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First completed : September 25, 2024
Last updated : September 25, 2024
Related Topics : Array, Hash Table, Sliding Window, Heap (Priority Queue)
Acceptance Rate : 38.66 %
- have a max heap for the left side - have a min heap for the right side - have the median stay in the middle - have a counter to keep track of how many of each term is present so we can pop as necessary to keep the numbers in line - have one of the actual values and one of the intended values
class Solution:
def medianSlidingWindow(self, nums: List[int], k: int) -> List[float]:
if k == 1 :
return nums.copy()
# Setting up the left and right half heaps
rightMinHeap = nums[:k - 1]
leftMaxHeap = []
for i in range((k - 1) // 2) :
heapq.heappush(leftMaxHeap, -heapq.heappop(rightMinHeap))
# Counters to track the values (1 for the combined two heaps; 1 for the window)
# This lets us know whether to pop the middle values
# intended = window counter
# current = heap counter
intended = Counter(nums[:k-1])
current = intended.copy()
output = []
# If even k value, we need to take averages
medianSharedByTwo = (k % 2 == 0)
# Loop
for i, v in enumerate(nums[k - 1:]) :
# add current val
if v > rightMinHeap[0] :
heapq.heappush(leftMaxHeap, -heapq.heappushpop(rightMinHeap, v))
else :
heapq.heappush(leftMaxHeap, -v)
# clean up any values that are no longer within the window
while leftMaxHeap and intended[-leftMaxHeap[0]] != current[-leftMaxHeap[0]] :
current[-leftMaxHeap[0]] -= 1
while rightMinHeap and intended[rightMinHeap[0]] != current[rightMinHeap[0]] :
current[rightMinHeap[0]] -= 1
# Add median
output.append(-leftMaxHeap[0] if not medianSharedByTwo else (-leftMaxHeap[0] + rightMinHeap[0]) / 2)
# Increase this value in our counters since we just added it
intended[v] += 1
current[v] += 1
# Remove the last/leftmost value aka the value that the window is leaving
remVal = nums[i]
# Remove from window counter
intended[remVal] -= 1
# Check cases
if remVal == -leftMaxHeap[0] : # If is left val, just remove it
current[remVal] -= 1
elif remVal == rightMinHeap[0] : # If is right val, remove it and shift
# the left peek value over to keep the
# left ready to add (keep it lighter by default)
heapq.heappush(rightMinHeap, -heapq.heappop(leftMaxHeap))
current[remVal] -= 1
elif remVal > rightMinHeap[0] : # If it's on the right half, balance it out by
# shifting a value but don't bother removing it
# properly since removal operations are expensive
heapq.heappush(rightMinHeap, -heapq.heappop(leftMaxHeap))
elif remVal < -leftMaxHeap[0] : # Ignore this case since it doesn't affect our
# heap balance
return output