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First completed : May 29, 2024
Last updated : July 04, 2024
Related Topics : Math
Acceptance Rate : 29.9 %
Thought Process 32-bit integer stored in 2s-comp 1000 -> -8 1110 -> -2 1111 -> -1 0000 -> 0 0001 -> 1 0010 -> 2 0011 -> 3 0100 -> 4 0101 -> 5 0110 -> 6 0111 -> 7 I feel like there's a way here but I can't find it. Or I might just be overthinking this tbh.
class Solution:
def reverse(self, x: int) -> int:
val = abs(x)
output = 0
while val > 0 :
output *= 10
output += val % 10
val = val // 10
if x < 0 :
output *= -1
if output > 2 ** 31 - 1 or output < 2 ** 31 * -1 :
return 0
return output