < len(trie[False]) :
                output += len(trie[False]) - indxSplit

        for k, v in trie.items() :
            if k :
                output += self.validWords(v, lowerBoundIndx)

        return output