650. 2 Keys Keyboard
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First completed : August 19, 2024
Last updated : August 19, 2024
Related Topics : Math, Dynamic Programming
Acceptance Rate : 59.63 %
Not that efficient but passed with AC. To improve runtime, can keep a cache or maxheap based off the currLen so far and return early if it's not a useful propogation.
class Solution:
def minSteps(self, n: int) -> int:
self.val = inf
def propogate(currLen: int = 1, copyLen: int = 0, steps: int = 0) -> None :
if currLen == n :
if self.val > steps :
self.val = steps
if currLen != copyLen and currLen + currLen <= n:
propogate(currLen, currLen, steps + 1)
if copyLen != 0 and copyLen + currLen <= n :
propogate(currLen + copyLen, copyLen, steps + 1)
return self.val