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First completed : August 13, 2024
Last updated : August 13, 2024
Related Topics : Array, Backtracking
Acceptance Rate : 57.25 %
class Solution:
def combinationSum2(self, candidates: List[int], target: int) -> List[List[int]]:
# sort since if we add an index and it's greater,
# then adding any index past that will also be greater
def helper(currTotal: int = 0,
currIndx: int = 0,
valsSoFar: List[int] = [],
output: List[int] = []) -> List[int] :
if currTotal == target :
return output
if currTotal > target :
return output
# Iterate through each next potential value till too big
while currIndx < len(candidates) and candidates[currIndx] + currTotal <= target :
# To avoid repeat combinations, jump past the group of same values
startIndx, endIndx = currIndx, currIndx
while endIndx < len(candidates) and candidates[endIndx] == candidates[startIndx] :
endIndx += 1
for i in range(startIndx, endIndx) :
if currTotal + candidates[currIndx] > target :
currTotal += candidates[currIndx]
helper(currTotal, endIndx, valsSoFar, output)
# Remove the values since we're using the same valsSoFar pointer
while valsSoFar and valsSoFar[-1] == candidates[currIndx] :
currTotal -= valsSoFar.pop()
currIndx = endIndx
return output
return helper()