684. Redundant Connection
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First completed : January 29, 2025
Last updated : January 29, 2025
Related Topics : Depth-First Search, Breadth-First Search, Union Find, Graph
Acceptance Rate : 66.09 %
- Make edge set for each node
- Choose a random start node for traversal (default to
$1$ since nodes are labelled$1-n$ inclusive)- DFS from start
- If an end node is encountered, return None
- If a visited node is encountered, return the path from the first time visiting that node till the current
- Return the last edge pair in
where both$u$ and$v$ appear in the outputed cycle pathReasoning:
- If we have a connected graph with
$n$ edges, then there must be a SINGLE cycle- Removing any of those edges is valid
- Parameters dictate to give the last edge of the input edge list that fulfills the condition
class Solution:
def findRedundantConnection(self, edges: List[List[int]]) -> List[int]:
edges_n = defaultdict(set)
for u, v in edges :
# return nodes that are in the graph's cycle
def dfs_find_cycle_nodes(curr: int,
prev: int,
stk: List[int],
visited: Set[int],
edges: defaultdict) -> List[int] :
if curr in visited :
return stk[stk.index(curr):]
for nxt in edges[curr] :
if nxt == prev :
output = dfs_find_cycle_nodes(nxt, curr, stk, visited, edges)
if output :
return output
return None
cycle_edges = set(dfs_find_cycle_nodes(1, None, [], set(), edges_n))
for u, v in reversed(edges) :
if u in cycle_edges and v in cycle_edges :
return [u, v]
return None